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Business is worried


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Business is worried.

They are not so much worried about the banks; they know that will get straightened out. What they are worried about is the American consumer. "Has the American consumer retrenched to duck the economic storm, or has a permanent change in consumption patterns begun?"

And inflation. "Nearly everyone I talked to thinks inflation will rear its head in 2009."


Business is worried are you?

How bad do you think inflation will be in the U.S.?





Business is worried are you?

Have you changed your purchasing and consumption decisions because of the economy? If so how? Will your changes be permanent of just till better times?

Two years ago I started buying some things that would be going up in price. Stockpiling if you will. Some of those items have almost doubled in price during that time period. I would think that most of those price increases can be traced to the high cost of fuel last year. But so far there hasn't been much of a drop in price with the much lower fuel cost.

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