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oooooo. Ya'll is in trouble now.


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The Kenyan Jesus is gonna get those nasty ole republicans.

At Dem retreat, a partisan love fest

WILLIAMSBURG, Va. — A fired-up Barack Obama ditched his TelePrompter to rally House Democrats and rip Republican opponents of his recovery package Thursday night – at one point openly mocking the GOP for failing to follow through on promises of bipartisanship.

In what was the most pointedly partisan speech of his young presidency, Obama rejected Republican arguments that massive spending in the $819 billion stimulus bill that passed the House should be replaced by a new round of massive tax cuts.

“I welcome this debate, but we are not going to get relief by turning back to the same policies that for the last eight years doubled the national debt and threw our economy into a tailspin,” said President Obama – sounding more like Candidate Obama than at any time since he took the oath of office less than a month ago.

Obama, speaking to about 200 House Democrats at their annual retreat at the Kingsmill Resort and Spa, dismissed Republican attacks against the massive spending in the stimulus.

"What do you think a stimulus is?" Obama asked incredulously. "It’s spending — that's the whole point! Seriously.”

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“I welcome this debate, but we are not going to get relief by turning back to the same policies that for the last eight years doubled the national debt and threw our economy into a tailspin,” said President Obama

So let’s spend more, much more than they did with those failed policies.

"What do you think a stimulus is?" Obama asked incredulously. "It’s spending — that's the whole point! Seriously.”

Well then take half the money in the bill and divide it up and send out the checks to all individuals who filed tax returns last year. That would stimulate the economy and it would put money into the banks to lend. A win win.

Stimulus is CREATION!!!! Not throwing money at some organization or program!

He's an idiot! God help us all! He's WAY in over his head. NO LEADERS WELCOME on Pennsylvania Ave.

“I welcome this debate, but we are not going to get relief by turning back to the same policies that for the last eight years doubled the national debt and threw our economy into a tailspin,” said President Obama

The tax cuts of 2001 did not fail. All the "stimulus" packages since then did fail. Neither of these items were what threw our economy into a tailspin. The tax cuts helped the economy, while the stimuli (small in nature to this one) pecked away at the long-term viability of our government's budget.

He is really contradicting himself with these statements. He supports growing the national debt, but thinks the past policies that did the same were bad? Or is he saying "if you thoughts that was bad, wait until you see this"?

No, he's not "turning back to the same policies that doubled the national debt and threw our economy into a tailspin", he is moving forward to policies that will quadruple our national debt and KEEP our economy in a tailspin.

Can we re-do the election? Hell, most democrats would be better than he is at all this. Take off the top (Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and Reid) and the party might actually not destroy this country.


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