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Posts posted by tigerman1186

  1. Don't know for sure, but I'm sure it was a combination of 'things' that precipitated the decision by the coach and staff...wish him the best... he was a 'natural' wide receiver...

  2. He got hurt early in the season and left during our game because of his ankle...his stock will not be effected because of his ankle injury...it will be other 'things' that will effect his draft status....I just wonder how many who have opt out or declare early end up on a NFL roster next season????

  3. 1 minute ago, tigerman1186 said:

    Nothing against Walker, but imagine him playing in the NBA at this time....I doubt he would get much playing time...needs to improve his strength...and shooting...today you have to force your guy out of the lane, if you can't be consistent with the long jumper, then you can contribute....but he is 7'+ tall, and he has an understanding on how to block shots....which is his major strength....I feel he'll be back next season....


  4. I'm not hear to point fingers at any player or position, but asking this question....does our current offense scheme scare other teams on our schedule???? It seems we struggle to for any type of big play and in the red zone, while others don't seem to....yesterday, Houston coming out in the 4th quarter had the ball inside their 10 yard line for a 3rd and very long, and they completed a pass for the 1st...I couldn't see us do that in years....just wonder what others think???

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