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Democrats of the board...


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Please defend the stimulus bill.

Because for all you guys have talked about "straight shooting" and not being sheep...I can't believe you all are just taking what the democrats are shoving down your throat.

Where is the Tax relief? Where is the housing relief?

What stimulus is in STD research, national endowment for the arts, or infastructure projects that wont start for 2 years?

Please, give an HONEST defense of the stimulus bill...or please don't be a hypocrite, and speak up in your disagreement of it.

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BG, what he is saying is he has no problem with virtually any of this because:

what some consider pork, others consider projects/initiatives that will stimulate the economy.

Here's a lengthy list of spending programs in the Senate bill.


$300 million for replacement, modernization, upgrades of agriculture labs and other facilities

$100 million in competitive grants for USDA research and education activities

$171 million in "Salaries and Expenses" for the Farm Service Agency

$400 million in farm owndership loans

$275 million for "Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations"

$120 million for "Watershed Rehabilitation Program"

$110 million for "Rural Development, Salaries and Expenses"

$11.4 billion for rural housing loans

$127 million for Rural Community Facilities Programs

$150 million for Rural Business loans and grants

$200 million in "Biorefinery Assistance"

$50 million in rural energy assistance

$1.375 billion for "Rural Water and Waste Disposal"

$200 million in "Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband"

$198 million in school lunch funding

$500 million for special WIC supplemental nutrition program

$150 million for "Commodity Assistance Program"

$200 million in farm disaster assistance funds

$28 million for emergency farm loans

$100 million in grants for "aquaculture producers" hit by high feed costs in 2008

Title II

$20 million for "Operations and Administration" of Bureau of Industry and Security

$150 million in "Economic Development Assistance Programs"

$1 billion for the 2010 Census

$9 billion for "Broadband Technology Opportunities Program" at NTIA

of that, $350 million to develop and maintain a "broadband inventory map"

$650 million for addition Digital-to-Analog Converter Box coupons

$218 million for Scientific and Technical Research and Services at NIST

$357 million for NIST "Construction of Research Facilities"

(From the Advancing Science, Serving Society" - The proposed stimulus appropriations combined with a regular

appropriation could leave NIST with a FY 2009 budget of $1.3 billion or higher, well above the $882 million authorized

for FY 2009 in the America COMPETES Act of 2007 and thus on a track to double over a decade.)

$427 million for "Operations, Research, and Facilities" at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

$795 million in NOAA "Procurement, Acquisition and Construction"

$34 million for NOAA "Departmental Management"

$200 million to develop a nationwide wireless network for federal law enforcement

$150 million for the Office of the Federal Detention Trustee - (OFDT) is an organization that achieves efficiencies,

effectiveness and operational synergies within the detention and incarceration community by fostering interagency

cooperation, mutual understanding, accountability and teamwork.

$50 million for Salaries and Expenses at the U.S. Marshal's Service

$125 milion for Department of Justice "Construction"

$75 million for Salaries and Expenses at the FBI

$400 million for FBI "Construction"

$1 billion for buildings and facilities in the Federal Prison System

$300 million for grants to combat violence against women

$1.5 billion for Byrne grants

$440 million in State and Local law enforcement grants

$100 million in State and Local grants for anti-narcotics work

$300 million in law enforcement assistance to Indian tribes

$100 million in grants for the Office for Victims of Crime

$150 million for rural law enforcement

$50 million in aid to combat Internet Crimes Against Children

$1 billion for the COPS program (hiring new police officers)

$500 million for NASA "Science"

$250 million for NASA "Aeronautics"

$500 million for NASA "Exploration"

$250 million for NASA HQ and NASA's nine field centers

$1.2 billion for National Science Foundation "Research and Related Activities"

$150 million for NSF "Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction"

$50 million in NSF "Education and Human Resources"

$1.16 billion for Army Operation and Maintenance

$571 million for Navy Operation and Maintenance

$112 million for Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance

$927 million for Air Force Operation and Maintenance

$79.5 million for Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$44.5 million for Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$32.3 million for Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$10.6 million for Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$215 million for Army National Guard Operation and Maintenance

$20.9 million for Air National Guard Operation and Maintenance

$100 million for "Defense Production Act Purchases"

$200 million for "Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide"

$250 million for "Defense Health Program" for Operation and Maintenance

$2 billion for Army Corps of Engineers water projects

$500 million for Mississippi River and Tributaries projects

$1.9 billion for Army Corps operations and maintenance

$100 million for cleanup at early atomic energy sites

$50 million for Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies

$1.4 billion for water projects for Indian tribes

$50 million for the Central Utah Project Completion Act (102-575)

$50 million for the California Bay-Delta Restoration Act (108-361)

$60 million for rural water projects

$10 million to inspect canals in urban areas

$110 million for water reclamation and re-use projects

$2.1 billion for "Energy Efficiency and Conservation" grants to states

$2.1 billion on energy efficiency in government buildings

$2 billion for grants to advanced battery manufacturers

$4.5 billion for "Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability"

$4.6 billion for "Fossil Energy Research and Development"

$483 million for "Non-Defense Environmental Cleanup"

$390 million for "Uranium Enrichment and Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund"

$430 million for "Science" within the Energy Department

$1 billion for Atomic Energy Defense Activities

$5.5 billion for "Defense Environmental Cleanup"

$250 million for Community Development Financial Institutions in the Treasury Dept

$125 million for a federal payment to the Washington, D.C. Water and Sewer Authority

$9 billion for the "Federal Buildings Fund"

$6 billion of that money is for "High Performance Green Buildings"

$600 million to buy high fuel economy vehicles for the federal government

$84 million for salaries and expenses at the Small Business Administration

$248 million for security in the new headquarters of the Department of Homeland Security

$100 million for new port security inspection systems

$97 million to buy new tactical communications equipment

$200 million for security technology on the Mexican border

$800 million for construction of land border posts

$27.8 million for new radio eqiupment for US Immigration agents

$1.2 billion for Aviation Security

$572 million for Coast Guard construction and navigation facilities

$240 million for "Alteration of Bridges"

$100 million in Transportation security grants

$100 million for port security grants

$250 million for emergency operations centers

$500 million to upgrade critical infrastructure

$500 million for upgrades or new fire stations ($15 mill max)

$100 million for emergency food and shelter programs

$15 million for upgrades to FLETC facilities

$14 million for cyber security research

$135 million for Bureau of Land Management

$180 million for BLM Construction

$15 million for Wildland Fire Management

$190 million for Resource Management at Fish and Wildlife Service

$110 million for FWS Construction

$158 million for operations of the National Park System

$55 million for Historic Preservation in Park System

$589 million for NPS Construction

$135 million for US Geological Survey work

$40 million for Bureau of Indian Affairs programs

$522 million for BIA Construction

$800 million for EPA Superfund

$200 million for Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund

$6.4 billion in Clean Water grants

$650 million for Capital improvements at the Forest Service

$650 million for Wildland Fire Management

$50 million for Indian health services

$85 milion for health information technology in Indian health

$410 million for Indian health facilities

$150 million for facilities at the Smithsonian

$3.25 billion for training and employment services, Dept of Labor

$400 million for state unemployment insurance operations

$160 million for building work, Office of Job Corps

$1 billion for construction, renovation of health centers

$412 million for Centers for Disease Control facilities work

$300 million for "National Center for Research Resources" - FY 2009 budget was 1.16 billion

$2.7 billion to Office of the Director of National Institutes for Health

$500 million for buildings and facilities at NIH, Bethesda, Md.

$700 million for health care research and quality

$2 billion for child care grants to states

$400 million in social services block grants

$1 billion for Children and Families Services Programs

$1.1 billion to expand Early Head Start programs

$100 million in Aging nutrition services

$5 billion for Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology - in 2007, this office received 42

million dollars

$5.8 billion in Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund

of that - $400 million for screening and prevention of STD's, including HIV

$870 million for flu vaccine development and purchase

$13 billion for education grants

$17 billion in "School Improvement Programs"

$13.5 billion for "Special Education"

$13.8 billion for Pell Grants and other student financial assistance

$3.5 billion for Higher Education Facilities

$750 million for replacing the National Computer Center for Social Security

$140 million for Social Security IT to facilitate electronic medical records

$200 million for GAO Salaries and Expenses

$637 million for Army Military Construction

$990 million for Navy and Marine Corps construction - half of that money goes to energy conservation and alternative energy projects

$87 million for Air Force construction projects

$118 million for military energy conservation projects

$150 million for Army NationalGuard readiness centers

$110 million for Air National Guard construction projects

$34 million for construction of Army family housing

$80 million for construction of Air Force family housing

$1.04 billion for VA Medical facilities

$323 million for VA energy efficiency initiatives

$64 million for National Cemetery Administration

$195 million for VA information technology systems

$1.1 billion for VA hospital and national cemetery construction

$860 million for VA health care "minor construction"

$257 million for VA nursing home grants to states

$60 million for Cemeterial Expenses - Army

$75 million for a consolidated diplomatic security training facility

$120 million for a State Department backup information management facility

$5.5 billion in grants for surface transportation infrastructure

$200 million for FAA air traffic infrastructure

$1.1 billion in supplementary airport grants

$27 billion in "Supplemental Grants for Highway Investment"

$250 million in grants for intercity passenger rail service

$850 million in capital projects for passenger rail service

$2 billion for high speed rail corridor program

$8.4 billion in grants for public transit investment

$100 million in grants to "small shipyards"

$510 million in Native American Housing Block Grants

$5 billion in "Public Housing Capital Fund"

$2.25 billion for the redevelopment of abandoned and foreclosed homes

$2.25 billion in "Home Investment Partnership Program"

$1.5 billion for "Homelessness Prevention Fund"

$3.5 billion in Green retrofit efforts in federally assisted housing

$79 billion in stabilization funds to states for education


what some consider pork, others consider projects/initiatives that will stimulate the economy.

The dims won and they will decide what is pork and what is not.

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So basically you can explain away ANY SPENDING as being stimulus? But you hammer Bush for the spending he did?

That's about as two faced as you can get.

Come on guys. If there's bad pork in there, have some integrity and be willing to call it out. Don't just blindly bend over because the bill came from a democrat. That's turning your back on the stuff you've been spewing for the last 4-5 years.

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So basically you can explain away ANY SPENDING as being stimulus? But you hammer Bush for the spending he did?

That's about as two faced as you can get.

Come on guys. If there's bad pork in there, have some integrity and be willing to call it out. Don't just blindly bend over because the bill came from a democrat. That's turning your back on the stuff you've been spewing for the last 4-5 years.

"Yeah, but it's OUR pork now."

They can't explain away ANY spending as stimulus....otherwise they wouldn't have been shrieking like scalded dragqueen banshees over the Iraq Al Qaeda/psychopath dictator-stomping campaign.

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Read the list again; and think about how many of those are worth paying back for the rest of your life, and your child's life, and your grandchild's life, and your great grandchild's life...

Here's a lengthy list of spending programs in the Senate bill.

$300 million for replacement, modernization, upgrades of agriculture labs and other facilities

$100 million in competitive grants for USDA research and education activities

$171 million in "Salaries and Expenses" for the Farm Service Agency

$400 million in farm owndership loans

$275 million for "Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations"

$120 million for "Watershed Rehabilitation Program"

$110 million for "Rural Development, Salaries and Expenses"

$11.4 billion for rural housing loans

$127 million for Rural Community Facilities Programs

$150 million for Rural Business loans and grants

$200 million in "Biorefinery Assistance"

$50 million in rural energy assistance

$1.375 billion for "Rural Water and Waste Disposal"

$200 million in "Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband"

$198 million in school lunch funding

$500 million for special WIC supplemental nutrition program

$150 million for "Commodity Assistance Program"

$200 million in farm disaster assistance funds

$28 million for emergency farm loans

$100 million in grants for "aquaculture producers" hit by high feed costs in 2008

Title II

$20 million for "Operations and Administration" of Bureau of Industry and Security

$150 million in "Economic Development Assistance Programs"

$1 billion for the 2010 Census

$9 billion for "Broadband Technology Opportunities Program" at NTIA

of that, $350 million to develop and maintain a "broadband inventory map"

$650 million for addition Digital-to-Analog Converter Box coupons

$218 million for Scientific and Technical Research and Services at NIST

$357 million for NIST "Construction of Research Facilities"

(From the Advancing Science, Serving Society" - The proposed stimulus appropriations combined with a regular

appropriation could leave NIST with a FY 2009 budget of $1.3 billion or higher, well above the $882 million authorized

for FY 2009 in the America COMPETES Act of 2007 and thus on a track to double over a decade.)

$427 million for "Operations, Research, and Facilities" at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

$795 million in NOAA "Procurement, Acquisition and Construction"

$34 million for NOAA "Departmental Management"

$200 million to develop a nationwide wireless network for federal law enforcement

$150 million for the Office of the Federal Detention Trustee - (OFDT) is an organization that achieves efficiencies,

effectiveness and operational synergies within the detention and incarceration community by fostering interagency

cooperation, mutual understanding, accountability and teamwork.

$50 million for Salaries and Expenses at the U.S. Marshal's Service

$125 milion for Department of Justice "Construction"

$75 million for Salaries and Expenses at the FBI

$400 million for FBI "Construction"

$1 billion for buildings and facilities in the Federal Prison System

$300 million for grants to combat violence against women

$1.5 billion for Byrne grants

$440 million in State and Local law enforcement grants

$100 million in State and Local grants for anti-narcotics work

$300 million in law enforcement assistance to Indian tribes

$100 million in grants for the Office for Victims of Crime

$150 million for rural law enforcement

$50 million in aid to combat Internet Crimes Against Children

$1 billion for the COPS program (hiring new police officers)

$500 million for NASA "Science"

$250 million for NASA "Aeronautics"

$500 million for NASA "Exploration"

$250 million for NASA HQ and NASA's nine field centers

$1.2 billion for National Science Foundation "Research and Related Activities"

$150 million for NSF "Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction"

$50 million in NSF "Education and Human Resources"

$1.16 billion for Army Operation and Maintenance

$571 million for Navy Operation and Maintenance

$112 million for Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance

$927 million for Air Force Operation and Maintenance

$79.5 million for Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$44.5 million for Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$32.3 million for Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$10.6 million for Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$215 million for Army National Guard Operation and Maintenance

$20.9 million for Air National Guard Operation and Maintenance

$100 million for "Defense Production Act Purchases"

$200 million for "Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide"

$250 million for "Defense Health Program" for Operation and Maintenance

$2 billion for Army Corps of Engineers water projects

$500 million for Mississippi River and Tributaries projects

$1.9 billion for Army Corps operations and maintenance

$100 million for cleanup at early atomic energy sites

$50 million for Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies

$1.4 billion for water projects for Indian tribes

$50 million for the Central Utah Project Completion Act (102-575)

$50 million for the California Bay-Delta Restoration Act (108-361)

$60 million for rural water projects

$10 million to inspect canals in urban areas

$110 million for water reclamation and re-use projects

$2.1 billion for "Energy Efficiency and Conservation" grants to states

$2.1 billion on energy efficiency in government buildings

$2 billion for grants to advanced battery manufacturers

$4.5 billion for "Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability"

$4.6 billion for "Fossil Energy Research and Development"

$483 million for "Non-Defense Environmental Cleanup"

$390 million for "Uranium Enrichment and Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund"

$430 million for "Science" within the Energy Department

$1 billion for Atomic Energy Defense Activities

$5.5 billion for "Defense Environmental Cleanup"

$250 million for Community Development Financial Institutions in the Treasury Dept

$125 million for a federal payment to the Washington, D.C. Water and Sewer Authority

$9 billion for the "Federal Buildings Fund"

$6 billion of that money is for "High Performance Green Buildings"

$600 million to buy high fuel economy vehicles for the federal government

$84 million for salaries and expenses at the Small Business Administration

$248 million for security in the new headquarters of the Department of Homeland Security

$100 million for new port security inspection systems

$97 million to buy new tactical communications equipment

$200 million for security technology on the Mexican border

$800 million for construction of land border posts

$27.8 million for new radio eqiupment for US Immigration agents

$1.2 billion for Aviation Security

$572 million for Coast Guard construction and navigation facilities

$240 million for "Alteration of Bridges"

$100 million in Transportation security grants

$100 million for port security grants

$250 million for emergency operations centers

$500 million to upgrade critical infrastructure

$500 million for upgrades or new fire stations ($15 mill max)

$100 million for emergency food and shelter programs

$15 million for upgrades to FLETC facilities

$14 million for cyber security research

$135 million for Bureau of Land Management

$180 million for BLM Construction

$15 million for Wildland Fire Management

$190 million for Resource Management at Fish and Wildlife Service

$110 million for FWS Construction

$158 million for operations of the National Park System

$55 million for Historic Preservation in Park System

$589 million for NPS Construction

$135 million for US Geological Survey work

$40 million for Bureau of Indian Affairs programs

$522 million for BIA Construction

$800 million for EPA Superfund

$200 million for Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund

$6.4 billion in Clean Water grants

$650 million for Capital improvements at the Forest Service

$650 million for Wildland Fire Management

$50 million for Indian health services

$85 milion for health information technology in Indian health

$410 million for Indian health facilities

$150 million for facilities at the Smithsonian

$3.25 billion for training and employment services, Dept of Labor

$400 million for state unemployment insurance operations

$160 million for building work, Office of Job Corps

$1 billion for construction, renovation of health centers

$412 million for Centers for Disease Control facilities work

$300 million for "National Center for Research Resources" - FY 2009 budget was 1.16 billion

$2.7 billion to Office of the Director of National Institutes for Health

$500 million for buildings and facilities at NIH, Bethesda, Md.

$700 million for health care research and quality

$2 billion for child care grants to states

$400 million in social services block grants

$1 billion for Children and Families Services Programs

$1.1 billion to expand Early Head Start programs

$100 million in Aging nutrition services

$5 billion for Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology - in 2007, this office received 42

million dollars

$5.8 billion in Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund

of that - $400 million for screening and prevention of STD's, including HIV

$870 million for flu vaccine development and purchase

$13 billion for education grants

$17 billion in "School Improvement Programs"

$13.5 billion for "Special Education"

$13.8 billion for Pell Grants and other student financial assistance

$3.5 billion for Higher Education Facilities

$750 million for replacing the National Computer Center for Social Security

$140 million for Social Security IT to facilitate electronic medical records

$200 million for GAO Salaries and Expenses

$637 million for Army Military Construction

$990 million for Navy and Marine Corps construction - half of that money goes to energy conservation and alternative energy projects

$87 million for Air Force construction projects

$118 million for military energy conservation projects

$150 million for Army NationalGuard readiness centers

$110 million for Air National Guard construction projects

$34 million for construction of Army family housing

$80 million for construction of Air Force family housing

$1.04 billion for VA Medical facilities

$323 million for VA energy efficiency initiatives

$64 million for National Cemetery Administration

$195 million for VA information technology systems

$1.1 billion for VA hospital and national cemetery construction

$860 million for VA health care "minor construction"

$257 million for VA nursing home grants to states

$60 million for Cemeterial Expenses - Army

$75 million for a consolidated diplomatic security training facility

$120 million for a State Department backup information management facility

$5.5 billion in grants for surface transportation infrastructure

$200 million for FAA air traffic infrastructure

$1.1 billion in supplementary airport grants

$27 billion in "Supplemental Grants for Highway Investment"

$250 million in grants for intercity passenger rail service

$850 million in capital projects for passenger rail service

$2 billion for high speed rail corridor program

$8.4 billion in grants for public transit investment

$100 million in grants to "small shipyards"

$510 million in Native American Housing Block Grants

$5 billion in "Public Housing Capital Fund"

$2.25 billion for the redevelopment of abandoned and foreclosed homes

$2.25 billion in "Home Investment Partnership Program"

$1.5 billion for "Homelessness Prevention Fund"

$3.5 billion in Green retrofit efforts in federally assisted housing

$79 billion in stabilization funds to states for education

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They already have...but your party leaders won't let them in on it. Don't feed that crap to us. NOT ONE SINGLE GOP MEMBER was given a chance to have input during the "creation" of this bill!!!!!!!

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"Here's our plan. It's loaded with excess crap. The exact same sort of excess crap we castigated the other party for. But unless you propose something different, you can't criticize our plan for being bloated."

Yeah, that makes sense.

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Do they really want to stimulate the economy and make things a little better for "the little people"? Cut all income tax, state and federal, for everyone making less than $100,000. How much money would that put in the hands of people who could use it?

Eliminate sales tax on all grocery items. Give people a little break at the grocery check out.

Tell congress that since they like/enjoy spending everyone's money so much that for the next eight years they (congress) will have their entire salaries retained by the federal govt. and congress members will instead only receive minimum wage. Further any member of the HOR or senate who has received preferential treatment from a mortgage company in the past 16 years shall be immediately kicked out of the congress or senate. They will then be stripped naked and banished into the winter streets of Washington D.C.

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"Here's our plan. It's loaded with excess crap. The exact same sort of excess crap we castigated the other party for. But unless you propose something different, you can't criticize our plan for being bloated."

Yeah, that makes sense.

"Oh and by the way, we aren't going to let you have any input, nor are we going to allow a debate for longer than an hour."

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Come on arnaldoabru, you can say it...it will be therapeutic. Say it after me:


That wasn't so bad, was it. You guys ought to at least be able to admit that everything about your party is not perfect.

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Good luck with that, Dr. Tom. Elites never look in the mirror without sun glasses on. ;)

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Do they really want to stimulate the economy and make things a little better for "the little people"? Cut all income tax, state and federal, for everyone making less than $100,000. How much money would that put in the hands of people who could use it?

Eliminate sales tax on all grocery items. Give people a little break at the grocery check out.

Tell congress that since they like/enjoy spending everyone's money so much that for the next eight years they (congress) will have their entire salaries retained by the federal govt. and congress members will instead only receive minimum wage. Further any member of the HOR or senate who has received preferential treatment from a mortgage company in the past 16 years shall be immediately kicked out of the congress or senate. They will then be stripped naked and banished into the winter streets of Washington D.C.

I bolded the part I agree with. :)

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Good luck with that, Dr. Tom. Elites never look in the mirror without sun glasses on. ;)

Still waitin on that plan.

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Good luck with that, Dr. Tom. Elites never look in the mirror without sun glasses on. ;)

Still waitin on that plan.

You know there has been a planned proposed, yet you ignore it.


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BG, what he is saying is he has no problem with virtually any of this because:

what some consider pork, others consider projects/initiatives that will stimulate the economy.

Here's a lengthy list of spending programs in the Senate bill.


$300 million for replacement, modernization, upgrades of agriculture labs and other facilities

$100 million in competitive grants for USDA research and education activities

$171 million in "Salaries and Expenses" for the Farm Service Agency

$400 million in farm owndership loans

$275 million for "Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations"

$120 million for "Watershed Rehabilitation Program"

$110 million for "Rural Development, Salaries and Expenses"

$11.4 billion for rural housing loans

$127 million for Rural Community Facilities Programs

$150 million for Rural Business loans and grants

$200 million in "Biorefinery Assistance"

$50 million in rural energy assistance

$1.375 billion for "Rural Water and Waste Disposal"

$200 million in "Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband"

$198 million in school lunch funding

$500 million for special WIC supplemental nutrition program

$150 million for "Commodity Assistance Program"

$200 million in farm disaster assistance funds

$28 million for emergency farm loans

$100 million in grants for "aquaculture producers" hit by high feed costs in 2008

Title II

$20 million for "Operations and Administration" of Bureau of Industry and Security

$150 million in "Economic Development Assistance Programs"

$1 billion for the 2010 Census

$9 billion for "Broadband Technology Opportunities Program" at NTIA

of that, $350 million to develop and maintain a "broadband inventory map"

$650 million for addition Digital-to-Analog Converter Box coupons

$218 million for Scientific and Technical Research and Services at NIST

$357 million for NIST "Construction of Research Facilities"

(From the Advancing Science, Serving Society" - The proposed stimulus appropriations combined with a regular

appropriation could leave NIST with a FY 2009 budget of $1.3 billion or higher, well above the $882 million authorized

for FY 2009 in the America COMPETES Act of 2007 and thus on a track to double over a decade.)

$427 million for "Operations, Research, and Facilities" at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

$795 million in NOAA "Procurement, Acquisition and Construction"

$34 million for NOAA "Departmental Management"

$200 million to develop a nationwide wireless network for federal law enforcement

$150 million for the Office of the Federal Detention Trustee - (OFDT) is an organization that achieves efficiencies,

effectiveness and operational synergies within the detention and incarceration community by fostering interagency

cooperation, mutual understanding, accountability and teamwork.

$50 million for Salaries and Expenses at the U.S. Marshal's Service

$125 milion for Department of Justice "Construction"

$75 million for Salaries and Expenses at the FBI

$400 million for FBI "Construction"

$1 billion for buildings and facilities in the Federal Prison System

$300 million for grants to combat violence against women

$1.5 billion for Byrne grants

$440 million in State and Local law enforcement grants

$100 million in State and Local grants for anti-narcotics work

$300 million in law enforcement assistance to Indian tribes

$100 million in grants for the Office for Victims of Crime

$150 million for rural law enforcement

$50 million in aid to combat Internet Crimes Against Children

$1 billion for the COPS program (hiring new police officers)

$500 million for NASA "Science"

$250 million for NASA "Aeronautics"

$500 million for NASA "Exploration"

$250 million for NASA HQ and NASA's nine field centers

$1.2 billion for National Science Foundation "Research and Related Activities"

$150 million for NSF "Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction"

$50 million in NSF "Education and Human Resources"

$1.16 billion for Army Operation and Maintenance

$571 million for Navy Operation and Maintenance

$112 million for Marine Corps Operation and Maintenance

$927 million for Air Force Operation and Maintenance

$79.5 million for Army Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$44.5 million for Navy Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$32.3 million for Marine Corps Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$10.6 million for Air Force Reserve Operation and Maintenance

$215 million for Army National Guard Operation and Maintenance

$20.9 million for Air National Guard Operation and Maintenance

$100 million for "Defense Production Act Purchases"

$200 million for "Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide"

$250 million for "Defense Health Program" for Operation and Maintenance

$2 billion for Army Corps of Engineers water projects

$500 million for Mississippi River and Tributaries projects

$1.9 billion for Army Corps operations and maintenance

$100 million for cleanup at early atomic energy sites

$50 million for Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies

$1.4 billion for water projects for Indian tribes

$50 million for the Central Utah Project Completion Act (102-575)

$50 million for the California Bay-Delta Restoration Act (108-361)

$60 million for rural water projects

$10 million to inspect canals in urban areas

$110 million for water reclamation and re-use projects

$2.1 billion for "Energy Efficiency and Conservation" grants to states

$2.1 billion on energy efficiency in government buildings

$2 billion for grants to advanced battery manufacturers

$4.5 billion for "Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability"

$4.6 billion for "Fossil Energy Research and Development"

$483 million for "Non-Defense Environmental Cleanup"

$390 million for "Uranium Enrichment and Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund"

$430 million for "Science" within the Energy Department

$1 billion for Atomic Energy Defense Activities

$5.5 billion for "Defense Environmental Cleanup"

$250 million for Community Development Financial Institutions in the Treasury Dept

$125 million for a federal payment to the Washington, D.C. Water and Sewer Authority

$9 billion for the "Federal Buildings Fund"

$6 billion of that money is for "High Performance Green Buildings"

$600 million to buy high fuel economy vehicles for the federal government

$84 million for salaries and expenses at the Small Business Administration

$248 million for security in the new headquarters of the Department of Homeland Security

$100 million for new port security inspection systems

$97 million to buy new tactical communications equipment

$200 million for security technology on the Mexican border

$800 million for construction of land border posts

$27.8 million for new radio eqiupment for US Immigration agents

$1.2 billion for Aviation Security

$572 million for Coast Guard construction and navigation facilities

$240 million for "Alteration of Bridges"

$100 million in Transportation security grants

$100 million for port security grants

$250 million for emergency operations centers

$500 million to upgrade critical infrastructure

$500 million for upgrades or new fire stations ($15 mill max)

$100 million for emergency food and shelter programs

$15 million for upgrades to FLETC facilities

$14 million for cyber security research

$135 million for Bureau of Land Management

$180 million for BLM Construction

$15 million for Wildland Fire Management

$190 million for Resource Management at Fish and Wildlife Service

$110 million for FWS Construction

$158 million for operations of the National Park System

$55 million for Historic Preservation in Park System

$589 million for NPS Construction

$135 million for US Geological Survey work

$40 million for Bureau of Indian Affairs programs

$522 million for BIA Construction

$800 million for EPA Superfund

$200 million for Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund

$6.4 billion in Clean Water grants

$650 million for Capital improvements at the Forest Service

$650 million for Wildland Fire Management

$50 million for Indian health services

$85 milion for health information technology in Indian health

$410 million for Indian health facilities

$150 million for facilities at the Smithsonian

$3.25 billion for training and employment services, Dept of Labor

$400 million for state unemployment insurance operations

$160 million for building work, Office of Job Corps

$1 billion for construction, renovation of health centers

$412 million for Centers for Disease Control facilities work

$300 million for "National Center for Research Resources" - FY 2009 budget was 1.16 billion

$2.7 billion to Office of the Director of National Institutes for Health

$500 million for buildings and facilities at NIH, Bethesda, Md.

$700 million for health care research and quality

$2 billion for child care grants to states

$400 million in social services block grants

$1 billion for Children and Families Services Programs

$1.1 billion to expand Early Head Start programs

$100 million in Aging nutrition services

$5 billion for Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology - in 2007, this office received 42

million dollars

$5.8 billion in Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund

of that - $400 million for screening and prevention of STD's, including HIV

$870 million for flu vaccine development and purchase

$13 billion for education grants

$17 billion in "School Improvement Programs"

$13.5 billion for "Special Education"

$13.8 billion for Pell Grants and other student financial assistance

$3.5 billion for Higher Education Facilities

$750 million for replacing the National Computer Center for Social Security

$140 million for Social Security IT to facilitate electronic medical records

$200 million for GAO Salaries and Expenses

$637 million for Army Military Construction

$990 million for Navy and Marine Corps construction - half of that money goes to energy conservation and alternative energy projects

$87 million for Air Force construction projects

$118 million for military energy conservation projects

$150 million for Army NationalGuard readiness centers

$110 million for Air National Guard construction projects

$34 million for construction of Army family housing

$80 million for construction of Air Force family housing

$1.04 billion for VA Medical facilities

$323 million for VA energy efficiency initiatives

$64 million for National Cemetery Administration

$195 million for VA information technology systems

$1.1 billion for VA hospital and national cemetery construction

$860 million for VA health care "minor construction"

$257 million for VA nursing home grants to states

$60 million for Cemeterial Expenses - Army

$75 million for a consolidated diplomatic security training facility

$120 million for a State Department backup information management facility

$5.5 billion in grants for surface transportation infrastructure

$200 million for FAA air traffic infrastructure

$1.1 billion in supplementary airport grants

$27 billion in "Supplemental Grants for Highway Investment"

$250 million in grants for intercity passenger rail service

$850 million in capital projects for passenger rail service

$2 billion for high speed rail corridor program

$8.4 billion in grants for public transit investment

$100 million in grants to "small shipyards"

$510 million in Native American Housing Block Grants

$5 billion in "Public Housing Capital Fund"

$2.25 billion for the redevelopment of abandoned and foreclosed homes

$2.25 billion in "Home Investment Partnership Program"

$1.5 billion for "Homelessness Prevention Fund"

$3.5 billion in Green retrofit efforts in federally assisted housing

$79 billion in stabilization funds to states for education


what some consider pork, others consider projects/initiatives that will stimulate the economy.

The dims won and they will decide what is pork and what is not.

Great job w/ display TM.........Hey RIR, can you think of any reason this needs to pass? Cut taxes, works everytime it's tried.

Unless there is a greater agenda.

Up is down, down is up! All animals are equal, some just more equal than others. (animal farm) 1984 (big brother is watching)

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