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bigbird last won the day on April 25

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About bigbird

  • Birthday 01/24/1979

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    Tyler, TX
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Founding Father

Founding Father (14/14)

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  1. Hopefully It'll be worth the wait
  2. We're pushing hard for him to get back in the class
  3. It's wasn't Juju that caused us to pivot
  4. As stated, he is an IOL. After spring evals, we moved on from MD
  5. We weren't taking him. Neither was UGA
  6. Love it! Golf is definitely Clint's character. Such a iconic actor that had exceptional range. He leaves behind a wonderful catalog of films.
  7. He signed with Bama under Kelly and followed him to CU. With Scott's injury, he was brought in for depth. I'll look at his tape when I get back home.
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