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DKW 86

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Everything posted by DKW 86

  1. I would mock CNN, but they do it for you almost every night. <SMMFH> So, if someone burned CNN Tower to the ground and put them out of business, how would they describe that?
  2. I wouldnt have been there, to be frank. I would never expose myself like the kid did. Tactics 101.
  3. So close... Man you were almost there. This kid is a nut job. PERIOD. We grew up with guns in our trucks etc, and we never shot anyone.
  4. Agreed with almost everything you stated. Do you write off some of the bad play/execution to first game/on the road jitters or what? The Delta from OU Dominating to AU Dominating the OL and DL: What did you see as the factor? Physicality? Adjustments? Jitters/Confidence? I think we are much better once we settled down. If we live up close to potential we could go very far this year.
  5. Favorite QB as well. He took the starting QB role in the first Iron Bowl on the Plains. Game wasnt really that close after halftime imho. Met him at an event recently, under a year ago. He was as humble as could be. I called him "Cool Hand Reggie Slack." He liked it. Just an awesome example of a Tiger.
  6. If we are talking anything afte 20-21 weeks your opinion falls way outside the majority and loses ground every day. Fetus is just another word for dehumanizing the baby.
  7. The life of another individual "trumps," outweighs, overcomes "opinion." Life is sacred and should always be treated with respect and love. I am sorry, but "the life of another human" wins every time in every way. The idea that we have to explain this to adults is somewhat humorous and sick at the same time.
  8. What is "religious" about a man whom society thru in the trash multiple times making something out of himself?
  9. Apparently you "think" that a baby is something less than human...sad.
  10. They Are Real: Meet Born-Alive Abortion Survivors https://humandefense.com/meet-born-alive-abortion-survivors/?fbclid=IwAR0a_VcxhoQyMnPLxQJYWs8vvqmpQK7-V8TMc386ELeJWYoqsFkxhmoLZ3w The people that intellectually refuse to see truth, they are the worst of the worst.
  11. There aint no Trick Babies...YOU do not get to decide the fate of another person. YOU ARE NOT GOD.
  12. Just for you homey... I often wonder if you have ever had even one thought deeper than a talking point. Obviously not... If the baby, the DNA disqualified 'lump of tissue' that is called a dehumanized "fetus" by the Ghoulish Abortion Nazis, is viable outside the womb, then why would you still claim that it is 100% the mothers choice until the baby passes the birth canal? That is, just as I said before, openly denying the science, defying reason, defying logic, etc all for the sake of passing some imposed political doctrine test. You are literally choosing political litmus doctrine over life.
  13. The narrative, and nothing but the narrative.,
  14. And it is logically, scientifically, rationally and reasonably in error. The babies DNA is not the Mothers, therefore it is not her body, end of story. Facts are a bitch. If this was about the weather, half of America would be screaming GW Deniers!!! What we have here is biological logic, science, rationality, and reason deniers. From a strictly legal standpoint...it is taking the life of another because you are too stupid or too lazy to do the right thing: 1) Get birth control, 2) USE birth control, 3) When that fails, act like an adult and take responsibility for your actions.
  15. Hey, yesterday I got a driveby "thumbs down!!!!!" Woohoo!!
  16. It truly amazes me watching a conversation develop, grow, gain strength and suddenly some closed minded party hack that hasnt had an original thought in years gives it a driveby facepalm. People talking out ideas and beliefs that are not part of one party's talking points is almost ALWAYS a good thing. Whether on the Right or the Left, approaching any subject with a mind already made up is always bad. I dont care how cocksure of yourself you are, no one has this all figured out and i can assure no party has anything figured out other trying to remain in power by whatever means possible. If your complete conversation has no more depth than an emoji, please do us all a favor and stfu.
  17. The thrill is gone. I refuse to watch a CGM team in the third quarter. They are as reliable as a clock at disappointing. Third Quarter is almost a forgotten part of our Offense. I wish CGM et al well , but it is clear to everyone in college sports he is done.
  18. Seriously now. No partisan BS. When was the last time you turned on SNL and werent overwhelmingly disappointed in how bad the humaor was? The last time I watched SNL and knew it was going to be funny was the Adam Sandler/Kevin Nehlen days. I dont like him so much, but some of the stuff they did back then was great.
  19. Well, if he parted ways with the donut licker, that has to be a plus. Woman is disgusting.
  20. <<<old man that doesnt even know who this Pete Davidson guy is...
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