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Posts posted by autig90

  1. 11 minutes ago, Eagle Eye 7 said:

    I give an over under at 5 games next season before Gus is fired and I am probably a little high. And no Chip is not a good hire he is mediocre at best. Might have been a good choice for a QB coach, but the only reason he is the OC is he agreed to let Gus call the plays, something Rhett refused to do any longer and not to fire Gus's other yes men Kodi and Herb. Next year we will see if we can go hire a real coach.

    The fail is strong in this post.

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  2. 29 minutes ago, VipersStrike1 said:

    You mean like when Kiehl Frazier and Jeremy Johnson threw the ball as the redzone Wildcat QB?

    The last 2 players, that weren't the starting QB, who threw passes out of the Wildcat, were Jason Smith and Uzomah.

    Combined stats: 1-3, -1 yards, 1 INT.

    Smith and Uzomah weren't actively practicing at QB either, so you are comparing apples and oranges to make your point.

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