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Posts posted by AUDub

  1. 1 hour ago, Auburn93 said:

    Sometimes voting for the wrong political party leads to the destruction of society in the form of mass illegal immigration, inflation, destructive climate change policy, and men competing in women sports. 

    Sometimes watching CNN leads to brain washing. 

    BTW, he didn't lead chants of lock her up. You didn't watch Trump rallies. You watched CNN.

    Ladies and gentlemen, the right. 

    • Haha 5
  2. 4 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

    Damn….you’re gotten to the point that you’re whining about the timing and terminology of the accusations? 

    It doesn’t matter when he slept with her in the context of my post. He’s grifting bibles, sneakers, and coins to pay the legal fees. That’s non debatable.

    It’s funny. He either completely missed the point or is attacking a straw man.

    Even if folks are too stupid to grasp the nuances of the legal case, I’ll put it simply.

    Dude ****** a porn star while his wife was pregnant with his child. This is apparently A ok with some lol. 

    • Like 2
    • Facepalm 1
  3. 3 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

    Well guys I have a pretty slow day going at work, so I thought I would share some of my feelings about Pro Wrestling with you.

    I guess I'm a throwback, but I loved wrestling back from the mid 90's to the mid 2000's when during that period you had the NWO formed on WCW, which caused Vince to create DX to compete & then open the Attitude ERA with Stone Cold, the Rock, and the Undertaker being the main players.

    All those guys with both organizations had the looks, the attitudes, the charisma, and all knew how to work a crowd on the microphones.

    I could not wait for Monday Nitro & Raw; flipping the channels back & forth during commercials and catching the drama from both programs, and then on Thursday Thunder & Friday Night Smackdown.   It was AWESOME!!!

    Then Vince's HUGE EGO convinced him that he needed to get rid of the competition, so he bought out WCW & therefore pissed on all my enjoyment of Wrestling for good. (Although there was a period of about 8 years when Jeff Jarrett & Sting & a few others got together and formed TNA).  It brought back the stars which drew me to WCW in the first place and was pretty dang good up until people like Sting, Hogan, Hall and Nash, Ric Flair got too old to be in their prime any more and it faded out shortly after 2010 as I recall.

    The younger wrestlers of today just don't do it for me.  The openings of the shows for WWE are just rinse & repeat every week.  The only thing different is you have a different wrestler come out to open the show every week; they talk for about 10 minutes & inevitably one of their enemies music comes over the loud speakers to interrupt the first one to come.  The original one to come out acts like they are surprised, and annoyed that someone would dare interrupt them.  Then after about 10 minutes of meaningless rhetoric the main event for the evening is miraculously created between the two, or maybe even three or four of them.  YAWN!!!!!

    How about some creativity for the openings every once in a while.

    Also I've figured out that if you don't actually want to watch the entire main event match, change your TV channel & watch another show until about 9:57 and then you can watch the actual ending of the match.   Until then you are just going to have a bunch of 2 counts & kick outs.    YAWN AGAIN!!!!!

    There is about to be a documentary either on Vice or A&E TV Channel called What Killed WCW (something close to that title)

    For me they should make a documentary called How Vince McMahan Killed My Wrestling Enjoyment

    Rant Over;  Feel free to comment or criticize, or whatever

    I cut my teeth during the Monday Night Wars and I’ll tell you straight up that Vince didn’t kill WCW. WCW killed WCW. Read the Death of WCW by RD Reynolds and Brian Alvarez and it will tell you all you need to know.

    Yeah Vince is a freaking psychopath and did more damage to the business than anyone else, but he’s gone now and someone that actually seems to appreciate the business is running things there. I have a lot of respect for Trips and how he’s doing things  

    I was a huge WCW mark until the finger poke of doom then I was completely done with it. I luckily missed practically all of the train wreck that was Vince Russo because by that point I was all in on the attitude era.

    I lost interest in the invasion era and the beginning of the ruthless aggression era and have only recently been sucked back in. Ironically enough it was Cornette that did the most to pull me back (make of that what you will), followed by WWE striking gold with the bloodline and now having finally gotten the ship righted creatively and I’m back to marking out and enjoying PPVs and not missing TV again lol.

    AEW doesn’t interest me at all. The in ring work is good but their creative is basement level and I can’t lose myself in it at all. It’s just a bunch of marks watching people do high spots. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

    How does going nuclear affect the sea levels? What is the draw back, climate wise, with nuclear power?

    I’m a fan of nuclear power and think it’s an effective stop gap until renewables are 100% viable for our needs.

    Geert’s big thing is immigration and asylum policy. If he can move the needle on anything it’ll be that.

    He’s also, believe it or not, a right wing liberal, which is not an oxymoron over there. He favors some serious bolstering of the social safety net. That’s probably pie in the sky too. 

    • Like 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

    Sounds like they have had enough of the multicultural experiment and green thinking w/o nuclear power.

    Only a quarter of voters made his party the largest and this is a coalition. Pretty sure any sea change on Dutch climate policy puts his government at risk. 

  6. 3 hours ago, AUBwins said:

    I mean Jeys charisma in his entrance alone is apparent as the new firefly leader in the clubhouse 😆 

    Between him and LA Knight it’s a good thing they’re in separate brands or they might wear out a crowd with their walk outs alone. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 18 hours ago, AUDub said:

    Well I hate that he didn’t go over but to a degree I get it lol. Ilja and Gunther doesn’t need to happen right now and Jey is white hot over with the fans. 

    The IWC marks and their venom over Jey and this result is hilarious to me. This was also only Ilja’s third match since his call up, so no he isn’t being “buried” lol. I mean on one hand yes Ilja and Gunther would have been incredible given what we’ve seen in the past like their NXT UK match.

    On the other hand that’s not a match you do in the semis of the KOTR on RAW. That’s a match that deserves a big 4 PPV and a proper build.

    If there’s one thing the IWC doesn’t seem to understand it’s that “the business” is well, a business, and the goal is to make money. “Bangers” are only part of that.

    So yeah I get that Jey is a very limited, “4 moves of doom” wrestler and all that. His wrestling is his weak point. But what’s he good at? Cutting promos, telling a story, getting the fans invested and selling a s*** ton of merch. 

    If you aren’t impressed by his work right now get ready for the new Bloodline story when Roman comes back as the Noble Demon lesser of two evils face, likely with Jey at his side under a sort of Bloodline Wolfpac deal lol. 

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