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Cardin Drake

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Posts posted by Cardin Drake

  1. https://babylonbee.com/news/biden-announces-plan-to-pretend-to-care-about-the-border-until-november-6

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — With political pressure mounting over the continued border crisis, President Biden has announced a plan to pretend to care about the issue until November 6.

    "After issuing executive orders to open the border and let ten million migrants through, we want everyone to know that now President Biden cares very deeply about border security," said Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, winking for effect. "We 'don't want people crossing the border' to 'vote for Biden' and 'inflate Electoral College votes for Democratic states'," explained Jean-Pierre doing little scare quotes.

    According to sources, internal polling on the issue showed that voters would trust a mentally-handicapped rabbit to handle the border over President Biden. "We've got to do something while still letting illegals in. But what?" wondered Democratic strategist Arlo Miles at a meeting. "Wait, I've got it! What if we... pretended to care about the border? It's just so crazy, it might work!"

    Journalists praised Biden for his incredible work acting like he cared about the border. "Biden has done an incredible job seeming like this crisis interests him," said MSNBC's Joe Scarbarough. "Biden is such a great leader, and actor, and he's just so handsome and wonderful...and WHY WON'T HE RETURN MY CALLS? WHY?? I LOVE YOU JOE!!!"

    At publishing time, White House sources confirmed they planned to keep up the clever ruse for approximately five months and one day.

    • Haha 2
  2. 1 minute ago, Didba said:

    It did have widespread bi-partisan support until that support was pulled at the last second. This is well documented in the congressional record  

    The bill actually would have strengthened existing laws, increased deportations by raising the asylum threshold, ending parole at the border/catch and release while authorizing the hiring of new ICE agents and granting them more codified authority. 

    In other words, it had a few RINOs lined up who immediately folded when they were called out.  You can stick to your talking points, and no doubt a few morons will actually believe them, but most of the voters understand that Trump's enforcement of the actual law, requiring those who request asylum to remain in Mexico until their hearing, ended the border problem.  Biden's reversal of that policy created the current problem.  It's not complicated.  And adding direct flights from interior cities directly into U.S. cities for those "migrants" unable to make it to the border, prove the intent.  Nobody is buying Biden's bs on the border anymore.  HIs current E.O. is something he could have done on day 1, but even now he has weakened it with so many exceptions, it's useless.  

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  3. If it had widespread bi-partisan support, it would have passed, since democrats control the senate, and the republican margin in the House is razor-thin.  Regardless, all it did was weaken existing law.  The flood of illegals under Biden is deliberate.  

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  4. Boris Johnson understands:
    “It was nakedly political. It was completely artificial. The Democrat prosecutors thought they were being so clever: tripping Trump up over this technicality – like collaring Al Capone for tax evasion, they probably told themselves. Except that everyone with any common sense can see what I consider their real motives, how they were combing the rule book for stuff to use against Trump.”
    “The vast mass of American voters could see what I believe was really happening: that the liberal elites were just appalled at Trump's continuing popularity and his ability to connect with voters – and they were using anything they could find to derail his campaign. That is why the anti-Trump lawfare is backfiring.”

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  5. 2 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

    You can spin the facts as you choose. I’m correct and you’re a partisan hack.

    I'm not spinning facts. You are ignoring them. Reimbursing someone for making a campaign donation is a slam dunk violation.  The DOJ could have charged him and easily won a conviction. They didn't charge him because they knew it would never hold up in court as a campaign contribution.  I'm sure you will have another fact-filled insightful reply.  

  6. 8 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

    He had additional violations, but he was absolutely convicted on the same underlying facts by Trump’s DOJ:


    Trump's DOJ, lol.

    You still have no idea what you are talking about.  The payment to Daniels was not a campaign contribution. I've talked about the details extensively elsewhere.  The DOJ declined to prosecute because they knew they could never prove it was a campaign contribution.   In fact, if Trump had used campaign funds to make the payment, the DOJ would likely have prosecuted him for using campaign funds for a personal expense.  The DOJ is such a partisan organization that they gave Cohen a better deal when he added in the guilty plea to the campaign violation solely to slime Trump.  

  7. I just donated $300k to Trump


    I just donated $300k to Trump. I’m prepared to lose friends. Here’s why.

    Back in 2016 I had drunk the media Kool-Aid and was scared out of my mind about Trump. As such I donated to Hilary Clinton’s campaign and voted for her.

    By 2020 I was disillusioned and didn’t vote – I didn’t like either option.

    Now, in 2024, I believe this is one of the most important elections of my lifetime, and I’m supporting Trump.

    I know that I’ll lose friends for this. Some will refuse to do business with me. The media will probably demonize me, as they have so many others before me. But despite this, I still believe it’s the right thing to do.

    I refuse to live in a society where people are afraid to speak.

    The 2016 Election

    I’m going to start off with something provocative, but I think it leads to a different take on the most controversial Trump issue, which is obviously January 6th. So here goes nothing.

    I believe the 2016 election was manipulated to hurt Hilary Clinton and to help Donald Trump.

    Hilary Clinton herself believes this, she has denied the 2016 election result dozens of times, and still does to this day. Plot twist: I agree with her! Look into Guccifer 2.0 which was the “hacker group” that strategically leaked her emails (through Wikileaks) in a drip campaign at just the right moments. Turns out it was the Russian GRU. And remember all those fake news and bot farms? These incidents are the tip of the spear -- some of the publicly known incidents. There was extreme manipulation happening during the 2016 election.

    Before proceeding,

    please watch at least 30 seconds of this video

    . It’s “24 straight minutes of Democrats denying election results.”

    Russia (and others) interfering in the 2016 election was nothing new, this happens in every election, everywhere in the world. Obviously.

    But for me, as someone that used to work in National Security, Russia’s implicit support for Trump made me deathly afraid of him getting elected as President.

    I was wrong, and Russia miscalculated. President Trump turned out to be a master of foreign policy and particularly strong towards Russia. If you’ve never seen it before, please watch this two minute clip from Trump at a NATO breakfast 5 years ago

    If you're too lazy, Trump told Germany that they're a) owned by Russia via their energy dependence b) financing Russia's war machine by buying their energy c) not investing enough in defense, investing only 1% of GDP, which was below the 2% NATO commitment, meanwhile the US was investing 4.2% of GDP. And yet the world said he's owned by Russia?

    For other Trump foreign policy wins, he: a) signed the Abraham Accords b) successfully put Iran in the penalty box, which the Biden administration immediately unwound and c) he helped India see the dangers of having their comms networks controlled by China resulting in Huawei and TikTok bans there.

    My “radicalization” towards the center

    August 16th, 2021 was the day I knew I could never support Joe Biden or any of the senior officials in his administration. This was the day that Afghans fell to their deaths from US C-17 airplanes at the Kabul International Airport, or KAIA as ISAF forces referred to it.

    Back in 2012 I deployed to Afghanistan working for DARPA. I used to fly out of KAIA at least weekly, usually taking a Blackhawk to Bagram Airfield (BAF), but sometimes jumping on a C-130 down to Kandahar (KAF).

    I'm not going to go into all of the details here, but this was personal for me -- as it was for anyone that served in Afghanistan. Most have the wrong impression of what happened there. Afghanistan wasn't Iraq. And real progress had been made. It took roughly 15 years to stabilize most of Afghanistan, but the ISAF coalition had gotten it to the place that little girls were going to school in Kabul, sometimes walked there by their mothers who weren't even wearing Burkas anymore. All of this was unimaginable a decade prior.

    And then there's the strategic aspect. The US's most strategic base in Afghanistan was Bagram Airfield. Unless you've been there it's impossible to imagine how strategic this base is, and how easy it is to defend. Nestled in a remote valley at the foothills of the Himalayas. Within a couple hour flight of China and Iran, and a few minute flight to Pakistan. I believe this airfield could have been held for 50+ years with 50,000 men. A similar scale to the US permanent forces stationed at Ramstein Air Base in Germany or the US bases in Okinawa, Japan.

    We gave up one of the most strategic air bases in the world, and arguably stability in Kabul, for political gain -- to be able to say that President Biden ended the War in Afghanistan. And we did it in the most incompetent manner possible, literally with people falling from our airplanes. Everyone I have spoken with that served in Afghanistan knows this.

    Global instability

    It wasn't just Afghanistan, I believe that the Biden administration has had some of the worst foreign policy in decades. And this has manifested in two major Wars breaking out during their administration, with Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Iran's proxy attack against Israel.

    Was the timing just bad luck? I don't believe so. I believe that a weak America leads to a chaotic world.

    The failed Afghanistan pull-out showed the weakness of the Biden administration. They failed to adapt to changing facts on the ground, chiefly the Afghan army putting up no resistance as the Taliban drove towards Kabul. If the US can't adapt quickly in a theater where we're already active, how can it react quickly to a blitz in a new theater, Ukraine? Granted the Russian's botched their blitz, miscalculating the weather, almost certainly to keep China happy as they hosted the Olympics in Feb 2022.

    The most damaging foreign policy has been the Biden administration's approach to Iran. Biden resuscitated Obama's braindead Iran doctrine. Somehow believing that the theocratic Islamic Regime could be turned towards the West.

    But it's much worse than this. After Hamas' attack against Israel on October 7th, Iran took credit for planning the attack publicly. Moreover, Iran was so bold that their proxies carried out over 300 attacks against US bases and Naval ships

     Many of the attacks haven't been disclosed or publicized. At least 4 US soldiers have been killed in these attacks. And yet somehow despite this, the Biden administration has been rewarding Iran by unfreezing their funds, mourning the death of President Raisi and hamstringing Israel in its proxy battle.This level of weakness is unprecedented in my opinion. The US has been kissing the ring of its attacker, literally while attacks against our Armed Forces are carried out. If you start looking, it's hard to see anything other than Iranian foreign influence in the Biden administration,such as what Semafor reported on, and which was effectively buried by our mainstream media.

    The Biden administration has been a dream come true for foreign adversaries, and a nightmare for US allies. Trusting of enemies, and fickle with friends.

    more here:  https://x.com/shaunmmaguire/status/1796293774794268747


  8. Alan Dershowitz, a liberal without TDS:

    This is a very sad day for American justice. I have now added one banana to my usual banana republic: A grouping, umm, we’re up to seven or eight at this point- and it’s a worse day for America than it actually is for Donald Trump,” Dershowitz said. “Don’t know what the impact will be on Trump. Don’t know what it’ll be on his electoral prospects, he’s probably not going to get jail time, and if he does, it would be stayed pending appeal.”

    “I don’t know whether the case will be reversed on appeal. I don’t think it would be reversed by the appellate division,” Dershowitz continued. “These are judges who are terrified of being perceived of as helping Trump in any way. Don’t know whether or not the New York Court of Appeals in Albany will have the ability to not consider the impact it will have on individuals as judges. Surely the Supreme Court wouldn’t, but that’s a way off and there wouldn’t be a decision by the Supreme Court, probably before the election.”

    New York Judge Juan Merchan was accused of having a bias against Trump during his handling of the case. Merchan donated $15 to Biden’s presidential campaign in 2020 and made two $10 donations to Democratic groups via ActBlue, one to a “Stop Republicans” group and another to a “Progressive Turnout Project,” according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records.

    Merchan’s daughter, Loren, worked for a firm that helped Democrats raise $93 million off the former president’s indictment in the business records case,  the New York Post reported in March. Dershowitz compared the jury’s verdict to those made in the deep South before the Civil Rights movement.

    “This is still the weakest case I’ve ever seen in 60 years. The fact that the jury convicted based on false instructions, wrong instructions, based on the jurors having been between 85 and 90 percent picked from a veneer that hates Trump and doesn’t want him to be president, the fact that the jury convicted doesn’t make this case any stronger or any better,” Dershowitz said. “I was recently just 15 minutes ago on with The Times of London and they were saying, ‘Well, doesn’t the fact that the jury convicted prove it was a strong case?’ No, no! It proves that it was of a case that was brought in a jurisdiction where a conviction was almost assuredly guaranteed.”

    “In the South, when they convicted black people improperly with an all-white jury or acquitted white people improperly with an all-white jury, that didn’t mean that those convictions were correct. It just meant that the jury didn’t reflect the values of our, of our country, it reflected the values of a particular region of the country, in this case the region is a liberal region, New York, in the Southern cases, the region was the conservative region of the South,” Dershowitz continued.

    “Juries are imperfect and juries represent the biases of individuals,” Dershowitz added. “We do live in the age of Trump syndrome, people can’t talk rationally about Donald Trump any more than they can talk rationally about Israel or about some other subjects.”

  9. Stalin would be proud of this show trial.  The prosecutors didn't have to tell Trump's team before the trial what the predicate crime was that magically turned a misdemeanor into a felony, and the jury didn't have to name it either in their verdict.  The facts of the case don't matter. All that matters is who's on the jury. Congratulations. I hope you all like the new rules.

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  10. 58 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:


    Always an excuse. Always the system rigged against poor Donald Trump, the rich, white, celebrity, elite politician who just can't catch a break and has the entire world out to get him despite being the "best" president the US has ever had.

    Poor Trump...why can't anything ever go his way? Why is everyone out to get him? 

    ...how sad. 


    It's not paranoia when the prosecutor runs on a platform of "getting" you in a venue that is 90% democrats and charges you with a crime that nobody else has ever been prosecuted for. 

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  11. 35 minutes ago, augolf1716 said:

    I got up at 5 this morning just to watch the rerun to make sure we won........we did........................I'm on cloud nine will be for weeks. 

    Congrats!  I have to say the format for the golf national championship is particularly grueling.  What an accomplishment by this team!!! 

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  12. 14 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

    you folks kill me with the TDS. the truth is trump brings it all on himself. he is always smearing someone or talking about getting his enemies or giving out judges and DA's personal info including addresses. he is a rapist that brags about how he attacks women. he is a fraud and he damn sure is not a christian. at the end of the day trump has no one to blame but himself and whatever advisers he might listen to but since he is the smartest man he knows i doubt he has that excuse. lock his ass up!

    A jury full of people like this is why acquittal was never an option.   A prosecutor who vowed to get Trump will convict Trump of a made up crime using a biased judge and jury.  It's a sad day for America.  It will be overturned on appeal after the election on any number of reversible errors., the most egregious of which was not telling the defendant the crime he was being charged with until after the trial started so his lawyers had no time to prepare a defense. 

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  13. 40 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

    You’re more optimistic than I am. Congress isn't interested in permanent solutions for anything. The money and power in DC isn’t in solving problems, it’s in having them. And that paradigm is in place no matter who is in the WH or majority. I wish it weren’t that way, but it is and has been for decades.  

    True enough, but if the Republicans don't fix this, we are looking at one party rule for a loooong time.  Just another country with a 3rd world South American political system. 

  14. 56 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

    We can agree on this. But who is going to do that reform? When Trump took office in 2016, he held a strong majority in the House and Senate. Yet no major reforms. Voter reform would be a constructive step forward to say the least. But our Congress is more interested in impeaching, indicting, investigating, and name calling to do anything meaningful. 

    Massive mail-in balloting and ballot harvesting didn't happen in 2016.  It wasn't on anybody's radar until after 2020.  This administration isn't going to allow reform; that's for certain. If Trump reclaims the White House, I'm sure it will be front and center. 

    • Haha 2
  15. 1 hour ago, Gowebb11 said:

    Three Presidential elections have been hotly contested this century. Bush-Gore, Clinton-Trump, Trump-Biden. The Republicans have came out on the winning side two out of those three. The difference is in the first two cases, the legal system’s rulings were sufficient. In the last case, Trump refused to accept reality. In other words, there’s a very specific group deeming the process untrustworthy. 

    In the first two, there were not mass mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting. You can't have a secure election through an insecure process. 

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