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President Obama's Editorial


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I can't take this guy seriously anymore. Editorials????? COME ON!!!!

He's lost in the woods. You can spin it all you want, but he isn't the brightest star afterall. I would rather have Hillary up there than this mess. He and his administration can't even pick a cabinet member without it backfiring on him.

He has no clue. This bill is terrible, and it needs re-written. Being President isn't something to wing. He's trying to wing it, and we are going to pay the price for it.

Unreal. :no:

Some of you make me laugh...not only are you still defending the failed policies and ideologies that got us in this mess....you are advocating that we implement them again! Talk about unreal.

I mean, every decade or so we have to come in and clean up the disaster the GOP has created. While the scale of this one is greater than some of previous ones, the story is the same. So just sit back and watch a Democratic administration bring us out of this recession.

Show me whan that has EVER happended???? Fools are those who refuse to listen to others and make sound judgement based on a consensus and a interaction of mutliple veiwpoints.

This reply by Sen. Grahm says it best:

President Obama has been "AWOL" in negotiations over the economic stimulus package, Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday in a scathing rebuke of the new president.

The South Carolina Republican told FOX News that Obama has not been providing leadership, and he criticized the president for giving TV interviews and writing an editorial touting the package, rather than addressing the complaints of lawmakers.

"This process stinks," Graham told FOX News, before repeating a lot of his criticisms on the Senate floor. "We're making this up as we go and it is a waste of money. It is a broken process, and the president, as far as I'm concerned, has been AWOL on providing leadership on something as important as this."

Republican senators and congressmen have been reluctant to direct any criticism at the president since his inauguration. They mostly have fired shots at Democratic leaders in the House and Senate, saying they have obstructed the bipartisan process Obama sought.

But Graham broke that practice after Obama granted a round of interviews defending his plan Tuesday and wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post Thursday in which he warned of disastrous consequences if Congress does not pass the stimulus bill.

"Scaring people is not leadership. Writing an editorial that if you don't pass this bad bill we're going to have disaster -- we've had enough presidents trying to scare people to make bad decisions," Graham said.

"I like President Obama, but he is not leading. Having lunch is not leading ... and doing TV interviews is not leading."

Obama renewed his plea for the bill at the Energy Department Thursday, shortly after Graham spoke.

"The time for talk is over. The time for action is now," Obama said.

Obama, in his op-ed, wrote that inaction could lead the economy into an irreversible decline.

"Because each day we wait to begin the work of turning our economy around, more people lose their jobs, their savings and their homes," he wrote. "And if nothing is done, this recession might linger for years. Our economy will lose 5 million more jobs. Unemployment will approach double digits. Our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse."

It just makes no sense for the GOP to stand up and say "we know the way -- follow us", when they are the ones who led is into the ditch. It's not even laughable any more, it's borderline pathetic. And to listen to all of you defend this nonsense or better yet, become the chorus to their mantra, is past the point of old.

Bottom line: the economic agenda and policies the GOP advocated for and implemented during the 2000s failed the country. Voters resoundingly responded in '06 and '08 by beginning to purge these losers from office. And yet, even after all that, the remaining remnants want to sactimonilously lecture us on "what's worked the past" -- give me a break.

Obama setting up strawmen and rr jumping on the bandwagon with ad hominem attacks.

Nothing new here.

Lindsay Graham may be a straw man.

It just makes no sense for the GOP to stand up and say "we know the way -- follow us", when they are the ones who led is into the ditch. It's not even laughable any more, it's borderline pathetic. And to listen to all of you defend this nonsense or better yet, become the chorus to their mantra, is past the point of old.

Bottom line: the economic agenda and policies the GOP advocated for and implemented during the 2000s failed the country. Voters resoundingly responded in '06 and '08 by beginning to purge these losers from office. And yet, even after all that, the remaining remnants want to sactimonilously lecture us on "what's worked the past" -- give me a break.

After Dodd and Frank's involvement in the FMAE/FMAC, along with a host of dims, you want to claim republicans ran us into the ditch. Just because the Kenyan Jesus was elected, it doesn't mean history is different.

The republicans should have forced a more conservative agenda. But it wasn't their policies that led to the eventual collapse of the loan industry. That falls squarely on dim shoulders.

And it's not about what's worked in the past. It's about what has not. See Carter years.

You guys sit around in a damn circle jerk over every word the ONE speaks.

Oh hush CCT. Who is the party who advocated for deruglation and "free markets"? Who is the party who enacted a tax code geared toward the top 1% with the promise that prosperity would trickle down on every one else? Who is the party who refused to make long-term investments in energy independence and health care? Who is the party that addressed every problem we faced with two words "tax cuts"? Who is the party who ran up record deficits? Who is the party who spent 1 Trillion (that's Trillion, with a "T") on an optional war?

I repeat again, the policies advocated for and implemented during the last 8 years have not worked. Not only have they not worked, they have failed us in so many ways. So the GOP does not get to pass go, they do not get to collect $200, and they certainly do not get to lecture us/deflect blame by throwing out the "Dodd, Frank, Fannie, Freddie, Jimmy Carter" stale talking points. They need to sit down, shut up and get on board or get out of the way.


There's nothing "fair and balanced" with the rhetoric here. The Dems created this, many GOP made money off of it, and many more Dems controlled the flow of money into their own accounts as well. If you DON'T adhere to the regulations in place (you can add all the regs you want, but when Barney is sleeping with Fannie Mae and Dodd with Freddie Mac) and you lie to the American people hoping it will go away....

Oh nevermind. I get tired of the "it's only your sides fault" crap! All sides have their stake in it. I have beat that horse to death. I'm honest enough to admit it.

Are you??????

To what party do Bill Clinton and FOBs belong?

Community Reinvestment Act 1995 Clinton Regime Lowers Lending Standards - http://www.encyclocentral.com/27401-Commun..._Standards.html

Clinton Plan Would Soften Banking Rules - http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html...750C0A965958260

And guess who your hero has surrounded himself with. FOBs. They are good "cooks", gotta give them that.

Have long have you been doing stand-up?

Oh hush CCT. Who is the party who advocated for deruglation and "free markets"? Who is the party who enacted a tax code geared toward the top 1% with the promise that prosperity would trickle down on every one else? Who is the party who refused to make long-term investments in energy independence and health care? Who is the party that addressed every problem we faced with two words "tax cuts"? Who is the party who ran up record deficits? Who is the party who spent 1 Trillion (that's Trillion, with a "T") on an optional war?

I repeat again, the policies advocated for and implemented during the last 8 years have not worked. Not only have they not worked, they have failed us in so many ways. So the GOP does not get to pass go, they do not get to collect $200, and they certainly do not get to lecture us/deflect blame by throwing out the "Dodd, Frank, Fannie, Freddie, Jimmy Carter" stale talking points. They need to sit down, shut up and get on board or get out of the way.

Oh hush rr. Which party is it who advocated for pushing credit to 1,000’s (1,000,000’s?) that were not able to afford the paybacks? Who was the party in bed with Fannie & Freddie? Does Barney Frank ring a bell? You conveniently overlook all the campaign contributions Obama received from both entities. Now he has hired former directors who led Freddie & Fannie into bankruptcy.

And NO I am not overlooking the Republicans hands in this $hit. Just pointing out your pathetic hypocrisy, which is merely a regurgitation of socialist dim talking points.

And for the record this $hit didn’t start during the last 8 years. It has been a train wreck in the making for years. BTW would you care to comment on the dims blocking Fannie & Freddie oversight in 2003?

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae


Published: September 11, 2003

The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.


Significant details must still be worked out before Congress can approve a bill. Among the groups denouncing the proposal today were the National Association of Home Builders and Congressional Democrats who fear that tighter regulation of the companies could sharply reduce their commitment to financing low-income and affordable housing.

”These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis,” said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ”The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.”


It just makes no sense for the GOP to stand up and say "we know the way -- follow us", when they are the ones who led is into the ditch. It's not even laughable any more, it's borderline pathetic. And to listen to all of you defend this nonsense or better yet, become the chorus to their mantra, is past the point of old.

Bottom line: the economic agenda and policies the GOP advocated for and implemented during the 2000s failed the country. Voters resoundingly responded in '06 and '08 by beginning to purge these losers from office. And yet, even after all that, the remaining remnants want to sactimonilously lecture us on "what's worked the past" -- give me a break.

After Dodd and Frank's involvement in the FMAE/FMAC, along with a host of dims, you want to claim republicans ran us into the ditch. Just because the Kenyan Jesus was elected, it doesn't mean history is different.

The republicans should have forced a more conservative agenda. But it wasn't their policies that led to the eventual collapse of the loan industry. That falls squarely on dim shoulders.

And it's not about what's worked in the past. It's about what has not. See Carter years.

You guys sit around in a damn circle jerk over every word the ONE speaks.

"The rebublicans should have forced a more conservative agenda"- yes, like burning witches.

"Kenyan Jesus"- your hatred knows no bounds.

"The rebublicans should have forced a more conservative agenda"- yes, like burning witches. (If Obama and the dims had been honest about their socialist intentions, he and they wouldn't have been elected)

"Kenyan Jesus"- your hatred knows no bounds.

You inability to know what is said and meant knows no bounds.

"I submit to you Mr Speaker that the parties have differences but if you want change, you want the Democratic Party, Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus who our, ahhh, minister prayed about, Pontius Pilate was a governor." Dem. Rep. Steve Cohen (TN)
Movie star Susan Sarandon compared President Obama to Jesus. Broadway and film actor Alan Cumming thought of him more like Mahatma Gandhi.

“He is a community organizer like Jesus was,” Sarandon said Tuesday night on the bright blue carpet leading into the Creative Coalition’s 2009 Ball at the Harman Center for the Arts in Chinatown. “And now, we’re a community and he can organize us.”

Kenyans hail election of saviour Barack Obama

“This man is Jesus,” shouted one man, spilling his Guinness as Barack Obama began his inaugural address. “When will he come to Kenya to save us?” If Barack Obama’s spin doctors have been trying to lower expectations since his election victory, the message clearly has not reached the land of his father.

“Now he is president we will get food and jobs,” said Ben Ochieng, as he danced to the traditional music that replaced the planned show.

“It is right that when people get power they look after their family, so we know that Obama will build lots of good things for us, like schools and roads and clinics,” said George Opiyo as he left the theatre.

“This is an incredible opportunity for us, because a lot of investment will come,” said 20-year-old Faith Achieng. “It’s already thanks to him we have electricity and water.” Not bad for a man trying to play down his tag as the “chosen one”.


No, I will not defend Barney Frank nor Chris Dodd, if that's what you are expecting me to do. However, I do find it interesting (and very hypocritical) that you never seem to want to mention Bush, Cox, Paulson or the numerous other investment banking and insurance executives on Wall Street who played significant roles in fanning the flames of the current disaster. Rather, your type would prefer to lay blame at 2 oppositional voices (who by the way, were both in the congressional minority in '03) to one piece of pie-in-the -sky legislation, that you have no way of proving could have prevented all of this anyways.

Also, I will not isolate the problems we face today by placing blame at the door step of Freddie and Fannie. Because to do so, would demonstrate a huge misunderstanding of the current situation and the factors that led to the current credit crisis. It is not and has never been just about the capital ratios or portfolio mixtures at these two institutions.

But most importantly, today's fiasco is not just related to the credit markets or the (lack of) regulations of it. It's about an overall economic philosophy that has not worked and has led to record deficits, shattered consumer confidence, massive job losses, and negative growth. To put it nicely, the approaches your party endorses have all but shut down our economy. Not to mention, your party's unwillingness to confront the tough domestic challenges we face like energy indepedence and healthcare. So what you need to know is that it is about so much more than Barney Frank and Chris Dodd ... but I realize all of this does not matter to you. And it's not even that you do not try to understand (you are certainly on this board enough), it's that you just do not get it. Because when you've spent your life entrenched with a party and embracing philosophies that have failed and when you do not have any fresh ideas, then you have nothing left to do than to attack the opposition. I get it. It's an activity you have practiced more frequently than not when you call the Democrats "dims", "socialists" and otherwise splatter unrelenting right wing propoganda all over this board. But guess what? It's not going to work this time because the days of the GOP's old political games are over. Those of us who love this country are moving it in a new direction. And as we do, you can either get on board or just stand by and watch your rhetoric slowly vanish into the dust bin of history.

No, I will not defend Barney Frank nor Chris Dodd, if that's what you are expecting me to do. However, I do find it interesting (and very hypocritical) that you never seem to want to mention Bush, Cox, Paulson or the numerous other investment banking and insurance executives on Wall Street who played significant roles in fanning the flames of the current disaster. Rather, your type would prefer to lay blame at 2 oppositional voices (who by the way, were both in the congressional minority in '03) to one piece of pie-in-the -sky legislation, that you have no way of proving could have prevented all of this anyways.

Also, I will not isolate the problems we face today by placing blame at the door step of Freddie and Fannie. Because to do so, would demonstrate a huge misunderstanding of the current situation and the factors that led to the current credit crisis. Earth to TM, it is not and has never been just about the capital ratios or portfolio mixtures at these two institutions.

But most importantly, today's fiasco is not just related to the credit markets or the regulations there of. It's about an overall economic philosophy that has not worked and has led to record deficits. It's about prior administrations unwilling to confront the domestic challenges we face. It's about so much more than Barney Frank and Chris Dodd ...

The hypocrite here is you.

Oh hush CCT. Who is the party who advocated for deruglation and "free markets"? Who is the party who enacted a tax code geared toward the top 1% with the promise that prosperity would trickle down on every one else? Who is the party who refused to make long-term investments in energy independence and health care? Who is the party that addressed every problem we faced with two words "tax cuts"? Who is the party who ran up record deficits? Who is the party who spent 1 Trillion (that's Trillion, with a "T") on an optional war?

I repeat again, the policies advocated for and implemented during the last 8 years have not worked. Not only have they not worked, they have failed us in so many ways. So the GOP does not get to pass go, they do not get to collect $200, and they certainly do not get to lecture us/deflect blame by throwing out the "Dodd, Frank, Fannie, Freddie, Jimmy Carter" stale talking points. They need to sit down, shut up and get on board or get out of the way.

Sanctimonious, partisan, hypocrite I might add.


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