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Everything posted by oracle79

  1. Couple of questions. If he were to sign would that lock him in to the school (as in if he changed his mind, he'd have to sit a year)? I assume the day he attends a class at a school would lock him in to that school. What's the earliest he could attend class at Auburn?
  2. So, Stidham is considering Auburn mainly because of Lashlee, but he's waiting to decide now because he wants to see where KB ends up? So if Lashlee leaves here we don't get him, but if KB comes here we do get him? So if KB goes to a P5 school we don't get Stidham? But, if Lashlee stays we may still get him? Who's on first?
  3. None that I know of, but I think a lot of that stuff at Baylor is going to keep coming out over time, and I have no idea if Kendall was or will be implicated. I was just asking that question to see if you knew more.
  4. To be sure I understand you here: You're hearing the NCAA is going to clear Kendall of the alleged recruiting violations that surfaced in the news awhile back, or they are going to clear him of any involvement/knowledge in the Title IX, rapes, gang rapes, and sexual assault issues at Baylor, or both?
  5. Agreed on D slipping. But, with improved offense, that may not show itself in overall stats since the D should be on the field less and defending fewer plays. Plus, if JS is dominant on offense we should be leading in games, which starts to make your opponent one dimensional and easier to defend.
  6. Did you really just say that and complain about STAT leaving out Malzahn's first OUTLIER year? Wow! Not much to say if you don't see the irony in that.
  7. This is how people defend the indefensible, and why Auburn is currently stuck in mediocrity. Attack the messenger and the way his message is delivered vs. addressing the objective facts laid out for all to see. Of course I understand why this is done. It's because the facts are unassailable, so to defend their side, they need to try to divert the argument to nonsensical drivel and hope emotions become involved so facts are ignored.
  8. These two points illustrate GM's biggest weaknesses to me as a head coach. #7 shows two things: 1) that GM thinks he is the smartest guy in the room and no one else can look at the defense and make a better call than he can, and 2) it shows his need to be in total control of every minute detail of the offense and his unwillingness to trust and delegate things to assistant coaches and players. #13 shows maybe his biggest flaw. The inability to evaluate talent and put the best players in the best position to be successful and to adjust his scheme and playcalling in a timely manner to take advantage of what his players do the best. When it takes 3 - 4 games to figure this out, it's easy to understand why we almost never make any in game or halftime adjustments to our game plan. He's just not capable of doing it. Outstanding write up @StatTiger Hope someone shows it to GM.
  9. Preach! I actually expect the scripted play list to open the game will be creative and my get us on top and keep us close until halftime. Then once adjustments are made, Bama will pull away in the 2nd half. The score will be respectable, but the game won't be nearly as close as the score would make it appear. Bammer will stay somewhat conservative because they won't fear a big play from us. Side note: is it just me, or has the distance on Carlson's kickoffs been declining the last few games? He didn't even kick one beyond the endzone last night.
  10. You got me curious, so went back and looked at the records vs each team. As far as I can tell, the last time this happened was 1966, 1967, and 1968. The only other time it has happened was 1950 - 52. Lot of folks on here probably not alive the last time it happened.
  11. Exactly. Or if they do play him, they will handcuff him with the play calling because they don't trust him to throw or not fumble. And Eli Stove, Darius Slayton, Kyle Davis, and NCM. I'm sure they love being on the sidelines and watching starters in front of them drop multiple, catchable passes game after game.
  12. Bama's defense will outscore our offense...EASILY.
  13. Nice observations. 2 points you made are very important. We have got to VARY the snap count. Seen people time it up too many times this year against the offense and now on FG attempt. If it's 4th down and you can run out the clock after possession changes, you should NEVER intercept the ball - spike it into the ground like you're making a kill in volleyball. Maybe 1000 stadium steps would cure that mindset. But, that's got to be a coaching emphasis also. Hopefully we are learning while winning.
  14. Interesting statistic there. Do you have the same thing for number of points per play? Like Auburn allows one point every how many plays? I'm guessing we'll be near the top in that also in that it takes a team more plays to score against us, because I don't think we're giving up many big plays this year either.
  15. That and not giving them defensive/special team scores is the key to beating them. They aren't the world beaters the media tries to make them out to be.
  16. I like it. You coined a new phrase and the media should start using it.
  17. That's more like it. I haven't felt this good about an Auburn victory in a long time. Great, complete game from start to finish in all phases.
  18. Thanks Stat! We're better when tied than i thought, but I figured you could pretty much turn off the TV if we were trailing.
  19. Just curious (and I understand your perspective here, but it is what it is), could you come up with Gus's W-L record while head coach at Auburn and break it up by 1st half only wins-losses and then entire game wins-losses. Don't know if you have that kind of data and hopefully my question makes sense. So I asking what Gus's record would be if the game was over at halftime, vs. what his overall record is for the entire game. I could probably go game by game and figure it out, but I'm thinking you have a nice database to work from to make it easier.
  20. The fact that we throw on 3rd and 1 doesn't bother me nearly as much as the fact that we try to "get cute" and catch the defense sleeping and complete a homerun. If we threw a quick out like the TD pass to Ryan Davis, or to Cox down on the goaline, I'm perfectly fine with that, or getting SW on a boot or naked and giving him some RPO, that works too. But, really if you've been sticking it up their yingyang the whole drive and making them like it, then go ahead and stick up there again and continue on with your drive.
  21. Worked for me, thought you meant orbit motion which makes the backfield pregnancy shaped.
  22. That's pretty much all we've seen during Malzahn's recruiting, and quite a bit of recruiting before that. Get athletic HS QB's and make 'em receivers at Auburn.
  23. And that really is the biggest reason to use him more. The more practice time used to game plan for JF3 means the less time to practice against our primary offense and SW. It's a win for our offense regardless of JF3's success as long as we don't use him in a way that disrupts our regular offense. Plus every time he takes off, he could go the distance. That also puts a ton of stress on the defense.
  24. Just curious here. He had 2 carries yesterday. I noticed several zone reads where he could have kept and made good yardage outside. Is he misreading the zone read, or do you think the coaches shut him down for some reason and told him to give on all those plays?
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