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Missing Weapons


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Someone needs to be held accountable for this! DOD better get a lock on this mess.

To be fair, there have been other issues like this regarding tax dollars and weapons.

Oil-for-food comes to mind. Many other UN projects, paid for by American tax dollars, did the very same thing!

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Weapons that we paid for now may be used against our own troops.


Which is a reason we should be investing in the technologies that limit the number of troops in the battlefield and advance our weapon technology. Guess what Obama, and McCain to some extent, are against?

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Temporary hi-jack.

"Tens of thousands of assault rifles and other firearms in Afghanistan are at risk of being stolen because U.S. officials have lost track of them, according to a congressionally ordered audit that warns that some weapons may already be in Taliban hands. "

Tell me again why you dims want the government in charge of health care? Retirement? Stimulus $$$$? Food and drugs? Education?

Just wondering. Wondering why you think the government will magically do a much better job at these things than they have done with the weapons. And it's not so much of a hi-jack but a continuation of the overall questions.

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