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Saudi King exerting control over someone in US


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Saudi Arabia has threatened to prop up President Mubarak if the White House tries to force a swift change of regime in Egypt. In a testy personal telephone call on January 29, King Abdullah told President Obama not to humiliate Mr Mubarak and warned that he would step in to bankroll Egypt if the US withdrew its aid programme, worth $1.5 billion annually.


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And when they met the first time, love was in the air. A little flirting brought them closer...


It was an amazing night. They went at it till sunrise.

Saud felt that he had found his Bush.

so he bought a necklace for the Bush.


That night, Bush gave Saud the time of his life. Bush felt fire burning through him. In the morning, in a drunken state they proposed each other. The wedding was set... the vows were said and the groom kissed the bride:


And they went for honeymoon, where they held each other's hands....


The end.

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Why do all these threads turn into Bush threads? Is he still around? Aren't we talking about Obama?

My bad. wrong president. here you go:


And now for a little fact. Saudis really do have control over us. Look, we don't produce jack squat, and we consume like nobody's business. That means we have a trade deficit. We cover that trade deficit by borrowing money. Now the money that we borrow is ... printed by our fed reserve. This means that even if we do borrow from someone its OUR money that gets devalued. We are actually getting oil from Saudi Arabia in return of a meaningless paper.

The day Sauds say they won't trade in US$, the day they say we give them products in return of oil instead of IOUs or the meaningless paper that we just printed money on in order to pay them, we'll be in deep mess. That is why we would hate to see Saudi Arabia collapse like Egypt did.

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And when they met the first time, love was in the air. A little flirting brought them closer...


It was an amazing night. They went at it till sunrise.

Saud felt that he had found his Bush.

so he bought a necklace for the Bush.


That night, Bush gave Saud the time of his life. Bush felt fire burning through him. In the morning, in a drunken state they proposed each other. The wedding was set... the vows were said and the groom kissed the bride:


And they went for honeymoon, where they held each other's hands....


The end.

Not even good quality photo shopped pics.

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Obama is weak in the eyes of the Arab world.....simply put. They love Jimmy Carter all over again in the White House.

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