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Posts posted by Jackson-Sullivan

  1. Wow!  I'm watching the presser.  Chino and Hubbard look to not be returning.  TP will not be hitting coach as they are interviewing others.  I may have missed it but I just heard someone say he would be our new 1B coach.  Did anyone else hear this?

  2. You'll be surprised but if it gets down to Yankees vs. Phillies, I'll actually have to cheer for the Yankees. It'll kill me, but I hate Charlie Manuel with every bone in my body

    Same here.  I absolutely hate the Mets and Phils and would rather the Yanks win any day over those two.
  3. Gahhh! We're two days into the offseason and I already miss Braves baseball a ton. I don't know if I can make it to March

    You aren't kidding.  I always have withdrawls during the week after baseball season is finished because I watch every game.  Braves baseball has always been a big part of my life.
  4. Yep.  They didn't wait long to announce Fredi.  I think it's the best move for us.  I also think this has been in the works for quite sometime and has something to do with Fredi being let go from the Marlins.  It also probably has to do with why the Marlins were the only team to not honor Bobby on his last trip into town.  It still makes me furious thinking about that.

  5. Thanks for all the memories, Bobby.  And thanks to Fisherman for creating the Bobby Cox tribute thread. 

    Ok, I think Fredi will be our next manager with Eddie Perez as bench coach and McDowell staying as the pitching coach.  I love TP but I think he's gone and quite frankly needs to be.  I hope they decide to hold on to Snitker, Hubbard, and Chino.

    I have a feeling that the following guys are gone: Glaus, Diaz, Conrad, Lee, Cabrera, and Ankiel.  I'd love to see us go after a big bat in the outfield (this is just about essential, imo.) like Dunn or Werth and wouldn't mind seeing Ankiel could come back as a 4th outfielder if the price is right. I would think Cabrera's gone because he's too expensive for his production.  I also don't see Conrad being back with Diory ready to assume the backup utility man role.

    Man, I'm already ready for March!  It's just not going to be the same w/o Bobby down there cheering on every batter... "C'mon, kid!"  Again, thanks for the memories, Bobby, and GO BRAVOS!!!

  6. Whatever happens tonight we all need to be extremely proud of this team. They've lost so many stars this year the fact that they even made the playoffs is a miracle. Can you imagine how the Yankees would look if they lost A-rod, Jeter, C.C., and Mariano? That being said Let's go boys, Win this one and keep the season going

    You are so right.  We shouldn't have made it this far with all the casualties we've been dealt.  I am proud of them no matter what.  Let's go out and win another one for the skipper, boys.
  7. No offense, man.  We just don't allow posts with language like that on AE, bleeped or not.  It's obvious what you were saying and that's the point. 

    Ok, to the game.  I am extremely upset with that blown call.  There is no excuse for an umpire to be out of position to make a call in such an important game.  That one freaking call changed the game.  I'm not saying we would have won but we would have definitely been going into the bottom of the 9th. 0-0 and it would've turned into a battle of the bullpens. 

    This is a short series, which makes the call even bigger.  What a shame.  We gotta forget about it, though, and come out tonight and find a way to get a W.  Go Bravos!

  8. haha my bad...i've followed the giants all season and had a lot of fun watching them, but also pull for the braves since i'm the south, where EVERYONE is a braves fan.  should be a great first series.  i'll be pleased with whoever wins this one and hope they go all the waaay

    It's all good, man.  We just pride ourselves in not letting fans of other teams jump on our Braves thread and talk smack to us.  WDE!
  9. I'm hoping for an ATL win and a SD loss today!

    That would be perfect since Sat. is Bobby Cox Day. He could enjoy it without all the pressure....

    Exactly!  I'd love for him to be able to relax and take it all in even though he hates all the attention.  HAHA!  We're in pretty good shape now, fellas.  Go Bravos!

  10. Not to be Debbie Downer but the Braves are done. It was fun while it lasted, now get out of here Bobby! Make room for a manager that will steal or do a hit and run or not leave a pitcher in for waaaayyy too long.

    I understand your frustration, bro, but is that really necessary?  No matter how this season turns out, Bobby's still one of the best of all time.  Alright!  Let's not roll over, Bravos!  We still have hope for atleast the wildcard.  You haven't seen me post in this thread of late because I've been so frustrated with the team and didn't want to say something I didn't mean.  HAHA!  I'm back, though, and (as always) behind my Bravos 100%.  Let's do this thing and make the playoffs one way or another. 
  11. Hey J-S did you see pigs flying this morning? If not, then don't count on it  :tease: I believe he went 1-6 in Gwinette. Not very good if you ask me.

    HA!  Yeah.  His ERA was slightly lower down there but it should be with the talent not being up to the MLB standards.
  12. Great win!  'Still up 3 with the days tickin' away.  I guess ya'll have heard that the Japanese Nightmare will be starting in place of Lowe on Friday.  I'm just bustin' on Kawakami.  HAHA!  Ever since I first heard that nickname, I've thought it was hilarious.

    Good lord.Here's to a RAINOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BLAHAHAHA!!!!  Maybe he'll have one of those rare dominating outings that he had a few times last year.
  13. Great win!  'Still up 3 with the days tickin' away.  I guess ya'll have heard that the Japanese Nightmare will be starting in place of Lowe on Friday.  I'm just bustin' on Kawakami.  HAHA!  Ever since I first heard that nickname, I've thought it was hilarious.

  14. Bad news for any Strasburg fans. Looks like he will need Tommy John Surgery.

    'May actually be good for him (and his fans) in the long run.  You usually come back stronger and more durable.  It also qute frequently adds 2 or 3 mph to your fastball.  Can you imagine that kid throwing even harder?  WOW!

    This is true but you have to feel bad for the young man.  Is Dr. Andrews doing the surgery?

    No doubt.  It's never really a good thing when you have to be cut on.  'Must be a bummer for him.  I was just going by statistics.  So many come back more durable and stronger and with added velocity these days, you know.
  15. Bad news for any Strasburg fans. Looks like he will need Tommy John Surgery.

    'May actually be good for him (and his fans) in the long run.  You usually come back stronger and more durable.  It also qute frequently adds 2 or 3 mph to your fastball.  Can you imagine that kid throwing even harder?  WOW!
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