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Posts posted by wellsheit

  1. FML. This sucks.  I REALLY feel bad for kris because he's not on a big contract with a guaranteed payout.  I hope he comes back from this so he can make his millions.  The way they were talking last night you could tell it was going to be long term.  Rest won't heal it.  Time will.

    Somebody call Dr. Andrews.

    I'll be watching tonight.  Few of the guys comin so may not be on the laptop a bunch.

  2. Medlen has been one of our most consistent pitchers, next to Huddy.  With the Phills adding Oswalt, I'm getting nervous!  We better dig a good moat during this home stand.  Phils tonight are at the fish and then go back to Philly for the Mets.  Maybe Frenchy will get his swing back for them.

    From ESPN:

    The Braves are 13-1 in Medlen's 14 starts, including 11 straight wins. He is 6-2 with a 3.68 ERA.

    Explain to me how the Braves are 13-1 in his 14 starts and he has 2 losses?  *shrug*

  3. From Braves official website:

    "Medlen was forced to exit when he felt tightness in his right forearm and elbow after throwing a 2-1 changeup to Reyes in the fifth. After being evaluated by assistant trainer Jim Lovell, he was unable to even attempt to test his arm with a warmup pitch.

    The Braves may promote Mike Minor, the seventh overall selection in the 2009 First-Year Player Draft, to fill Medlen's spot in the rotation. Given that he has pitched just one inning since being removed from the rotation after his June 26 start, Kenshin Kawakami likely wouldn't have the endurance necessary to serve as a starter.

    Before revealing their plan, the Braves will wait to review Medlen's MRI results."

  4. what have we lost, 3 series in a row?  Thats why the lead is shot.  We have ALOT of home games left.  Terry Pendelton needs to light a fire under some boys tonight.

    BTW:  I HATE that they traded Gregor Blanco.  UGH!

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