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Take James to prom Taylor Swift!!


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Hey guys. A good friend of mine at Hazel Green High School has posted a video of his song 'Our Prom' a parady of Taylor Swift's 'Our Song.' The video has been up for about 24 hours and things are going great. So far James has been mentioned on the radio as well as two news channels, WAFF 48 and WHNT 19. If I could ask a favor from you guys, myself and Mr. James Powers would greatly appreciate it if you were to watch his video and help us get it viral. We would then like for you to visit our new website, takejamestopromtaylorswift.webs.com, and sign our guestbook! Help us get Taylor Swift to atleast respond to this awesome video!

This is the video.

http://takejamestopromtaylorswift.webs.com/ This is our new website. Stay up to date on James's mission!!



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