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Obama the Hypocrit


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“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.

“That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added.

Well, apparently some of us can, and those lucky few do call themselves “leaders”. The rest of us call them hypocrites as we fetch another sweater.

David Axelrod tried to treat all of us as if we’re supremely stupid as he sought to explain the picture of Obama without his suit jacket.

“He’s from Hawaii, O.K.?” said Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, David Axelrod, who occupies the small but strategically located office next door to his boss. “He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.”

I guess Obama and his 100.00 dollar a pound steaks and OUR High Temp. home is the change we needed. :blink:

Obama=Change we can see.....and it's business as usual.

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He's from Chicago. Cold. Windy. City. :campfire:

Pretty darn earth shattering stuff.


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