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Ohio Mom Kelley Williams-Bolar Jailed for Sending Kids to Better School District


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An Ohio mother's attempt to provide her daughters with a better education has landed her behind bars.

Kelley Williams-Bolar was convicted of lying about her residency to get her daughters into a better school district.

"It's overwhelming. I'm exhausted," she said. "I did this for them, so there it is. I did this for them."

Williams-Bolar decided four years ago to send her daughters to a highly ranked school in neighboring Copley-Fairlawn School District.

But it wasn't her Akron district of residence, so her children were ineligible to attend school there, even though her father lived within the district's boundaries.

The school district accused Williams-Bolar of lying about her address, falsifying records and, when confronted, having her father file false court papers to get around the system.

Williams-Bolar said she did it to keep her children safe and that she lived part-time with her dad.

"When my home got broken into, I felt it was my duty to do something else," Williams-Bolar said.

While her children are no longer attending schools in the Copley-Fairlawn District, school officials said she was cheating because her daughters received a quality education without paying taxes to fund it.

"Those dollars need to stay home with our students," school district officials said.

Sentence Intended as Deterrent

The district hired a private investigator, who shot video showing Williams-Bolar driving her children into the district.

The school officials asked her to pay $30,000 in back tuition.

Williams-Bolar refused and was indicted and convicted of falsifying her residency records.

She was sentenced last week to 10 days in county jail and put on three years of probation.

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Where is Jesse, Al and the boys? This would be an issue I could see being fought, unlike many of the other issues taken on.

Where is the NAACP demanding that the school district she lives in, bring up the level of education so that parents don't have to go to another district? Where is the societal education in these areas being driven by NAACP and others to get the parents involved and proud? I doubt we see any of it from that crew.

Although, there will be a big spotlight on this. Expect these guys to show up soon, do nothing, but rant loudly in front of every camera.

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