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How I spent my night

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Prologue: I got a new 1TB external HD for Christmas for a killer deal via Amazon. At that time I thought, "Sweet! I can finally clean my laptop from its multitudes of music!".

Cut to today. I had some extra time on my hands to move my music(75gb, ~10k songs) over to my external. I also have an iPod(160GB classic), so I needed to know how to also sync that without troubles. Beforehand, I knew my iTunes would lock up whenever I tried to connect my iPod to my computer.

Anyway, here I have a detailed report of what I had to deal with for several hours(and by "several", I mean at least 8).

How my night went down.

*****HAY, I think I'll finally attempt to move all my music to my HD and try to sync my iPod through it in the process. I'll skip over to [One of my other message boards I frequent] for some advice/information*****

Step 1: Connect iPod to computer...freezes iTunes. ****, but not surprised.

Step 2: Create folder on HD

Step 3: Set iTunes to read specific media library on external HD

Step 4: Commence moving all music from various folders on laptop to said HD folder. Time consuming, but Success!

Step 5: Delete all music on laptop

Step 6: Uninstall iTunes in an attempt to get iPod working correctly

Step 7: Re-install iTunes

Step 8: Update iTunes libraries to make sure everything plays. Success!

Step 9: Connect iPod-still ******

Step 10: Restart computer numerous times whilst trouble shooting using Apple's bull**** tech support pages

Step 11: Exhausted my options via Apple. Back to the Google machine

Step 12: Instantly find a poorly written, yet incredibly helpful post in a random thread regarding reformatting the iPod from over 2 years ago

I've found the solution!!! I had the exact same problem. My itunes would keep freezing and I would get the blue screen of death (which is the first time I've seen it on Vista...kinda cool) Anways, what you gotta do, is connect ur iPod to ur computer. iTunes will run and connect ur iPod, but it won't sync to iTunes. This is typically when iTunes freezes, so you have to close iTunes (Alt + Ctrl + Del) or by clicking the X button maniacly to close it. Go to My Computer, and you should see a separate drive for your iPod. Right click it and click on "Format." (KEEP IN MIND: this WILL delete everything on ur iPod, so make sure all ur music/movies/pictures are still all on ur computer) Then just click format and it'll ask you, are you sure? Say yes. This takes awhile...around 30 minutes to an hour. I lost track of time while it was reformatting. Then when you open up iTunes again, your iPod will finally sync, but Restore it, so that you basically just reset ur ENTIRE ipod so it's as if you took it out of its box yesterday (Minus the scratchy exterior). Then it's as if it's brand new. Put music on it and sync, and VOILA!


Step 13: Reformat iPod for a couple hours. Lost everything on my iPod, but at this point you have to say, "**** it".

Step 14: Connect iPod to laptop whilst external HD connected

Step 15: ?????????????

Step 16: Success! iPod now working overtime to catch up.

Epilogue: Moral of this story? **** Apple and their ******* bull**** "tech support". I ran through all their steps to correct my problem and I didn't once see a "reformat iPod" option; that of which should really have been the very first option for the "quick" fix.


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That's perfect.

I've been in your shoes a few times. I now have an off brand mp3/video player, and an android phone :thumbsup:

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