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  1. JD Vance is a good Catholic who apparently believes nuns and priests have no stake in America’s future and lesser voting rights.
  2. It was 40 for Dubya. Youthful indiscretions.
  3. Even though Trump picks the best people? https://www.mediaite.com/opinion/trump-has-tucker-carlson-to-blame-for-the-abject-disaster-of-selecting-jd-vance-as-his-running-mate/
  4. But don’t give it away or look it up: X Æ A-Xii, Exa Dark Sideræl and Techno Mechanicus.
  5. Blame the woman for what the guy said— amiright, Salty?
  6. Never seen photos are everything they could be! https://apnews.com/article/melania-trump-memoir-first-lady-0461dbb098a2218d41fbe7960c05a1a5
  7. Watch him in the 80s & 90s. But yes, worse since 2015. He’s just been normalized.
  8. Apologies to @SaltyTiger for linking to direct quotes by his boy.
  9. I mean, it’s obvious, ain’t it? How do you not see it? Think how much Biden aged in 4 years. Think how rambling and disjointed Trump is now.
  10. I know most folks need a job, but you have to give up a piece of your soul to countenance this evil. https://www.propublica.org/article/unitedhealth-healthcare-insurance-denial-ulcerative-colitis On the 2021 phone call, which was recorded by the company, nurse Victoria Kavanaugh told her colleague that a doctor contracted by United to review the case had concluded that McNaughton’s treatment was “not medically necessary.” Her colleague, Dave Opperman, reacted to the news with a long laugh. “I knew that was coming,” said Opperman, who heads up a United subsidiary that brokered the health insurance contract between United and Penn State. “I did too,” Kavanaugh replied. UnitedHealthcare Employees Discuss the Denial of Christopher McNaughton’s Claim David Opperman is an insurance broker who works for UnitedHealthcare. Victoria Kavanaugh is a nurse for United. In this recorded phone call from 2021, the two express relief that a doctor has turned down Penn State student Christopher McNaughton’s claim as “not medically necessary.” Opperman then complained about McNaughton’s mother, whom he referred to as “this woman,” for “screaming and yelling” and “throwing tantrums” during calls with United. The pair agreed that any appeal of the United doctor’s denial of the treatment would be a waste of the family’s time and money. “We’re still gonna say no,” Opperman said. More than 200 million Americans are covered by private health insurance. But data from state and federal regulators shows that insurers reject about 1 in 7 claims for treatment. Many people, faced with fighting insurance companies, simply give up: One study found that Americans file formal appeals on only 0.1% of claims denied by insurers under the Affordable Care Act. Insurers have wide discretion in crafting what is covered by their policies, beyond some basic services mandated by federal and state law. They often deny claims for services that they deem not “medically necessary.” When United refused to pay for McNaughton's treatment for that reason, his family did something unusual. They fought back with a lawsuit, which uncovered a trove of materials, including internal emails and tape-recorded exchanges among company employees. Those records offer an extraordinary behind-the-scenes look at how one of America's leading health care insurers relentlessly fought to reduce spending on care, even as its profits rose to record levels. As United reviewed McNaughton’s treatment, he and his family were often in the dark about what was happening or their rights. Meanwhile, United employees misrepresented critical findings and ignored warnings from doctors about the risks of altering McNaughton’s drug plan.
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