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Posts posted by Tigerfinz

  1. Yeah...I just watched his hilights again after hearing that he had only played QB for a little more than a year...Dayummmm!!  I think we have a real winner here.  He has great instincts and looks to be about as fast as Nick Marshall and can flat out change direction quick as a hiccup.  I also noticed how long his arms seem when he stiffarms a defender.  They can't seem to be able to grab him. And he is only like 185 lbs.  Imagine that at 210.  I believe we are actually going to be spoiled at that position for years to come.  Especially if we hold on to Joey G. and get ourselves young Mr. Nix...Look out!  Better days are ahead brethen...

    • Like 2
  2. 20 hours ago, Bigbens42 said:

    You go to school here? Class of '04. Moved out, got married and moved back to get my kids in school here.

    I was on the team for the tail end of our last good period. Was a sophomore during Cox's senior year.

    Best of luck to your nephew. Family goes to every home game. We'll keep an eye out for him. 

    I did not go there.  I graduated from Pelham in 93.  Moved to Trussville when I got married.  My oldest nephew graduated there in 2012. My other is in 9th grade there.

  3. Watched him play 3 weeks ago. I think he is tailor made for our offense.  My wife and I moved from Trussville to Atlanta a few years ago.  Hewitt Trussville had been in a seemingly decade of mediocrity in sports, especially football. Glad they hired coach Floyd.  The guy is a winner.  My nephew can't wait to play for him next year. They went undefeated this year. Not to mention beating a good Oak Mountain team 63-21 Friday night. With a brand new school campus, a beautiful new stadium and a young coach with ties to our favorite school, I am hoping that this can become a pipeline to AU.  War Eagle and MUSH! Go Huskies!!

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  4. This guy just seems to play with a sense of purpose and agression.  Seems like if he gets his hands on you, you are going down.  And you might just get powerbombed!!  Not to mention he is pretty darn fast and seems to have a nose for the ball, which we need in that secondary for the future. We need guys with bad intentions on the field. I welcome that...

  5. You know...listening to this kid speak is downright refreshing. He gets it. Auburn is different. Auburn is special. It just gets in your blood, and quickly I must say. This kid might just be out next great Auburn ambassador. Flame me because he is 15 and has 2 years of HS left. That's fine. I just love hearing how much he loves Auburn. He is so lucky because he hasn't even scratched the surface of what Auburn truly is. The best is yet to come. This is the kind of kid that spearheads a recruiting class with his infectious personality and his seemingly unflappable commitment to his future school and his craft. This can have an effect that lasts for years. And also a big thanks to Cameron Newton for putting Auburn in such a great place with his play and his commitment to Auburn. Without him we would not be where we are now. Not to mention every kid that wants to be the next Can. Joey is exactly that kid. Hope to be watching I'm in a few years. War Eagle young man! Stay true to your heart like so many of us have.

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