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DKW 86

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DKW 86 last won the day on July 14

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About DKW 86

  • Birthday 02/11/1962

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    Decatur, AL

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  1. I am not a Republican. I don’t even get making Vance a VP. But there are some things parents will object to: like not informing them that their prepubescent children are talking about being trans in the elementary school. Juvenile kids don’t get to demand expensive meds and psychiatric care without parental input. I have zero issues with your points except maybe the trans queens in front of public school kids. The horror of watching what even offended good liberals at some points is over the top I don’t care who you are. As for LGB community, even they are repelled by the TQIA bunch. The LGBs worked too hard to be accepted by mainstream America to watch the crazies destroy all that hard work. I have three plus close friends that are trans. I fully accept the decisions they made post adolescence. I do not endorse the non-rational thinking of a somebody that is still watching Sesame Street, Ninja Turtles, and sitting in Santa’s lap for their life altering decisions. I totally get the rest of what you are saying tho. By shear numbers the hetero community is doing the real majority of harm. That doesn’t mean we should just focus on them however. We focus on eliminating all of it.
  2. Maybe, just maybe, the perps go to target-rich environments??? Maybe they are just faking it to find targets. Not everyone in a church is a pedo. Not every teacher is a pedo. Not every daycare worker is a pedo. Maybe the pedos go to where the kids are? You know, like hunters go to the woods and fishermen go to the lake... Coffee was making huge, dumb, broad, sweeping, bull**** generalizations. IE Being non-political is a tell? Only Political people are good? REALLY??? REALLY??????? Of course not! No thinking person believes that s***.
  3. I have to say that I like KH better the more I hear about her policies. I would like to hear her address the crapfest at the border and at least take some responsibility for it. But she is for M4A and that alone might get my vote. And where did this relaxed speaker come from? It is almost like she was an abused wife when Biden was around. She has spent 3 years giving word salads a bad name and then gives 2-3 good speeches in a row. Why was she not presiding over the joint session for Netanyahu? That was a great place to look like a leader and not a petty pol. Still, I like her better than I thought I would. trump is still trump. Cant trust a word he says.
  4. Rome was never friendly to the faith. I don’t recall Jesus telling us to take up the sword and throw off the authority. God ordained authorities over men and women. Do we always like what they do? No. I think if you looked hard enough you would find many things that you don’t like about just about anyone. I don’t like O’Steen or Copeland. I don’t like the prosperity churches. I think God asks me to be like Jesus eating with the sinners. I don’t have to live with the sinners, but I should be working with them and demonstrating God’s love.
  5. Sad but true. I hear we now have a choice between a woman who needs to learn how to speak in public and here because she was Willy Brown's side piece and a man that showed us for 4 years why he shouldn't be President.
  6. Bro, I called the collusion BS years ago. I told everyone on this forum that there about $1.3M (literally almost nothing) used by the Russians to aid the trump campaign back then and if that overcame the $500M difference between HRC and trump then they must have had a miracle happen at the same time. Are you saying that possibly, maybe, whatever that trump may not have colluded with and therefore it is ever so slightly different than what the DNC/MSM Media/Proclaimed in 10000s of articles, videos, and yes even 100s of threads here on this forum told us over the last eight years??? Really?
  7. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/secret-service-boss-shes-resigning-after-senators-confront/story?id=112061934 Random guy in X needs to get his facts straight...
  8. Dont forget that according to Chuck Todd, NBC News/Meet the Press, senior members of the Biden Cabinet have been saying it for over two years now about Biden.
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