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Posts posted by alexava

  1. On 6/20/2023 at 12:34 PM, AU9377 said:

    Thank you for clarifying your position.  We agree much more on this issue than we disagree.  I think many people are simply guarded due to the actions of people like Ron DeSantis.  He first claimed that he was protecting children in Florida, but when given an inch, he took a mile and has been showing his true colors more and more.  For you it isn't, but for many it seems to be the acceptable way that they can funnel their disdain for people that are different from themselves and feel justified doing so.

    What actions of DeSantis do you have a problem with?

    • Haha 1
  2. 19 hours ago, arein0 said:

    Rosa Parks was considered defective for not giving up her seat on the bus. Would you have called her mentally ill? As you later say, if she didn't do that, then we wouldn't have the conversation and she would quietly live out her life out of the spotlight. 

    I’m sure Christian black folks love you. Keep trying to line them up with this sickness that has no relevance to the oppression they faced and overcame for simply existing. Leftism itself is a mental illness. Congratulations on your diagnosis. Now you can be a victim too. 

    • Facepalm 1
  3. 15 hours ago, AU9377 said:

    When your son brings home his boyfriend, is he also defective and mentally ill?  Where is the line drawn?

    My son is 18 and a skirt chaser.  Although his God parents are a Couple of gay men that we lived next door to before he was born. Best friends of my wife and I, my kids call them “Uncle.....” These men also don’t think men should play women’s sports and children should not be mutilated. They don’t consider themselves a part of the alphabet mafia anymore. 
           I draw the line at stick and balls, you are a man and play men’s sports. Don’t destroy the body of confused children. Plain and simple. If a mentally ill adult wants to be mutilated, that’s his business. Just don’t expect me to share this mental illness with you. 
             This is all the leftist ploy to create more victims. 

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  4. 10 hours ago, AU9377 said:

    You don't have to specifically teach a child to harm or hurt someone for that to be the result.  When you devalue someone or some group by describing them as mentally ill or defective, you make them less than a person.  I don't understand and can't relate to most that consider themselves to be a transexual.  That doesn't mean that I have any interest in targeting them because they are different.


    When people display their mental illness, like stripping on the White House lawn or any other specific defective,attention grabbing ruses they put on....it’s perfectly fine to tell your children that this is a mentally ill person, yes a defective person. That’s called honesty. It’s called parenting. If these people were not mentally ill, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. They would be quietly living their lives out of the spotlight. They are trying to force our capitulation and the American left( surprise) is participating in the mental illness with them. I won’t. 

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  5. 20 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

    If that is the radical side of supporting LGBT then I am firmly against it. I don't like Walsh's delivery, but I can firmly say he did the world a favor with the interviews. If you claim to be educated, sophisticated, etc but cannot clearly articulate your position then you are the problem. 

    So you agree with me? You agree with Walsh except his lack of patronizing? He’s mean? 

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  6. 23 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

    While I totally support the group, this did nothing but offend every person we need to be on our side. 

    Turnig the WH into a two-bit titty bar is a universally bad look. An now even the groups that should be your allies are now turning against your dumbass.

    WTG! <smfh>

    The group would not be happy with your “ total” support. You denounced their legitimacy in women’s sports and want children protected from chemical and surgical mutation. Make no mistake, you are their enemy and they would try their damned best to cancel your career or life. I see no difference between you and Matt Walsh. They won’t either. No matter how patronizing you try to sound while you are pointing out the obvious truth about them. 

  7. On 6/14/2023 at 1:12 PM, NolaAuTiger said:

    Should we teach children to respect men who dress up in women's clothing and wear makeup? Yes or no? Pick one. 

    They make the simple way too difficult. It’s not just makeup. It’s mental illness. The point being evaded is that this administration chose, handpicked a group of the best yo-yos they could find yet still they couldn’t act like normal human beings for a couple hours at the ******* White House. They weren’t protesting they were being celebrated and acted like the freaks they are. This is so embarrassing to the left they ignore it. 

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  8. 33 minutes ago, cole256 said:

    I'm not doing the ol you keep asking me questions and not answer anything. And also I don't think in the context of which you want to argue. When I say something against them I'm talking independent situations that come up. Something like if a white person destroys property as opposed to a black person does it.

    Of course I'm not talking about anything set up against white people as a society.....You don't have those things because you weren't enslaved or ruled by another group. You didn't go through the things black people had to go thru so there wouldn't be any examples of unfair hardships for white people to think is set up against them.

    But I will give you these examples something like affirmative action being created because of power white people had that was abused.....This was created because of wrong white people did but white people complain about this more than anybody.....actually more than likely it's going to be a white person complaining before anybody when it comes to anybody getting any type of benefit. To me that really shows how white people wouldn't sit back for one second and shut up if they were being treated unfairly. 

    But before moving into any of that please tell me how it's black people looking for something to complain about having a problem with a school being named after a man who believed in slavery, believed that a black person was less of a human, was a serial killer.....you really can't see an issue with that? 

    It’s called history. It happened. Slavery happened. It was carried out by many people.very prominent people who were very accomplished in many aspects of life, of statehood, of business while building a nation which happens to be the greatest on earth. I have zero guilt for that. None. I don’t care what that school has for a name. I don’t know enough to really have an opinion on NBForrest but there are people who see more than a clan leader there. And he also denounced it later.  Calhoun Community college was named in 1965. Why? IDK maybe white supremacy? The fact is few people know who he even is. He’s extremely accomplished in several aspects of government. He was a proponent for slavery who died a decade before the civil war. The college was named 60 years ago. Every few years people (very few people, usually white libs) start raising hell wanting to change it. It is what it is. So yes I do think they are too sensitive and need to get over it. I don’t have any opinion about JCCalhoun either. That’s just been Calhoun  Community College for nearly 60 years and it makes no economic or logical sense to change it. Same with Military Bases named after pro slavery figures. You can’t erase that history. You will always find something to be offended by. So why try to appease it. Just accept it.

         Affirmative action is a totally different issue that I’m going to save for another day. 

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  9. 1 minute ago, cole256 said:

    So that's not the conversation I was having. The convo went to the shouldn't have to get rid of statues and people that are offended by it are just looking for something. So from that I pointed out how these evil men are still celebrated to this day.

    So I could ask you what's the context to you between white supremacy and people (black) are looking for things to be offended about.

    White supremacy to me is white people thinking their race is superior to other races and they think when it's something against them then heaven and hell needs to be moved but when it's something that they have done against somebody else then just like you said in this thread, people are too sensitive and need to get over it.....


    Give me an example of something white people think is against them requiring heaven and hell to be moved. 

  10. On 6/13/2023 at 1:17 AM, cole256 said:

    To automatically assume what is white supremacy is presumptuous? Please tell me you are not saying the not changing of the school name. If that is your example of looking for something to be offended by I'm sorry then you have a mental challenge. 

    And this area is literally 30 minutes away if that.....it can be considered close enough to the community that it is the same community. Come on now

    Define white supremacy?

  11. On 6/8/2023 at 7:27 PM, cole256 said:

    That's Athens area right? See? People can hate me all they want but they can't say Cole is a dummy. 

    So you don't think it's a problem the kids up there a little past Lawrenceburg have to go to a school named after a freaking grand wizard of the kkk. People celebrate this man like he's really some kind of honorable hero.

    But I actually made a post about stuff like this, IMO that's why many of you are so against anything being racist, it would mean that some would have to admit some people they admire and love were horrible people and they won't do that

    I would prefer changing the name of the school named Forrest. I don’t know what the reason is for not changing it but to automatically assume it is white supremacy is presumptuous. What does that have to do with Athens or north Alabama? 
          How does this protect you from being a dummy?
          That’s what I’m talking about looking for something to be offended by. 

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  12. 6 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:


    I like how Christians try and pretend like they are so "persecuted" and harmed by lgbtq people and pride month.

    Nobody persecutes Christians during pride month and nobody forces Christians to say gay sex isn't a sin if that's what they want to believe in. In town meetings across the country it's not lgbtq people coming in complaining that the local church is having an outdoor service or is holding a religious gathering in a park...it's always the Christians complaining and trying to ban lgbtq people from having their own get togethers and events in public spaces. 

    Pride month is mostly just lgbtq people coming out in celebration of their individuality and life choices which not long ago led to THEM being openly persecuted and harmed if they expressed themselves.

    The only "persecution" a majority of Christians have to face  by pride is being inconvenienced by the multicolored flags and logos, which seemingly makes some Christians unreasonably angry.  

    Christians cannot legally openly discriminate against lgbtq people at work or in hiring or business, and some Christians DO views their inability to discriminate as a personal persecution against them and their religion, but that's just them throwing a hissy fit because they live in a free, secular society ruled by the Constitution. 


    It's also telling how to this author lgbtq people aren't individuals, but simply representative of sexual sin...that's all the author see's is sexual deviancy, Satan, evil, etc. not people not individuals, not freedom. 

    They are not individuals based upon their own identity to a group that uses half the damn alphabet and a “+” now to represent themselves. Some who are gay have publicly declared they don’t want any part of the alphabet mafia. 
         I can speak for most Americans both Christians, conservatives and even sane , moderate liberals in saying nobody gives a crap about what they think they are. Or what kind of kink they engage in. We, the majority of Americans want to protect women and children first and foremost. We also don’t want to be arm twisted by force to accept a falsehood we know is bullsheyt. 

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