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Posts posted by tigerfangs

  1. Off topic a bit, but what highschool back wouldn't want to play in this offense. It's proven to work with any number of backs with varying size and speed. Other systems need a specific back, like we seem to think we need a specific   type QB. 

    As for Pettway, he is a beast and the bruiser that I love to watch. When he runs for 3, it's not 3 and a cloud of dust. It's three yards and a clap of thunder.  

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  2. I'd really love to see Chris Johnson move to the 2-spot in the lineup. No knock against Heyward, but Johnson has much more bat control and he's getting on base at a great rate so maybe some of these J. Upton HRs will not be solo shots. Also, Heyward might benefit from batting further down the lineup with some more RBI opportunities.

    this could be extremely productive.

  3. I panic when Durbin takes the hill, but i like the livan pickup. im no expert but i do watch every game, and last year he did work when the braves met. on that note i was trying to figure out why livan has not been used as much as durbin...wonder if hes having trouble getting loose quick in the pen?

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