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Posts posted by AubFanCT

  1. It's an honest question. Harsin is obviously a lame duck coach. He's going to get fired, it's just  matter of when. Isn't it better to cut the cord as soon as possible and stop delaying the inevitable so we can move on? The question over Hasin's future is hurting our recruiting.  Other Coaches are using it against us. Once he's fired, recruits are gonna leave which always happens.  If we lost today, I think he would have been fired by midnight tonight. There is very little positive on the horizon.  An OLine dominated by a bottom tier SEC defense and a game we had no business winning are not positive signs. Would not have been a bad thing in my opinion if we lost today so we can move on sooner than later and try and right the ship of this program. 

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  2. Until we get into a repetitive cycle of recruiting and signing a several quality O Linemen EACH and EVERY year, this was the best news we could have hoped for in terms of the O Line. We don't have the established depth that comes with continually recruiting this position annually, so getting some experienced guys who are good can only help. And if we bring in competition via the portal, that's OK too but better to start with some returning pieces. I'm glad their both returning 

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  3. Is this thread a joke or serious? 5 in a row or not, just look at the history under Gus. We lost 4 or 5 games most years. If thats your barometer of success,  winner winner chicken dinner. No one is gonna turn this program around in 1 year, and honestly,  it will probably take 4 years which includes relationship building at the highschool level by this staff, establishing a CBH identity,  getting a QB for his scheme and getting multiple classes of OL recruiting wins among other items. We got a ways to go but enough of the Gus references please. 

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  4. 11 minutes ago, tomcat said:

    Curious who you might have subbed in?

    Honestly,  Loy. We were running into stacked run blitzing D. We made ourselves way too one dimensional and predictable. Then we get to OT and TJ is chucking it. I got nothing against TJ- Warrior,  Competitor. Maybe my beef is with Bobo but it was piss poor play calling last few drives. 

  5. Honestly,  Loy. We were running into stacked run blitzing D. We made ourselves way too one dimensional and predictable. Then we get to OT and TJ is chucking it. I got nothing against TJ- Warrior,  Competitor. Maybe my beef is with Bobo but it was piss poor play calling last few drives. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, AuMarine said:

    Defense bowed up when it mattered. I believe Jaylin Simpson is our best dB and it is not even close. Dude made some gave saving tackles last night.. shout out to him. 

    Yes....great call out. Some nice tackles out in space 1 on 1 where if the WR got loose, we were in trouble. Again, great call out. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, around4ever said:

    Typical Malzahn signing class.  One Offensive Lineman, a 3*, no offense to Langlo.  He may turn out to be the GOAT but our biggest weakness and we only sign one.  

    Spot on. Part of the reason he had to go. 7 seasons in a row of at least 4 loses unacceptable and the poor O Line recruiting was a HUGE part of that. I pray we learn and make changes. 

    Overall, all things considered, cutting the coach a few days before signing day, could have been much worse.....much, much worse. 

  8. Big signing- literally and figuratively.  Have utmost confidence that CCM will fully utilize this kid. 

    He will have to spend some time educating CGM that the guy who lines up outside of the tackle is not called an Outside Tackle and can actually go out for a pass. Will take multiple conversations, white board sessions, film examples,  recap of guys named Tony Gonzalez and Antonio Gates and I think in the end CGM just might get it. 

  9. Honest question. Looking at our HUGE OLine needs and considering that we really don't throw a ton and even if we wanted to, that becomes difficult with no OLine as we saw this past year, would u take a recruiting trade of Bell & Henry for Pickens loss? I say give me the 2 OLinemen. 

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