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Birmingham news bias/alabama inferiority complex

Vizsla Winston

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Very interesting article, I have seen this picture many times being used by alabama fans (not that I care one bit, I do not give a rats a$$ who is taller) to show saban isnt shorter than Chizik. The link has a video that explains some stuff: http://friendsoftheprogram.net/2010/08/07/little-nikki-napolean/

Also, someone found this pic, which ive seen before being used by bammers and I cant believe ive never caught on to this before. If you watched that link to see how they slant the pictures, look at this one and notice the angle of people in the background, tilt your head to make them straight then youll see what its suposed to look like. Frankly, Like I said, I dont give a rats a$$ which coach is taller, I just dont understand why they have such an inferiority complex, and im baffled that the Birmingham news would stoop this low: http://photos.al.com/alphotos/2009/11/gene_chizik_nick_saban.html

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In that picture in the second link: even if the background didn't give it away, look at the chin angles. NS looks like he's looking up into a tree...oops, compared to NS I guess Coach Chizik does look like at tree.

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