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Coach Dooley--Lifetime Achievement

Proud Tiger

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Coach Vince Dooley, '54, will be inducted at this year's Lifetime Achievement Awards dinner in Auburn March 7. I'm really glad to see that. He is a great guy. I was lucky to have a a class under him as part of NROTC (Marine History) my freshman year and went to H.S. with his wife Barbara. Congrats Coach Dooley.

Also being inducted is Auburn astronaut Hank Hartsfield, '54, a long time friend that I worked closely with at NASA over the years. Another great guy and a real War Eagle. He and my classmate, astronaut T. K. Mattingly, were the astronauts on the fourth Shuttle Flight, the only Shuttle flight where all the astronauts were grads of the same university. I have an oil painting of that lift-off in my study signed by both of them.

The other two guys getting inducted this year are Oliver Kingsley, '66, and Dr. Phillip Lett, '44. Maybe some of you know them.

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