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Posts posted by HSVWarEagle

  1. When I stopped watching the games after game #1.... I just couldn't bring myself to even watch another game with no game plan (it never looked like we had one....... Or it was abandoned after the first snap).

    Scratch my head at yet another O line group with little talent, no cohesion, or even the appearance of preparation......

    But what really finished it off for me was watching TJ sail pass after pass over the heads of his receivers, not seeing his route progressions, and bailing out of the pocket too early which resulted in running for his life.  All the while he's launching the ball to where the receiver is supposed to be..... This resulted in unnecessary jump balls because of ridiculously long developing route schemes.

    The Brian Harsin experience is thankfully over.  Gus had earned a couple of years to right the ship ..... I hope Auburn sues Harsin for breach of contract.  He didn't just misrepresent his coaching ability, he was completely fraudulent in his responsibility.

    He should be prosecuted as a grifter. I would not allow a golden parachute clause to be awarded to this con man. Instead he should be served with a detinue bond notice for recovery of stolen assets (his pay was granted under fraudulent pretenses)..........


    Ok I feel better




  2. On 11/28/2021 at 7:33 PM, Didba said:

    Take away the Arky and Ole Miss games last year that Auburn lost in every way besides the scoreboard thanks to massive terrible calls by refs and Gus's last season at AU is 4-6 in the SEC. 4-8 overall.

    Ok.. Let's try and follow this argument through.....We can't count the wins against any bad team nor any wins where we didn't win the stat line?

    We are REQUIRED to play teams outside the SEC... Are you suggesting that we should be scheduling the very best of the other leagues because of....style points? a win only counts if the other team is good?  

    Let's remember the ONLY thing that matters each year.. Having a team fighting for #4 in the playoff rankings and/or a trip to the SEC championship game.. We play enough teams that have crazily stacked rosters.... Let's not make the job impossible

    • Facepalm 1
  3. 2 hours ago, AUDevil said:

    This team is 1 in a million.


    There are times when you look at statistics and they only generate oohs and aaahs at their sheer magnitude.......but rarely does it take a nose dive from the high five into an empty concrete pool.......

    Please everyone, keep those #s to yourself.... Or better yet .... Create a masochist thread... Just warn readers before they go in .... "Stats that will make you want to find the tallest building nearby and leap head first from its roof".... At least post a call center #, which will only grant access to the thread after getting into the agent waiting pool. Because after seeing those truly mind boggling stats I really need to talk to someone... @bigbird....I need you!!! 🤔🙁😟🥺😢😭😭😭

    • Haha 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, bigbird said:

    I wish that was contagious

    Yeah there's a reason I don't post much......I just can't engage with those who somehow manage to dress, feed, and (I hope) wash themselves each day, but can't use basic reason to form a cogent, thoughtful argument.....I just can't engage most days..... My happiness is too valuable to me There's no way I'm trying to convince that person that they have wandered into lala land and need to gain perspective before racing to a keyboard.... Some people just can't be wrong... It's an... wait for it... epidemic I've seen manifest these last few years

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  5. 5 minutes ago, bigbird said:

    Oh I do, I didn't think you were being anyway at all. I agree with everything you stated with exception to the CB comment, and even agree with some of that.. I just think the attitudes towards the secondary were severely misaligned this season. If I came across as curt, my apologies.

    No worries my friend!, I am a grown up and can engage in a spirited conversation without getting butt hurt.... Who knows... You might even see that I'll actually agree with you in that consistently only rushing 3 did no favors for that crew

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  6. @bigbirdPlease understand, I'm actually very happy with what I saw this year. I saw a team gain their grit back, overcome a tumultuous off-season with a new staff and scheme, and actually play for each other ... When's the last time we didn't see a precipitous dropoff when the backup QB had to come in for more than a series here or there.   I for one am excited about many things!

    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, bigbird said:

    That's true, but what improvement over the course of the season.  More time running the scheme and an entire off-season to rep as opposed to install will have a huge payoff next season

    Sure! But improvement does not a strong unit make .. I saw good coverage skill and it's not like they were a PI generating machine either, but I think we lack some speed out there..... And we couldn't close the door when we needed to on obvious passing downs

    • Facepalm 2
    • Sad 1
  8. @bigbirdI saw so many missed assignments over these last games.... Ok yes... We have very very bright spots there, but as a unit ... Meh... I see them as a liability...... We kept having to give our best a blow and then, BANG!,  we MAGICALLY somehow give up an explosive play

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    • Facepalm 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, Bro Johnny Mac said:

    Harsin is laying the bricks....It takes a while to build a solid foundation 

    I couldn't agree more. I've seen a coach get schooled on how things are done in the SEC.  It's not like he's used to.... When he had dominant players, staff, and the unbridled, plain ole swagger those boys had out there in Boise.  

    You can't win in this league by building a lead and then playing to not lose.  I see a program that:

    1. Needs depth and skill... We're woefully hurting in three places: CB, OL, WR

    2. Can and did score enough to win plenty of games...... As long as the OC doesn't shut the offense down to preserve a lead instead of leaving the throttle on the floor for 60m.

    3. Must hit the trail to rebuild our reputation, invigorate excitement in being an Auburn Tiger (which hasn't been present for at least 5 years), and get real tangible TALENT

    4. MUST stop using the JUCO transfer portal as a defacto draft. I mean good grief... I'm tired of Auburn trying sell obviously flawed players to this fanbase with ratings that were generous when they were in high school......

    5. Get an OC in here with vision and flexibility.... These "the system is perfect" guys is just getting old. Too much rigidity which makes us predictable and boring.  This team reminds me of those Georgia teams that were STACKED but could never put it together... Oh yeah ...BoBo was their OC then too.....l

    • Like 3
  10. I for one am so excited to see that we're finally EXCITED about AU football again.  It's nice to have the optimism back and the knowledge that this staff isn't afraid to make adjustments and play to the strengths of our team instead of what the "system" prescribes for situations.  I'm glad seeing Bad Bo progress to Meh Bo.... That's keeps us in this game. WDE everyone!

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