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runinred63 are you writing under a pseudonym?


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Mark Morford of the San Francisco Chronicle, out does himself with sycophantic, hyperbole over his Obammessiah, I felt sure it had to be rr writing under a pseudonym. :P:big::poke:

It goes something like this: Do you allow yourself, even now, to feel any sort of ongoing, relieved, merciful joy that Barack Obama actually is sitting in the Big Chair in the White House? That this elegant, articulate, Zen-like man whose integrity is rock-solid and whose ideas, while certainly not in perfect alignment with every ultra-lefty vision on the planet (clean coal? Please), are astonishingly ambitious and brave, is leading this nation during one of the worst economic times in its short and paroxysmal history?

One would expect such gushing from a teenage girl writing to a teen idol, not a grown man talking about a mere politician. Did rr write this? :poke:

But he wasn’t finished.

It’s a bizarre choice indeed. The good news is, the Obamafied bliss is still out there, still swirling, still waiting to be supped like a fine digestif. At any given moment you can, if you so choose, pause in whatever it is you’re suffering from and hear that voice and see his visage or perhaps merely hear some pundit say the words “President Obama” out loud, and you can still enjoy that delicious chill, that little jolt that says, “Oh my God, did we really do it? Is that lucid, impeccably centered man really the leader of the free world?”


Of course, he goes on to indulge in a little Bush and Cheney bashing, too. So I’m sure several here will love the article. After all, we can’t have unthinking Obamagobedness without some BDS, can we?

"So this is how liberty dies...to thunderous applause." - Star Wars, Episode III

This has to be tongue-in-cheek, right? Right?? No grown man with anything above a high school education can be this naive, and also love-struck, over a politician? Dang, we ARE in trouble.

This has to be tongue-in-cheek, right? Right?? No grown man with anything above a high school education can be this naive, and also love-struck, over a politician? Dang, we ARE in trouble.

No. Unfortunately, this is the Full Morfy.

Barack Obama = Jimmy Carter with charisma

What we see now is the Jimmy Carter with his charisma all striped away. If you remember back in 1976, Jimmy came on to the national stage with this Southern awe-shucks 'charisma' that he used to get himself into office. (I will admit, Jimmy has nothing to compare to how the media has responded to Obama's so-called 'charisma'.) The same thing is going to happen to Obama. And he's so young; he will be what, like 51 when he's back in private life? That's ~30 years for him to sit back and watch the nation vilify his 4 years in office...

Exactly right, Rexbo.

I think even Obama realizes that this obsessed infatuation that the media and many citizens have with him will not last. In fact, I have heard the lunatic media even saying that this is why he is doing all this stuff right out of the gate while the momentum is on his side.

Another six months or year of Wall Street tanking and we will see how far charisma will take you.


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