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Posts posted by AUIH1

  1. 1 minute ago, Woodstock Tiger said:

    So being relatively new here, is it not ok to criticize Gus (within reason) here after that unbelievable mess last night? 


    As bad as it was, to be within one batted pass from tying it up is almost inconceivable.  Kudos to Dabo for making one 

    Depends on who you are and which person with MOD in their title takes it.  If varies.



    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, Tigermike said:

    You can trust all of the MODERATORS, we don't pick on posters for personal reasons.   Believe it or not but we moderate each other and discuss what is going on where and when.  If you have a problem and think you can't trust what is happening as far as moderation then you can PM any MODERATOR or ADMIN you choose to discuss the problem.

    LOL I have and that is why I posted what I did.  We just need to disagree about your 1st sentence.  I am fine with this board. There are Mods who I respect a lot in terms of how they respond and do things.   Heck Titan has even banned me, but I respect him and he and I have had good back and forth on PM even when we disagree.  That is not the case with the Mod who called me out.  



  3. 42 minutes ago, WarTiger said:

    We get it. You hate Malzahn. Do you have to come in and pollute every thread with the same crap?  Time to grow up.

    You have an over inflated opinion of yourself and your opinions.  It is OK that you disagree with me.  I do not hate Gus and was driving the Gus Bus until uga 2014.  I would suggest that you should grow up. How old are you and when did you graduate from AU.  I am 53, graduated from AU in 1986 and put one daughter through school at AU.

    Edited to add:  I understand that you do not like me because I challenge your fantasy world. That is OK because the feeling is mutual.  You don't respect me and I don't respect you.    Let Golf, Titan, etc moderate me.


    • Like 4
  4. 1 hour ago, aujeff11 said:

    Waaaaaaay better QB too. There is a reason why JF3 is still in the running...


    Probably, but with better coaching of the QBs and better play calling that can use SW's strengths instead of forcing him run an offense that doesn't fit his game, perhaps our QB situation wouldn't be (based on what most "insiders" are posting) such bad shape.  Sept 3 will tell the tale, but it seems to me that Gus has decided that he must have a Cam/NM type of QB to run his O (as it has evolved at AU) effectively.  They signed JF3 to be the starting QB, but I believe they are discovering the hard way that JF3 isn't close to being NM part 2.



    • Like 2
  5. 10 minutes ago, WarDamnEagleWDE said:

    Neither QB played worth the dang. Both SW and JF3 were awful. No way to sugar coat it. We are in deep doo if we can't get at least average play from one of our QBs. 

    CP is a good back but lacks speed. Reminded me of PB. KM looked good. KJ didn't play much. Just limiting KJ's touches in the scrims.  Not worried about our RBs

    DL looked great. Great to hear.  They have the talent and we need them to be great.

    Hosley played great. Great to hear this with Dean gone.  Hope he can stay healthy.

    E Stove looked good. 

    D blitzed quite a bit. Played a lot of man on man. 

    Seems to be some very good team chemistry.  This is good news!  And the players all looked good on the hoof. 

    Need a QB. Real bad. Told SW looked a lot better the last scrim. And JF3 has ball security issues and can't pass. 

    And SW is still small. 

    Hopefully Gus can find some creative play calling to offset some of the QB issues.




  6. 7 minutes ago, NoALtiger said:

    I'm not sure how to feel about the 3 QB's not going live. We seemed to look great at QB last year in practice when it wasn't live and we all know how that went when guys on the other side starting knocking us in the teeth. 

    Agree.  They need to go live some (especially Jeremy Johnson).



  7. Hey...we have Kirby on one side and Satan on the other....both rivals and both on the schedule every year. Neither play each other unless it's in ATL for another 5 years. It's important we knock one of them off their horse in 2016.

    I'm going to say this right now, if Kirby beats Gus next year AU hired the wrong coach. Don't care if Gus wins 10 games.

    I've been saying this since 2012...

    I was wondering when this shtick would reappear. I'm glad Gus is keeping his enemies close! If you insiders are so certain of the demise of Gus, and no longer on the Gus Bus, I invite you to step in front of it! This is getting old guys and now it's appearing in the recruiting forum. Hopefully you get a warning from the mods. Ha!


    LOL. Quite whining and grow a pair.


    Whining? No, I'm tired of WDEWDE and Altima being anti-Gus with the majority of their posts! It is obvious that WDE's not happy, but seems more personal than losing football games. Maybe access to the program? I'm not one to pump sunshine, but I'm also not going to act like we need to have jetgate round 2.


    Pleading to the Mods to give warning points to WDE and Altima is definitely whining. How old are you?


  8. Hey...we have Kirby on one side and Satan on the other....both rivals and both on the schedule every year. Neither play each other unless it's in ATL for another 5 years. It's important we knock one of them off their horse in 2016.

    I'm going to say this right now, if Kirby beats Gus next year AU hired the wrong coach. Don't care if Gus wins 10 games.

    I've been saying this since 2012...

    I was wondering when this shtick would reappear. I'm glad Gus is keeping his enemies close! If you insiders are so certain of the demise of Gus, and no longer on the Gus Bus, I invite you to step in front of it! This is getting old guys and now it's appearing in the recruiting forum. Hopefully you get a warning from the mods. Ha!


    LOL. Quite whining and grow a pair.


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