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Posts posted by WarEagle231

  1. We are in a QB crisis of sorts right now and I thought this might give some perspective. Football teams tend to win or lose based on defense and QB play. The fact the Auburn has no proven answer at QB is getting a lot of us fans into a tailspin mentally.  

    I'm sure George fans were in a similar spot with Stetson Bennett as their QB heading into 2021. Walk-on. The only thing he proved up to 2020 was that he wasn't the answer at QB if Georgia wanted to win a championship.  Many Auburn fans are worried that TJ Finely isn't up to the task or even the new transfer Calzada. Nothing is guaranteed but can we give these guys a chance?

    STETSON  BENNETT 2020 Stats

    86 155 55.5 1,179 7.6 8 TD 6 INT      


    TJ Finley 2021 Stats

    70 128 827 54.7 6.5 51 6 TD 1 INT


    Zach Calzada 2021 Stats

    184 328 56.1 2,185 6.7 17 TD 9 INT     
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  2. Why are so many down on the idea of Kenny Dillingham? Seems like a more than capable recruiter and an upgrade over Bobo in that department. Florida State doesn't have a QB like Bo Nix. Florida State opponents are gameplaning to stop the run and daring them to pass the ball. They are also a team that has a lot of holes despite decent recruiting rankings. Auburn of course is in the same situation. Also, Bo Nix may be endorsing Kenny. 

    Mike Norvell and KD had plenty of top 10 offenses at Memphis. Mike trusts Kenny to call the plays. 

    I wouldn't see this as a home run hire. However, it could end up being an upgrade of Zak Hill. Bringing someone in with a modern scheme and recruiting success in the SEC.  KD and Mike Norvell have had tons of success over the years running the football. Auburn's best bet next year and this one is to have a run first approach.

    Zac Kittely with the Hilltoppers has a great air raid scheme but no experience in the SEC. Can he recruit? Can the Air Raid really beat George and Alabama? 

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  3. Here is what I don't understand. If we hired Chris Peterson would you want him to bring in an OC that wasn't aligned with his offensive philosophy?  Harsin is Chris Peterson's most successful protege. He has been highly successful at running the Peterson offensive approach which is by nature versatile. Yet is seems like many will be highly disappointed/confused if we go with Zak Hill or Eric Kiesau.


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  4. If the next OC doesn't pan out then Harsin is getting let go with them. FACT™

    Mike Bobo did not run the offensive system that Harsin built his career on. FACT™

    Harsin's back is against the wall with a disappointing first season. FACT™

    Harsin is in a tough spot and has no other choice than to go back to what has worked for him in the past. I can see no other option. He can't bet his future on Grimes, Kittley or the ghost of Vince Lombardi.  Zach Hill or the Eric Kiesau are most likely the only options.


    *Each Fact™ referred to in this post has been verified by the Auburn Fact™ Checking Council and certified to be a Fact™ by the Fact™ Verification Administration in adherence with the Fact™ Interpretation Act of 2021. Those disputing these as a Fact™ must be mistaken, uneducated, or mistakenly uneducated.



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  5. 23 minutes ago, 1716AU said:

    I have defended this since Harsin was hired.  No more.  It only took four games.  So sorry I defended him.

    Absolutely pathetic, all the way around. Absolutely NO reason for this.  NONE.

    Honeymoon is over.  I have absolutely ZERO confidence moving forward in Harsin. Not after this.

    So you’re saying you’re a fair weather fan?

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  6. 51 minutes ago, FoundationEagle said:

    No possible way they name a starter before fall. White has a broken arm and won't be available for spring ball. Yes that sucks, but SW deserves his shot to retain his own position. If they name Stidham in the spring, if I'm SW I'm transferring immediately before I use another year of eligibility. If that happens, then we've screwed our entire program should Stidham get hurt. That would be a terrible plan. 


    You think Sean will be held out of all of spring practice? I'm hopeful he's not.

    From all reports, it was a mild fracture. He didn't even know he broke is forearm until he had played in a few more series after the injury.

    Last year spring practice started on March 1st. If we followed that same schedule sean would have about eight weeks after the injury to recover. From what I have ready online, forearm fractures generally take 4-6 weeks to heal before removing the cast or brace. It's possible that he will be throwing again by the start of spring practice and they could just keep him away from any contact for a few more weeks.  

    A-day was on April 9th last year so it's also conceivable that he would be ready for live action at that point 13 weeks after the injury. I know the coaches will be extra cautious with him though so who knows.

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