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HILLARY: Diplomacy with Iran ain't gonna work!


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She is the nation's appointed foreign relations expert.

From the (GASP) LA Times:

Clinton: U.S. diplomacy unlikely to end Iran nuclear ambitions

In a Mideast meeting, the secretary of State says a rebuff from Iran could strengthen the U.S. position.

By Paul Richter

6:42 PM PST, March 2, 2009

Reporting from Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt -- The Obama administration has already concluded that a diplomatic overture to Iran, one of the central promises of the president's election campaign, is unlikely to persuade Tehran to give up its nuclear ambitions.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told the foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates in a private meeting Monday that it is "very doubtful" a U.S. approach will convince Iran to relent, said a senior State Department official, who spoke on condition of anonymity under customary diplomatic rules.


He (Richter) goes on to say how merely saying "oh well, we tried" will "strengthen our position." :rolleyes: He obviously hasn't been paying attention to, oh, all of history.


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