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Everything posted by AURaptor

  1. Caught up on LEGION. Still not 100% sold on it yet, after 3 episodes. Certainly more 'adult' than anything Marvel's done on t.v. ( Not including the stuff on Netflix ) Aubrey Plaza , in more of a bit role, is fun to watch. And Jean Smart is looking surprisingly well preserved. Man seeking Woman is more of a FXX guilty pleasure sort of viewing. Much like Archer.
  2. They want men to see them as more than just a sex object... so they BECOME a walking sex organ to drive home this great injustice !
  3. That's not entirely true. He also cares about what YOU think of him.
  4. There were many of these sorts of costumes at the all important march on Saturday. From hats, shirts, headgear to full body mascot costumes of...well, you get the idea.
  5. I don't respond to you in non sequiturs. You keep posting nonsense, and others do about the " popular vote ". I'm so damn sick of hearing about this NON issue ! This is who you support
  6. And you continue to display your ignorance for all to see.
  7. Which has zero value in determining who wins the office of President. It's like counting how many runs a teams scores in a World Series, but ignoring the number of games won. Anyone who mentions it is trying to imply that Hillary " should have " won, when in fact, she didn't.
  8. How is that 'newspeak ' ? Popular vote is 'newspeak', as it has no legitimate, valid role in how we elect a President. And yes, I did say earlier ' candidate ', but in the context of this thread, it should be known I wasn't talking about ALL elections.
  9. Did I trigger ? OMG.... sorry Homer, it's the truth. See, this is an example of why you just don't get it. You CLEARLY wanted to point to the large march attendance as some sort of proof, that some how our Nov 8th election wasn't valid, or genuine, when in fact, it absolutely was. Because THAT IS HOW CIVILIZED , free nations work. NOT by crowding streets, making demands and then trashing private / public property.
  10. * There is no such thing. We do not elect candidates on a popular vote. But props in diverting attention away from the issue I brought up. I can understand why you did that. * Election of a President is not done by popular votes. Never has , hopefully never will.
  11. I see the Left attack Mitt Romney, among the more decent humans in all of politics, and cast the most ridiculous aspersions imaginable. And not just towards him, but his family as well. I see 100,000's of people march in Europe decrying Reagan as some mad cowboy who wanted to start a nuclear war, when in fact, all he did was bring down the Berlin Wall. The Left are masters at hyperbole and hysteria. I'm not saying Trump isn't deserving of some of the criticism towards him. I get it. But when you have perfectly fine , civil and decent folks being painted as Hitler, then when an actual jerk and arrogant individual comes along, these wolf cries from the Left get even more ridiculous. Had ANY Republican won the election, there is zero question in my mind that we'd still see protests, violence ( under the guise of marches ) and outlandish displays of shock and anger. It simply is who the Left ARE ! That's their modus operandi . Funny how the group which claims to promote tolerance and respect for others show the least of it than anyone.
  12. Indeed, if Trump were xenophobic, racist, and made fun of the handicapped, that would apply. Misogynistic ? He's put himself in the corner there. I can't defend his ' fat pig' and ' grab 'em by the meow meow ' remarks. But the other stuff ? I don't see it.
  13. TexasTiger didn't watch video, and therefore won't comment on it. Instead, ... PUTIN !!!
  14. The same sort of cult view which elevated Obama to divinity status is now driving many of those same people to absolute unhinged hysteria against Trump. This will get old, very soon.
  15. You keep using that word. It does not mean what yo think it means. Black unemployment, which at the end of the Bush administration broke a decades-long pattern of being twice white unemployment, has resumed its disturbing and prolonged trend under President Obama, with the rate among African Americans now at 13.4 percent, according to a new Pew Research report. In a report timed for release on the eve of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Dream" speech, Pew said on Thursday: "Much has changed for African-Americans since the 1963 March on Washington (which, recall, was a march for 'Jobs and Freedom'), but one thing hasn't: The unemployment rate among blacks is about double that among whites, as it has been for most of the past six decades." The trend broke at the end of former President George W. Bush's administration as the recession hit whites more, temporarily boosting their unemployment rate. But as the recession has eased, whites have picked up more jobs. Currently, Pew said white unemployment is 6.7 percent, exactly half the black rate. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/under-obama-black-unemployment-back-to-twice-the-white-rate/article/2534597
  16. Sorry, but he did the same thing to Cruz. You have no case.
  17. Are you ? I showed you the video proof. 100% debunks that false claim.
  18. You see things and connect dots which aren't there. I can't cure you of your delusions.
  19. You're a lying coward. I didn't distort 1 damn thing, and you KNOW it. I simply posted the quote, as is, as it was printed in YOUR linked story. Complete ownership of you, just freaking admit it.
  20. 80 years ago, talking about a completely different world and political landscape. My god, how simple are the Left ?
  21. I'm NOT LYING !!!! I QUOTED FROM THE damn STORY YOU POSTED !!! SERIOUSLY... you are flat out MENTAL
  22. He did exactly as I said. You're flat out delusional. "President Barack Obama was born in the United States," Trump said Also, CNN has been proven to be fake news. It tried to spin the issue as to being some how racially charged. Utter nonsense. Pure race baiting by a Left wing news propaganda network.
  23. And what happened? Obama released his b.c. and then.... Trump dropped the case. Has Lewis done the same ? Admitted there's nothing to his claim ? You're really painting yourself in a corner here. It'l be fun to watch you try to get out of this one.
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