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We have major issues in this country


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This type of thing happens more than we know. My nephew got locked in the bathroom at the ball park and two boys tried to beat him up. One video taped it on his phone. It didn't go the way they had planned when my nephew got hold of a bat. The police saw the video tape and did NOTHING. They suspended both parties from the park. They were all 12 years old.

The only way to win in that type of situation is to NOT be a victim. Train your children. Martial arts, self defense, etc. and educate them on always noticing their surroundings. Laws and a liberal society have been too lenient on the attackers for a long time now. It's becoming common knowledge at a young age that nothing really bad will happen to you if you are a minor. Nobody gives a rat's ass about the "permanent record" any more.

It really does resemble the likes of the Taliban. Nothing matters except who is stronger. If you can beat them, then they leave you alone. Only strength is respected. Sad indeed.

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This resembles teenage boys. If it resembled the Taliban, the boy who was beat up would have been decapitated.

This kind of thing starts out with a beating, and ends with people getting killed. They become emboldened to take the next step. I can't believe I'm having to point this out.

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But to compare them to the Taliban?

Teenage bullying happens all the time. This does not mean they are destined to murder thousands of Americans.

The Taliban take advantage of the less fortunate, try their best to impose their will on them, and when it doesn't work, they attack. They use thugery to advance their power and agenda.

Yes, the similarities are striking.....just no Alah!

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While the situation is definitely terrible...I don't think it's anything new. Bullying has been going on for a long time, kids just have the means to record the situations easily thanks to camera phones and the what not.

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Remember the video of a teenage boy who was beaten up by a bunch of thugs in the inner city of Chicago ? That was one factor which kept Barry's city from getting the Olympics.

It's the price we pay for a unionized state run education system, along w/ massive federal $$ for unwed mothers....

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