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Posts posted by WarEagle1982

  1. 2 hours ago, tightendoverthemiddle said:


    Note to self. You can do EVERYTHING you want out of a two TE SET 12 or three TE SET 13.   Love me some Heath Evans.

    Love me some Fred Beasley.   Mix WR/TE in different positions. hola!!

    How about some Tommie Agee, Tony Richardson, or Reid McMillon?

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  2. I’m going to agree that Cadillac is not ready to be a head coach.  I really want to say this, though.  The energy he brought to the team and the guts that he coached with had me excited and ready to suit up and play myself.  It was so much better than trying to watch Herman Muenster, I mean Bryan Harsin, operate over there.  

    Coach Williams is definitely true blue Auburn to the core, and has been from the day he stepped on campus in 2001.  I truly believe our Tigers will win these next two games, and I really believe with the improvement will roll in to Tuscaloosa and put up a fight that we will all be proud of.  I think it’s a tall order to ask for a win there, but I think they will stare the Tide eye to eye and not fear them because their head coach will exhibit the same characteristics.  I hope he gets to stay on staff with the next coach.

  3. 53 minutes ago, msza said:

    Very interesting about colleges being literal 'poster children' for oligarchies, lol. I had never thought about it that way. In fact, I recall Noam Chomsky saying that a collegiate academic department is the closest thing to (pro-social) anarchy in the modern world. Talk about a different viewpoint!

    This is the poster I am talking about 


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  4. This is an interesting topic.  I have a poster set that I use when teaching about different forms of government in my Civics classes (I am on my planning period right now, BTW).  One of the forms we discuss is Oligarchy.  The definition is “power lies with a small number of people based on royalty, WEALTH, family ties, education, CORPORATE, or military ties.”  The posters have examples of these types of governments and one of the examples of Oligarchy is most of our colleges and universities.  I have actually made the comment to my students to really read about the “behind the scenes” events the next time there’s a high profile football job open in the South and see if it doesn’t sound a lot like that.

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  5. I am a fan because of my grandfather who died when I was 10 years old.  His high school days were the Auburn glory days of the 1950s.  He took me to my first game in 1988 (Tennessee game) and I was hooked!  Had he lived his plan was to pay my way to Auburn, but that didn’t happen.  As far as college I ended up staying home and attending North Alabama.  Me staying home actually helped contribute to my parents’ marriage staying together so I will never regret that.  I have attended many games over the years and the love of Auburn football continues strong.  It’s my dream that my 2 children get to do what I was unable to do and attend Auburn.  

    War Eagle Forever!

  6. 3 minutes ago, Viper said:

    Dillard Five. + Otis Mounds, the OG.

    Yes they were amazing. Easily the best quintet of high school players ever at AU.

    Otis Mounds is proof that sometimes taking a chance on a guy, like Coach Dye did, pays off.  He is now a college football coach at ULM with Bowden.

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  7. Also, if you have never had the privilege of listening to Patrick Nix, in person, tell the story of how he had been preparing for that 4th and 15 play in the Iron Bowl for his entire life you have missed out.  I got to hear him tell that story at an event in Florence about 10 years ago.  He had tears streaming down his face as he talked about growing up in Haleyville and having to fight every day in elementary school because he was about the only Auburn fan in the school.  I literally had the hair standing up on my neck and wanted to go out knock the hell out of the first Bama fan I saw.  It truly was amazing.

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  8. This is great!  I pulled this thread up, but I didn't realize that I was the one that made the original post.  Still love those wonderful memories from 93.  I was 13 years old and in love with Auburn football in a very pro-Bama area and high school (our school actually had a player that was a freshman at Bama in 93 and a few others that came along a few years later).  That fall was one of great joy and excitement over Auburn football.  I will NEVER forget those days as long as I live!

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