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Posts posted by Chaotic_zx

  1. I'm going to play into some hypotheticals here. Hopefully to give a different perspective. 

    As we are Auburn fans(some of us may not be). There are those of us that claim to want what is best for Auburn above any individual. Especially those that attended Auburn University. If Auburn were to have a situation that landed it in legal or NCAA trouble, would that be ok with you all? Or would you all prefer to have the individual that placed Auburn into possible trouble released from their employment? 

    Now in the next hypothetical situation, let us say that an individual broke a law while representing Auburn University. What if it involved others? What if it involved players? Would you all want Auburn to take on the possibility for the bad PR to protect the individual? UGA took a good deal of bad PR for the drunk driving situations. What if Auburn faced that? What if your child were to be recruited by that individual who did something inappropriate breaking the law? Would you be like oh that's ok, it's cool? Or would you be like there is no way in hell my child would play for them? 

    Lastly, let us hypothetically say that the individuals involved were/are beloved to the Auburn fan base. If the individuals did something to place Auburn University in danger, would you all want them to be handled differently? Would you prefer Auburn to allow them the opportunity to leave their jobs while maintaining a positive outlook from Auburn's fans? Or would you prefer Auburn to go scorched earth and put the beloved individual's business out there? Possibly placing their future livelihoods and families in jeopardy?

    In my hypothetical situations, rhetorical questions were asked. My answer is this. I'd like for Auburn to handle it discretely so that the individuals that have given so much to Auburn wouldn't lose their livelihoods or families over the fallible nature of human beings we all are. Allowing them to keep their soft spot in the hearts and minds of the Auburn fans that care so much for them. I'd also like for individuals that fall short of expectations to be held to account for unmet expectations. So that Auburn can be better. Because after all, is that not what Auburn fans want for Auburn University?

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  2. 3 hours ago, SphyNxXx said:

    I’m reading on another board that the boosters at UA are coming back like they used to and they are pushing for Mike Locksley.

    Well for one he facilitated Auburn making themselves look like fools.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

    That second part is why you don't see many guys come back into football, or at least not for their same school. I think I'd be lying if I didn't think there's a certain pedestal that Caddy, or Trovon, or Etheridge operate on that other, foreign, coaches don't operate with. Pro and a con. They don't get the same love that the alumni coaches do. But they typically don't have to operate with that even higher set of expectations, as humans. Not saying they can just be greaseballs, but there are going to be people that are actually hurt emotionally, if this Caddy story has as much juice as everyone with bated breath is insinuating it does. Jeremy Garrett, Jake Thornton, these random dudes on this staff from Liberty don't have to deal with that as a real possibility - they'd just be thought of as some randoms that can get the boot if they're truly moving in a nasty manner. There'd be no real moral ambiguity

    I'd say past players are held to a higher standard as they have a legacy they should protect. I get what you are saying about random coaches but I do like to see past coaches succeed unless it is against Auburn. I was happy to see Trooper Taylor's win as Duke's interim head coach. I am happy that Curtis Luper has found success as Missouri's RB coach. 

    Which brings it full circle. Trooper Taylor at TAMU will be a problem and I hope whoever Auburn gets(Derrick Nix) is ready for the challenge. I would have felt comfortable with Caddy as the RB coach. I do not know Nix well enough to feel comfortable. Even though I have read here that he would do better than Caddy. 


  4. I can't fault Auburn or Freeze and boy did I want to The rumors I've read leave me disappointed. People are all fallible and deserve second chances but consequences for those actions must be paid. 

    I'd like to point out that the majority of prior players move past their playing and coaching years without any issues. Much like anything else, the outliers garner the most attention.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, ScotsAU said:

    Alright. Let’s flip this another way. Who feels that he is unlikeable? Where are these folks within the Auburn fan base? 

    Well if you read the reddit.com/r/cfb subreddit when Freeze was hired there some very vocal Auburn fans adamantly against him. This seems to have subsided somewhat due to the recruiting successes Freeze and staff have had. But make no mistake. Some Auburn fans have been very vocal in their displeasure of the Freeze hire. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, passthebiscuits said:

    We’ve got to keep pulling in the same direction. 

    I'm getting on a rhetorical soapbox here. So my apologies. 

    Can fans get some help with the pulling? The fans show up and support the team. The fans show up to the New Mexico State game and are greeted with poor and uninspired play. The fans show up for a bowl game and are again greeted with poor and uninspired play. How many years do we have to watch WRs dropping the ball? How many years do we have to watch abysmal QB play?  Not just bad QB play but dreadful rip your heart out play. Some fans claim a good game is 150 yards with no TDs and 1 int(it is madness). How many years do we have to see little to no OL recruits get signed? How many years do we need to watch poor to ok OL play? 

    Auburn is said to have one of the toughest places to play in basketball and football. You hear in many broadcasts of games. Auburn fans buy Under Armor apparel when they don't even like it. I think Auburn fans have done more than their fair share of pulling. It is time for some help from Auburn itself. 

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  7. 2 minutes ago, bigbird said:

    I've been told that the Mrs Terry stuff was a misdirection and she is okay. 

    Good to read. As much as I have disliked the guy, I wish that on nobody. 

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  8. I will be happy if the job doesn't go to Lanning or DeBoer. I don't think Kiffen or Swinney will be as big of a problem. The job almost certainly will be Kiffen's. 

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  9. 4 hours ago, DAG said:

    Exactly . I was wondering that myself and never understood why coaches come to Auburn and do some trial and error stuff but here we are…

    Here is my scientific wild @## guess.

    Auburn has been hurt before by a coach that would always meddle in the offense. I won't won't say a name. He'd say that the OC was calling plays. Then he'd take it back the first chance that he got. Then when that failed he would turn it over to the OC for a short time again. Just to take it back. Wash, rinse, repeat.  Over and over. Again, I won't say a name. 

    So Freeze comes along and will do almost anything to get a major college job again. Then the Auburn people that have been hurt before tell him to let the OC call plays. Freeze wanting to appease agrees to the terms. 

    Here is the crux of the issue. There is no guarantee that Freeze will perform better or worse than the coach not named. It is almost like people are different and will perform differently. Which if it did happen as theorized, would make it silly. 

    I subscribe to a doctrine that you put someone in charge that you trust. You give them everything that is within your power to succeed. If you don't or won't, then you are the issue and not them. If your trust is broken or shown to not be warranted, you take them out of power. You don't place stipulations on them. That only increases the likelihood of failure. 

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  10. 9 minutes ago, DAG said:

    no people are saying this is eerily like our previous coach. No one is saying retain a single person, instead get it right the first time so Auburn can stop shelling out unnecessary money for poor performance. 

    If you are a crappy football coach then Auburn is the best job in the nation. Yet somehow, people think the fans are unreasonable. Unreasonable for wanting better(not perfect) no less. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, NWALA Tiger said:

    Whats Interesting is the fact that Charles Kelly hasn't been officially introduced by AU. Weird all the way around 

    It's not weird if you think Ron Roberts is leaving. Charles Kelly being hired in a role to be determined. DB coach if Roberts stays or DC if Roberts leaves.

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  12. 2 minutes ago, OfficiatingExpert said:

    Good win but sloppy. Not our best game at all. Arkansas collapsed. They aren’t as good as they’ve been. 

    Arkansas came into the game with one plan. Play physical. They had a few classless rough fouls and it woke Auburn up. The rough foul on Chaney Johnson was what started Auburn's run.

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