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Posts posted by AUinfusion

  1. 4 minutes ago, ellitor said:

    @AUinfusion Not neccesarily. Along with RB at the end of his presser yesterday Harsin said he is also looking for help at OL & CB. Also there are at least 3 LBs in the portal we are looking at getting 1 from.

    Hmm... I was assuming that we would wait so that Hunter could be the first RB announcement based on "waiting to announce after Hunter’s in". I'm not sure why else we would wait?

  2. 3 minutes ago, ellitor said:

    FWIW an insider on the bunker WDE respects, Jughead, says he believes the flip is a transfer AU is waiting to announce after Hunter’s in.

    That has a nice ring to it. I assume that would mean a higher level RB, so we end with Hunter, another quality RB, and Brooks from UT (and then on to later transfers). If we can pull a good OT from the transfer portal with all of that (and maybe another LB), I'll feel a lot better about this class.

  3. Gus did a good job of keeping us in the bridesmaid spot for high ranking offensive linemen. There are plenty of great OTs around the SEC that we "almost" landed. I suppose that might have led some people who were not paying close attention to believe that we were doing better at OL recruiting than we were, because there was seldom a 4* backup plan to the 5* recruit that we missed on... again...

  4. 17 minutes ago, Hank2020 said:

    I thought Gunner had already committed to UGA?

    He has, although it seems like I heard some people saying we might be able to get back in on him? I was just saying that I thought those two (who we both high on our radar) looked more ready, in my amateur opinion, than Geriner. I'll reiterate that with Bobo and Harsin on staff, I feel relatively confident that we can identify talent.

  5. 3 hours ago, bigbird said:

    A lot of OLB in those highlights

    He plays more like an OLB, to me, if there is such a thing. He seems to use more agility than power. I don't see him running through people as much as quickly navigating through the crowd, to the ball carrier, and then wrapping the ball carrier up (well). It will be interesting to see what the LB coaches do with him. With a name like Joko I was expecting him to be more of the "destroy everything in front of me" type LB. 🙂

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  6. I guess we need some protocol where we can make observations without being too negative recruits. IMHO he is the least athletic of the QBs on our radar. His arm looked strong to me, but unpolished. I think Tanner(1) and Gunner(2) looked more ready to make an early impact. Now, it's very possible that a couple of QB whisperers on our staff see some raw potential that I don't and have a lot of confidence that this guy is a star in the making under the right tutelage... There is no way I would challenge, with just my expertise, the decisions of Bobo and Harsin on QBs. Also, the kid committed to AU so he is now part of the family (at least "in waiting"). WDE to him!

    Disclaimer: I'm not an expert. I can make a decent pass at judging athleticism, release, accuracy and quality of throw, but that's all from the comfort of my couch.

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  7. 1 hour ago, gr82b4au said:

    Reading these hires threads and the Shivers thread makes me sad. This place is just as bad as rivals now. 
    None of you know how this is going to turn out. It could be bad or it could be great...But many of you have complained over and over and over again about most hires Harsin has made. 
    I mean you don’t have to be ra ra kind of fan but at least give the guys a damn chance. 

    On Shiver’s, I honestly think we have a bammer or two trying to run Shiver’s off by pissing off his mom.


    On the WR coach, I agree that Harsin is doing the interviewing and probably knows his business, but I understand the disappointment when we go from “probably and NFL guy or this well respected name” to hiring a position coach from Troy. Not saying he won’t be great, but I understand wanting those highly regarded known quantities.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, ellitor said:

    Fans from any school don't need to be in any recruits' twitter feed. That's creepy AH.

    I'm not recommending one way or the other. I linked into it from a recruiting analyst's post, and am just reporting what I saw. Creepy is probably the right word, but what Trenton is seeing in his feed is a whole bunch of UNC folks responding to (I forget what the accolades were for).

  9. 32 minutes ago, JBiGGiE said:

    From my amateur evaluation, they seem to have different skill sets. Cain is a brusier but Griffin is nimble and can accelerate at the flip of a switch. Richards would be a fine substitute for Cain but slight downgrade. But I think we need to get Jamious if nothing else.

    I actually disagree from my own amateur evaluation. I was originally "star struck" with Cain, but after watching film of both Cain and Mar, I feel like Mar is the better athlete and will be the better RB. Trey Sanders was definitely better than Cain (watching them play on the same team). I typically dislike comparing recruits to past stars (we usually do it wrong), but MAR does remind me of KJ quite a bit.

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  10. 14 minutes ago, thewhiz7 said:

    Bama averaged 7.2 yards on first down? That stat sticks out to me. Usually if you give up that much on first down you lose. 

    ua only had 19 first downs, and one of them was a 65 yard pass on the last play of the game that should not have counted. They had some success on 1st down, but I don’t think that number gives an accurate picture. I prefer the “didn’t covert on 3rd down until the fourth quarter” number :-)

  11. 6 hours ago, ellitor said:

    Iggy should be a 4* the next time the composite is updated. Rivals just moved him from a 5.5 3* to a 5.8 4*. That's a very big jump on their scale. The other sites already have Iggy a 4*.

    I've pretty much quite looking at stars almost completely, in favor of looking at position ranking (unless the player is ranked as an athlete, which doesn't always translate as well). I would like to see a day when AU has at least one or two top 15 players available at each position. Those are typically game changing players.

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  12. 12 minutes ago, ellitor said:

    First thing you do is not look at stars at all. If a 3* is the top of your board you take him when you can regardless of what sites think are 4 & 5 star prospects. Also Jalen was a 4* through most of his recruitment.

    Not trying to be a jerk in any way, but that's reaching a bit. We are closing in on February. Hurt was the #3 247 composite dual threat QB around this time, and everybody knew who he was. Willis might turn out to be awesome, but IMHO, if we were looking at him as a Jalen Hurts type talent, he would have gotten his committable offer a lot sooner. I'm rooting for him all the way, but I'm not a fan of acting like someone is our top choice when it's pretty clear that was not the case. I'm a fan of ANYONE who dons the orange and blue, but I'm of the age where I like to be realistic, too. JMHO.

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  13. 47 minutes ago, oracle79 said:

    Not even gonna comment on the competition for starter (i.e. if coaches were satisfied with that, why go after JS?  A solid backup? LMAO).

    Now, has JS signed a letter of intent or attended class at Auburn?  Let me know when that happens and I'll get excited.

    These kinds of comments always kill me, like the coaches wouldn't go after an elite talent unless the cupboard was completely bare. Sean should not have seen the field his first two years at AU (too small, needed time to beef up), but he is a good QB. Barrett, from what I've seen, is a very good QB, with potential to be more. If you can get a Stidham, you get a Stidham, no matter who else you have. I think that there is a *good* chance that JS wins the starting job, but I also think that Woody and Sean give him a solid run for us money.

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