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Posts posted by madkat7

  1. They remove all NIL restrictions then act surprised when it becomes a free for all....say it isn't so. That toothpaste is out of the tube I'm afraid.

    It's going to take a lot of coordinated effort to repack some of this and I'm not sure that they'll find enough people who feel it's in their financial best interest to do it.

    • Like 1
  2. "ESPN reportedly has its Adam Schefter of college football, according to the New York Post’s Andrew Marchand. Pete Thamel will leave Yahoo! Sports for ESPN, and he’ll be doing what he does best for the company — breaking news. "

    He breaks news all right. Pete Thamel does not equal Adam Schefter. The apocalypses is truly upon us. I remember this journalistic wannabe from the Newton days. I assume he's still hiding the bag man somewhere within his vast empire. I'm not a fan. 

    • Facepalm 1
    • Angry 1
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  3. 21 hours ago, Brad_ATX said:

    They sell these at the Aggie meat market on campus (along with dry aged steaks and other goodness).  I literally take a cooler, stop there, put everything on ice in my car, and then go park so that I can take it all home.

    For these delicacies:

    Take a jalepeno, hollow it out.  Stuff it with cheddar.

    Surround it in ground sausage.  Then wrap it in bacon.

    Put in smoker for about 2 hours.

    Sorry to derail, but these look fun! Couple of questions. 

    1. What temp target of smoker?

    2. Do you cook them in log form and slice after, or slice before cooking?

  4. I fail to see the incentive of the Thanksgiving day games below the 2 #1 seed matchup semi-final for SEC crown. These would seemingly fall into meaningless "bowl game" context where some athletes may opt to sit out since there is nothing to gain. Am I missing something?

  5. The guidelines are:

    1. Deals cannot serve as recruiting inducements.
    2. Athletes cannot receive benefits without services given.
    3. Agents or representation are allowed for NIL benefits.
    4. Schools cannot be involved in creating opportunities for their athletes.
    5. Players cannot promote alcohol, legal drugs like cannabis, tobacco products, adult entertainment or gambling.

    I've got nothing against the kids making $$ but I can't fathom any way to monitor the above "guidelines" to keep the playing field even remotely level. 

    1. Prove that the kid got that sponsorship as part of an inducement deal and/or that the school was involved. We already know this shady stuff went on with the outmoded amateurism rules. Now it will be applied even more liberally. 

    2. Services given...this is wildly vague and open to broad interpretation.  

    3. Agents will be necessary for any serious athlete. It's not just their likeness they are representing, they are also de-facto representatives of the institution they play for. Someone has to look out for the interests of the institution and the athlete. We'll see how this plays out. 

    4. See #1

    5. How can they outlaw this but allow anything else. If the athlete is 21, so what if they promote a Vodka? This seems like more of the same crap that started all this to begin with. Someone will lobby / sue to change this. There's too much money at stake. 

    The below is a hypothetical, but given what I've seen it could happen...

    Boosters pool resources and funnel through a business to "sponsor" desired student athletes. They agree to pay exorbitant sums to these athletes for "services given" should they "decide" to attend the local preferred university. The student attends. The athletes do an appearance once per month for an hour at the business for a substantial payout. This would be so easy to coordinate between the School and boosters with zero paper trail and plausible deniability.

    In this scenario the schools with the richest willing boosters and that can work this system will get the premium athletes. Smaller schools may be able to field teams, but they will not be competitive due to a lack of resources. 

    I'm not saying this will happen, but what's to stop it? 

    • Like 4
  6. I get both sides, I think that the kids do deserve something for the work they put in and monies they bring to the school. I also think that college sports being amateur is what makes them compelling to a lot of people. It's a no win situation. Something did have to change. What we got is a dam break. The days where a big name high school athlete goes to a school because they are die hard fans and want to play there are effectively over...Just like NFL players, they will go wherever gives them the biggest payday. The complexion of the sport will change, and it will become significantly more expensive. This has been happening under the table to an extent, but now it will be unabashed and the norm. The decision is a complete flip and open to grotesque significant interpretation which these top players and their legal representatives WILL exploit in the broadest possible sense. 

    The sky isn't falling, but it certainly is changing color. I'm not certain I'm going to like the shade when it's finished. YMMV.

    • Thanks 1
  7. I think that this ends college sports as we know them. Contrary to the the benefits outlined in earlier posts, it really is uncapping Pandora's box onto the slipperiest of slopes.

    "schools CAN offer academics related, non-salary compensation"...Lawyers will have a field day by exercising the broadest possible definition of this. 

    For example: Billy Bob is allowed to have a job and be a college football star. He gets an internship with a big booster for 250K / year but doesn't have to show up a day. You can't tell me this isn't going to happen. The NCAA can't keep their thumb on compliance as things were, there's no way they are going to be able to police/monitor anything. The schools that can get the most money into the hands of their athletes will find athletic success.

    Only a small fraction of schools make a profit from their athletic programs. This doesn't help that one bit. Schools may be forced to decide on being a primarily athletic institution or an academic one. I would not be surprised to see less than 40 D1 teams within 10 years. Fielding competitive teams will be financially impossible for most.


    • I can't see this being good for the fans. It will drive TV contract and ticket prices through the roof. I can easily see fan support declining because of this. 
    • It hammers the "team spirit" aspect of college sports. Granted, this is already on the way out, but still, this is why so many of us love college sports. 
    • It will make major college sports "me" sports, like the pros. We already have enough of that. 

    Thus is the nature of mankind. Profit at the expense of all.

    • Like 5
  8. 2 hours ago, AlaskanFAN said:

    Ok so the former President of LSU, the former AD of LSU and the former Football Coach at LSU - all at other Universities - have either resigned or were fired because of the LSU Husch Blackwell report. Now the current interim President of LSU what has he done, he put 2 AD staffers on administrative leave without pay for one 21 days and the other 30 days. ...........Something does not add up here.  

    I was thinking the exact same thing. A lot of "Nothing to See Here!!!" going on in Red Stick. This is either hugely detrimental to LSU athletics, or it will fade away quietly. Mixed messages for sure.

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