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Posts posted by Barney

  1. Up Country was my favorite book by Demille. The Camel Club series by David Baldacci is pretty good, but gets a little watered down the last few.

    The first two are the best, IMO.

    The Camel Club

    The Collectors

    Stone Cold

    Devine Justice

    Hell's Corner (haven't read this one)

    He has other good books also. Some of the better ones.

    Last Man Standing

    Total Control

    Absolute Power

    Hope this helps.

  2. Good morning....

    Who wrote Cats and The Cradle?

    I had a professor ask this one time for extra credit. No one knew the answer. I guessed Cat Stevens.

  3. Awesome news!

    Hey little Mr.......... read back a little bit, a vid released to cmtedge today from Earle's upcoming record. You need to see. So damn good man, cannot wait to get my hands on that record.

    yep, I saw it. Planning on checking it out after work today. Thanks for the link.
  4. A4e, I'm very sorry to hear about your family's loss. Thoughts are with you all.

    tt, all is good here. I travelled to the western side to visit family. Happy farmers out there. Tough on the ones who are beef farmers, new born calves do not do well in weather like this. In a way, it brings me back down to earth after watching a community help each other after a storm like this, some tough people out there.

    I'm back in my office warm and safe for now.

  5. Hey guys. Snowboarding trip was great, and all the snow here is very welcomed. Especially in western, ks. We'll take as much as possible...keep it coming.

    Hope everyone else is doing ok.


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