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This is all the evidence anyone needs to see


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This is about making things equal, and not 1 damn thing w/ running the country in a responsible, competent manner.

Remember, Obama himself stated that he didn't care if raising capital gaines taxes didn't result in more revenue for the govt, but that it just wasn't fair that some folks got to keep so much money. And then there's the classic.. " at some point, you've made enough money "

This guy is a walking cliche from of freshman do-gooder liberal I ever met. it's stunning just how disconnected he is w/ the real world, and the American system of free enterprise.
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It appears the American people wish to pursue this 'disconnected from the real world' plan.


Pretty sure that poll is bogus. If not, then this country is headed the way of Greece, and we're all doomed.

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It appears the American people wish to pursue this 'disconnected from the real world' plan.


It is nice to see that on average, everyday people understand simple math better than the entirety of the house republicans.

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This is about making things equal, and not 1 damn thing w/ running the country in a responsible, competent manner.

Remember, Obama himself stated that he didn't care if raising capital gaines taxes didn't result in more revenue for the govt, but that it just wasn't fair that some folks got to keep so much money. And then there's the classic.. " at some point, you've made enough money "

This guy is a walking cliche from of freshman do-gooder liberal I ever met. it's stunning just how disconnected he is w/ the real world, and the American system of free enterprise.

So what I find funny is.... well a lot of things but on this topic specifically: If he doesn't think it is fair that some folks got to keep so much money then why raise taxes because it has been proven that doesn't raise revenue... um What! So let me step back your telling me if I raise the tax from say 20% to 25% it won't raise revenue? Yup! Where did the money go? Those people you thought had too much of it ummmm kept it! Nooo... Yes... I don't understand, no kidding! So you need to find another way. Oh and it has also been proven that if you tax the rich to pay down the debt it will take umm 5000 years to do that, no... yes... but they are rich and have all that money. Yea but the debt will soon exceed our GDP and the extra tax you collect barely pays the interest. I had no idea... no kidding!

I have and idea you know to use the stay with the idea theme here and all. How about you reduce spending and execute and audit of the books. But there is a sense of entitlement here that I must meet. They all think I am going to pay their mortgage and car payments, really.... Yup! Like I tell my kids "It is time for you to cry now! Shake it off and do what is right!"

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It's cool that if you add "it has been proven" to an argument that you don't have to prove anything.

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It appears the American people wish to pursue this 'disconnected from the real world' plan.


So the American people really really really want their taxes to go up and the Federal government to continue spending like drunk sailors.

You are so funny.

From your article:


50% want what?

11% want what?

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That poll says nothing substantial. It proves that people differ along predictable lines about what should be done. If you asked them " If we give the government more money via a tax increase, will they do the responsible thing and apply it to the debt or deficit, or will they spend it and not use it to reduce the deficit/debt?" Answer: 95% Spend it. 5% Be responsible (BTW these people are delusional).

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