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Bammers Begin the Case of Updyke's Innocence

Proud Tiger

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Not only that but they are accusing someone of criminal activity without a shread of eveidence. They made a story up out of thin air.

Stuff like that is UAT at its finest. Look no farther than Cam Newton for confirmation.

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I never say any facts linking Mr. Updyke and Mr. Cobb nor did I see any connections between what Mr. Updyke did and what Mr. Cobb does other than the herbicide in question. A steaming pile of bs, much like Thayer Evan's writings.

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I never say any facts linking Mr. Updyke and Mr. Cobb nor did I see any connections between what Mr. Updyke did and what Mr. Cobb does other than the herbicide in question. A steaming pile of bs, much like Thayer Evan's writings.

"Facts" is not a word in the Bamapedia.

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These idiots have neither shame nor brains. To spare you the lunacy, this anonymous blogger is pointing the finger at Jimmy Cobb, the regional sales rep for Dow AgroSciences (maker of Spike 80DF), who happens to live in Auburn. Here is a tiny bit of his nonsense:

Why did Jimmie Cobb author an article titled “Bama’s Enthusiasm Tide” in 2006? Is he a hater of the Crimson Tide?

The linked article, which Cobb is listed as a "contributing author" to, contains a section about the Alabama DOT adopting new technology for spraying herbicide along highways. Real evidence of a conspiracy there.

The slimeball goes so far as to drag Cobb's wife and two daughters into his argument. How the fact that his wife works for Auburn University and is a horticulture expert bolsters his argument is not clear.

There is one truth to the poisoning case at Auburn, the Spike80DF was given to someone to use to kill these trees by someone that had access to this hard – to – get chemical. [emphasis in original]

A quick internet search proves that anybody with a computer can order Spike 80DF.

We’ll see if the state of Alabama actually investigates this case in depth or if they just accept the case “as is” so they can say they have “their man”.

So if Harvey is convicted, it's because the state doesn't actually investigate.

At least Thayer Evans has the cojones to sign his name to his garbage.

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Guess it depends on the sites you visit what you see..I haven't seen a Bama fan I have dealt with YET that has tried to defend him. There are always going to be nuts out there that are going to defend a nut, no matter what he does....ALWAYS. They are generally a small minority.

There is one truth to the poisoning case at Auburn, the Spike80DF was given to someone to use to kill these trees by someone that had access to this hard – to – get chemical. (emphasis in original)

no license is needed in Alabama and while looking at some Dow information the other day, if I'm not mistaken it can be bought at FARM supply stores, but you won't find it at Lowe's. It is very easy to come by in some states and Alabama is one of them.

The slimeball goes so far as to drag Cobb's wife and two daughters into his argument. How the fact that his wife works for Auburn University and is a horticulture expert bolsters his argument is not clear.

Auburn does NOT use it and even though no license is required, if Auburn ordered it there would be a paper trail. I've worked in Purchasing in some big companies. No one can call up a company and order like that and "pay cash" there must be a PO issued. If someone at Auburn ordered it "for Auburn" there would still be a paper trail.

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We’ll see if the state of Alabama actually investigates this case in depth or if they just accept the case “as is” so they can say they have “their man”.

also from what i've seen the state really will NOT be investigating. he is charged with a FEDERAL crime. the FBI is already involved and the EPA is also getting involved. he violated Federal regulations and even if using an herbicide as a tool of vandalism is against Alabama law, which i would guess it is, generally Federal charges are much more serious with more harsh punishments. most of the time if there is a choice for a State trial vs a Federal trial, they go for the Federal one.

maybe someone should let those people know that google is their friend and they should use it :)

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I've been saddened to see some people from T-Town handle and react with much more class than some AU fans. It has been very disheartening.

I have a family member that is a nasty Bama fan and one that is a nasty AU fan. Can't stand being around EITHER of them EVER. The thing that makes them a "nasty fan" is their character and it comes through in everything, not just football.

In fact I watch the Iron Bowl every year with a majority of Bama fans. We all trash talk, have a good time and the losing team has to listen to crap for the next few hours while we eat together and have fun. I've done my share of listening and dishing it out also. The difference is .. we are FIRST people to each other and also we love football, but understand football is a PART of life, not LIFE itself.

Several of us have even gone to the Iron Bowl together many times. We walk in that gate together and out of that gate together, but separate once inside. The whole key is a group of REASONABLE people to begin with, not AU people and not Bama people, just people that have ties to a specific team. We respect each other as people, we respect the love each has for their school, neither side lumps all into one group, because they do not want that done to them. I love competition more than a lot. I want to win ALWAYS, but RESPECT and CHARACTER are necessary for fun HEALTHY competition. You take just one of those out of the equation and people slip out of healthy, fun competition and into immature silliness about something that does NOT affect a persons life honestly. That happens on both sides. I've been called a "whore" by more than a couple of Auburn fans because I refuse to condemn every Bama fan.

Pathetic actually.

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I've been saddened to see some people from T-Town handle and react with much more class than some AU fans. It has been very disheartening.

I have a family member that is a nasty Bama fan and one that is a nasty AU fan. Can't stand being around EITHER of them EVER. The thing that makes them a "nasty fan" is their character and it comes through in everything, not just football.

In fact I watch the Iron Bowl every year with a majority of Bama fans. We all trash talk, have a good time and the losing team has to listen to crap for the next few hours while we eat together and have fun. I've done my share of listening and dishing it out also. The difference is .. we are FIRST people to each other and also we love football, but understand football is a PART of life, not LIFE itself.

Several of us have even gone to the Iron Bowl together many times. We walk in that gate together and out of that gate together, but separate once inside. The whole key is a group of REASONABLE people to begin with, not AU people and not Bama people, just people that have ties to a specific team. We respect each other as people, we respect the love each has for their school, neither side lumps all into one group, because they do not want that done to them. I love competition more than a lot. I want to win ALWAYS, but RESPECT and CHARACTER are necessary for fun HEALTHY competition. You take just one of those out of the equation and people slip out of healthy, fun competition and into immature silliness about something that does NOT affect a persons life honestly. That happens on both sides. I've been called a "whore" by more than a couple of Auburn fans because I refuse to condemn every Bama fan.

Pathetic actually.

Well, that's jut like, your opinion...man.

I can't forget all the trash they've talked, all the rumors they've spread, and all the accusations they've made over the years. Not to mention how they look down their noses when WE invite THEM into OUR tailgating spot.

You can continue to try to see the good in those people, I've tried and I couldn't find much.

I find the bad outnumber the good by a large margin.

Rev is possibly the kindest Bammer I've run into and I don't even know him personally.

You can continue being a bamzo apologist all you want. They get no respect from me, not any more.

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I've been saddened to see some people from T-Town handle and react with much more class than some AU fans. It has been very disheartening.

I have a family member that is a nasty Bama fan and one that is a nasty AU fan. Can't stand being around EITHER of them EVER. The thing that makes them a "nasty fan" is their character and it comes through in everything, not just football.

In fact I watch the Iron Bowl every year with a majority of Bama fans. We all trash talk, have a good time and the losing team has to listen to crap for the next few hours while we eat together and have fun. I've done my share of listening and dishing it out also. The difference is .. we are FIRST people to each other and also we love football, but understand football is a PART of life, not LIFE itself.

Several of us have even gone to the Iron Bowl together many times. We walk in that gate together and out of that gate together, but separate once inside. The whole key is a group of REASONABLE people to begin with, not AU people and not Bama people, just people that have ties to a specific team. We respect each other as people, we respect the love each has for their school, neither side lumps all into one group, because they do not want that done to them. I love competition more than a lot. I want to win ALWAYS, but RESPECT and CHARACTER are necessary for fun HEALTHY competition. You take just one of those out of the equation and people slip out of healthy, fun competition and into immature silliness about something that does NOT affect a persons life honestly. That happens on both sides. I've been called a "whore" by more than a couple of Auburn fans because I refuse to condemn every Bama fan.

Pathetic actually.

BAMAPERRY...We have missed you so much!

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I've been saddened to see some people from T-Town handle and react with much more class than some AU fans. It has been very disheartening.

I have a family member that is a nasty Bama fan and one that is a nasty AU fan. Can't stand being around EITHER of them EVER. The thing that makes them a "nasty fan" is their character and it comes through in everything, not just football.

In fact I watch the Iron Bowl every year with a majority of Bama fans. We all trash talk, have a good time and the losing team has to listen to crap for the next few hours while we eat together and have fun. I've done my share of listening and dishing it out also. The difference is .. we are FIRST people to each other and also we love football, but understand football is a PART of life, not LIFE itself.

Several of us have even gone to the Iron Bowl together many times. We walk in that gate together and out of that gate together, but separate once inside. The whole key is a group of REASONABLE people to begin with, not AU people and not Bama people, just people that have ties to a specific team. We respect each other as people, we respect the love each has for their school, neither side lumps all into one group, because they do not want that done to them. I love competition more than a lot. I want to win ALWAYS, but RESPECT and CHARACTER are necessary for fun HEALTHY competition. You take just one of those out of the equation and people slip out of healthy, fun competition and into immature silliness about something that does NOT affect a persons life honestly. That happens on both sides. I've been called a "whore" by more than a couple of Auburn fans because I refuse to condemn every Bama fan.

Pathetic actually.

Well, that's jut like, your opinion...man.

I can't forget all the trash they've talked, all the rumors they've spread, and all the accusations they've made over the years. Not to mention how they look down their noses when WE invite THEM into OUR tailgating spot.

You can continue to try to see the good in those people, I've tried and I couldn't find much.

I find the bad outnumber the good by a large margin.

Rev is possibly the kindest Bammer I've run into and I don't even know him personally.

You can continue being a bamzo apologist all you want. They get no respect from me, not any more.

i used to think like you, my daddy tried to tell me different. then i watch a LARGE group of Bama fans be just as disgusted and upset over what has happened and handle the situation with grace and maturity. NOPE, i'll NEVER utter the RT words, NOPE, i'll NEVER cheer on Bama no matter what game, can't bring myself to do that. NOPE, i'll never have anything really to do with a fan of either side that is nasty and unreasonable. i will NOT condemn a whole for the actions of a few, have people learned NOTHING?

we can take this time and all get a real perspective on FOOTBALL or not, but if things keep going the way they are, there is going to be a very sad, unnecessary bad thing happen.


would YOU like someone doing that to YOU? i would bet your answer is NO.

common sense has flown out the window over the years, why stoop to a level of those you don't like? Be the bigger person. if the majority of people on both sides treated the other how they wanted to be treated, the Iron Bowl would be what it used to be FUN. who is gonna be the first to step up and stop fueling the fire?

i'll tell you this much, the group that steps up first and leads the way will be the true men and women of character.

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I've been to a handful of Alabama message boards to get a general idea of what Bama fans think about the Toomers trees poisoning and I'd say a majority +60% think it's a joke. About 35-40% think it's sad and disgusting.

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like i said, it depends on where you visit and the people there. i've been on boards that 99% are disgusted and think it is vile and are very upset about this. i've seen a few of the other fans come on and spout hate and other disgusting things and watched the Bama fans take their own "to the woodshed" without hesitation.

it's all about character.

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i'll tell you this much, the group that steps up first and leads the way will be the true men and women of character.

men and women of character, like the author of a prominent Bama blog arguing the Harvey Updyke is innocent? Or those who started and have contributed to his defense fund?

I agree that a majority of Bama fans are upset by the poisoning, and I strongly disagree with AU folks who would refuse the Tide for Toomers donations. But there is a significant minority of Bama fans who are defending, minimizing, and ridiculing. You and I run in circles where the decent Bama people greatly outnumber the jerks. But from conversations I've had here, there are many others who run in circles where the obnoxious Bammer is more the rule than the exception, and that heavily colors their opinions.

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i used to think like you, my daddy tried to tell me different. then i watch a LARGE group of Bama fans be just as disgusted and upset over what has happened and handle the situation with grace and maturity. NOPE, i'll NEVER utter the RT words, NOPE, i'll NEVER cheer on Bama no matter what game, can't bring myself to do that. NOPE, i'll never have anything really to do with a fan of either side that is nasty and unreasonable. i will NOT condemn a whole for the actions of a few, have people learned NOTHING?

So what about the large group of fans that are applauding this piece of trash for poisoning and possibly changing the face of our beloved university for the foreseeable future?

we can take this time and all get a real perspective on FOOTBALL or not, but if things keep going the way they are, there is going to be a very sad, unnecessary bad thing happen.

Believe it or not, bama fans have ruined the Iron Bowl for me. Do I want the rivalry removed or a break from it? Absolutely not. I just hope we beat the dog snot out of them year in and year out. Cleanly, of course.

UGA/LSU rivalries have been far more enjoyable for me to watch/attend for the past several years. As nasty as LSU fans can be, I've interacted with far more and been placed under more hospitable conditions by them than by any bama fan.


would YOU like someone doing that to YOU? i would bet your answer is NO.

Do what to me? Being judged by an entire fanbase? Have you been under a rock? Did you witness what went down during the Newton saga? A good portion of college football fans hate us now. Solely because of bammers? Maybe not, but they did play a large role in harming our reputation by spreading lies and rumors.

who is gonna be the first to step up and stop fueling the fire?

Obviously it will be us.

i'll tell you this much, the group that steps up first and leads the way will be the true men and women of character.

Auburn has pretty much lead the way in classiness for as long as I've been on this planet.

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like i said, it depends on where you visit and the people there. i've been on boards that 99% are disgusted and think it is vile and are very upset about this. i've seen a few of the other fans come on and spout hate and other disgusting things and watched the Bama fans take their own "to the woodshed" without hesitation.

it's all about character.

You've mentioned these sites several times. How about giving us the info to access them so we can see for ourselves?

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You've mentioned these sites several times. How about giving us the info to access them so we can see for ourselves?


I keep hearing about all these bama fans who are disgusted and appalled by the act of a representative of their university...yet I've not seen any sort of proof.

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So what about the large group of fans that are applauding this piece of trash for poisoning and possibly changing the face of our beloved university for the foreseeable future?

this is very sickening and upsetting. you know i think if Auburn doesn't stoop to those levels, the reasonable, level headed Bama fans WILL take care of their own. i have seen a couple of things the last few days i NEVER thought i would. i have actually seen, more than once, a group of Bama fans shun, administrators ban and actually report to authorities, some Bama fans spouting this trash against Auburn fans there.

never thought i would live to see something like that.

Believe it or not, bama fans have ruined the Iron Bowl for me. Do I want the rivalry removed or a break from it? Absolutely not. I just hope we beat the dog snot out of them year in and year out. Cleanly, of course.

i feel the same way, same for me, they have taken the fun out of it completely.

Do what to me? Being judged by an entire fanbase? Have you been under a rock? Did you witness what went down during the Newton saga? A good portion of college football fans hate us now. Solely because of bammers? Maybe not, but they did play a large role in harming our reputation by spreading lies and rumors.

i agree and it was wrong. so now we are faced with a choice .. react in the same manner or react with the maturity and class that has ALWAYS been associated with Auburn? why stoop to that level? Auburn is BETTER than stooping to that level.

Obviously it will be us.

but we have to do it and we have to do something i just spoke of that i've seen happen these last few days. take our own to the woodshed that NEED it. don't let them get away with treating someone in a specific way just because they are a Bama fan. it's not a great feeling when you have to defend a Bama fan against an Auburn fan, but we all know what is right and what is wrong.

Auburn has pretty much lead the way in classiness for as long as I've been on this planet.

for longer than any of us here on this message board have been on the planet. it would be a shame for us to lose that, i don't want to see that happen, Auburn is better than that.

what has happened is a HUGE deal. no one should just roll over and take crap from anyone, but there ARE some people on both sides of this that are like minded on this situation and those people need to come together for this situation. this rivalry is headed down a very, very dangerous road. what has happened was a BIG turn around the corner to that dangerous situation. it's not working like it is now, it's no longer fun for most, so we need to do something different. there are some out there that have and show respect for us and THOSE should get the same back from us. that's all i'm saying. the players and coaches don't do this and the coaches depend on winning and losing for their jobs.

reasonable people on both sides need to come together and get this back the way it should be and then when it comes to football, game on, trash talk start, fun HARMLESS pranks start, dish it out only if you can take it, but the crazy stuff....we have to stop it and i think for the FIRST TIME, there is a large majority on both sides that see this and want it.

don't let the idiot win, sure he killed the trees, but don't let him kill more. i'm sure he would be furious for people to come together and say "this is no longer acceptable" cause that is not what he wanted to accomplish. you know with 9/11 the country came together in a way and closed ranks to the crazy people. not a reason in the world both Auburn and Bama can't do the same in this situation and get football in the state of Alabama back where it used to be and should be.

that's all i'm saying.

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That's what a court and a jury is for. Let them sort it out. I have a feeling if it gets far enough when Mr. Updyke actually sees a jury waiting to hear his trial, he will be wanting to deal and may even confess. It happens quite often when a defendant actually sees a jury.

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