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Recruits We Are in the Hunt For!


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Here is a list of most of the major recruits that Auburn is in the hunt for.  I made this list last year and the mods sticked it to the top, as recruits commit to us or other schools, I will edit my list. This will help you put a face with a name much quicker.

Savon Huggins


Christian Westerman


Tony Steward


Steve Edmond


La'El Collins


Tre Mason


Andrew Buie


Antonio Richardson


Ray Drew


Gabe Wright


Erique Florence


Robenson Therezie


Marcus Robinson


Kris Frost


Quan Bray


Stephon Tuit


Rodney Coe


Jermauria Rasco


Xzavier Dickson


Brandon Fulse


Xzavier Ward


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I had started this list a while back, and never finished it till today, can't believe I missed Dee Hart. :timeout:

Let me know if there are others that need to be added or deleted!

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I had started this list a while back, and never finished it till today, can't believe I missed Dee Hart. :timeout:

Let me know if there are others that need to be added or deleted!

Looks perfect to me, thanks for the list!  :we:

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Here's my version of the same thing. I just took these from my "profiles". Click on the names to follow to their AU Rivals page.

Dee Hart

DeeHart.jpg     deehartaction.jpg

Mike Blakely

blakelyauburn.jpg     blakelyaction.jpg

Andrew Buie

andrewbuie.jpg     buieaction.jpg

Greg Robinson

GregoryRobinson_display_image.jpg     robinsonaction.jpg

Antonio Richardson

richardson-1.jpg     richardsonaction.jpg

Ray Drew

drew-1.jpg     drewaction.jpg

Gabe Wright

wright.jpg     wrightaction.jpg

Erique Florence

florence.jpg     florenceaction.jpg

Robenson Therezie

therezie.jpg     robensentherezieaction-1.jpg

Marcus Roberson

roberson-1.jpg     robersonaction-1.jpg

Kris Frost

frost.jpg     frostaction-1.jpg

Quan Bray

bray.jpg     brayaction.jpg

Stephon Tuitt

tuitt-1.jpg     tuittaction.jpg

Rodney Coe

coe.jpg     roosevelt_edwardsville_rodney_coeaction.jpg

Jermauria Rasco

rasco.jpg     rascpaction.jpg

Xzavier Dickson

dickson.jpg     dicksonaction-1.jpg

Brandon Fulse

fulse.jpg     Fulseaction.jpg

Terry Bell

bell.jpg     bellaction.jpg

Javorius "Buck" Allen

allen.jpg     allenaction.jpg

DeVondrick Nealy

nealy-1.jpg     nealyaction.jpg

Xzavier Ward

ward.jpg     wardaction.jpg

Jonathan Jenkins

jenkins.jpg     jenkinsaction.jpg

Devaunte Sigler

sigler.jpg     sigleraction.jpg

Wayne Lyons

lyons.jpg     lyonsaction.jpg

Alex Dixon

dixon.jpg     dixonaction.jpg

Bruce Dukes

dukes-1.jpg     dukesaction.jpg

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scroll up! :dunno::banghead:

Thanks, dude. The photo either wasn't there earlier or wasn't showing up on my iPad, or I wouldn't have asked.

no problem

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Also, in the original post, Marcus Roberson is listed as "Robinson".  Not being critical, just pointing it out.

Great list, and thanks for the time putting it all in one thread!!!

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Per Wiki.....

To bump a thread on an Internet forum is to post a reply to it purely in order to raise the thread's profile. This will typically return it to the top of the list of active threads. It has been suggested that "bump" is an acronym of "bring up my post",[1] however this is almost certainly a backronym and the usage is entirely consistent with the verb "bump" which means "To knock to a new position"

Someone wishing to keep a thread on this first page—or bring an old thread back to it—will post a reply to it purely to do this. Posters who are open about this simply write the word "bump". Acceptable reasons range from wanting to remind others that the question with which the thread started is still unanswered to offering new information that relates to an old thread; doing it simply to raise a thread's profile is generally as unwelcome as spam.


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I just looked at some of these and notice that the AU is not in the top group of logos for some of these - E Florenece, M Roberson, B Fulse, R Drew, G Wright. What gives?

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I just looked at some of these and notice that the AU is not in the top group of logos for some of these - E Florenece, M Roberson, B Fulse, R Drew, G Wright. What gives?

If you're refering to the logos on the tops of their Rivals pages... go back and refresh the pages and you will see that they change randomly. They are meaningless.

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