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Posts posted by nurbis

  1. 2 hours ago, W.E.D said:

    We saw Robby struggle with accuracy issues last Saturday. 

    Did he? He had two passes that hit players in the hands and were dropped. He had two deep balls that were underthrown. The deep balls were bad decisions but I don't know if I would say those two indicate issues with accuracy. The second deep ball hit the defender in the back so it was on target but a poor decision to throw to a covered receiver. Everything else was on target from what I remember including a really nice pass to Shenker on the last drive. 

    I would be more inclined to say Ashford's issue is being overconfident and trying to force passes that aren't there. Maybe he is just trusting his receivers to make plays.  Saturday didn't give us a large body of work to judge him on but accuracy did not seem to be his issue to me. 

  2. After Georgia State last year you could have argued Finley should be the starter but Bo remained the starter and I think that was for the best. Maybe that same argument could be made after tonight but the difference is we had seen Bo play really well at times before the Georgia State game. We have not seen Finley play well for a complete game at any point. And those two interceptions were really bad. The defenders had to put little effort to get them, Finley just never saw them.

    Ashford only threw 7 passes tonight so who knows how a complete game would play out but he threw some really nice near perfect passes a few different times. He just seems to have an it factor. 

    Others had said it and I think it is the case, Finley earned the start tonight but it seemed this game was still a continuation of the competition for who should be QB1. Ashford definitely made a case.



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  3. 6 minutes ago, cole256 said:

    Stuff literally nobody knows but has these outlandish opinions, once again mirror image to the same exact thing that was done to that wr coach

    And the exact same thing that was done to the head coach.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, cbo said:

    That starting D is no joke. 

    Can someone tell me about Jake Levant? I'm ashamed to say I didn't even recognize the name. And he's listed alongside Asante. 

    Walk on linebacker that just recently got a scholarship. There was a post with a pretty good video of him getting the scholarship. You could probably google his name and find it.

    From what I read, he was a 3 star out of high school and had offers to UAB, Tulane, and several Ivy League schools but wanted to come here because of family history.

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  5. 22 hours ago, LPTiger said:

    At lunch yesterday, the Penn State game was on.  I forgot that on the fade to Hudson (when we were down by 8) he went all the way to the ground about 3 yards past the goal line.   There was clear contact by the defender but no PI call.   Then we hold them, almost get a safety, and on 3rd and 12 from the 2 there is contact and PI is called giving them a first down.  I'm not necessarily saying either or both calls were bad, but they are microcosms of 2021.   We were close to having a real good year which gives me hope for 2022.


    They didn't call it because Nix threw the ball about a mile over the receivers head. Maybe it was the receivers fault for not going to the back of the end zone but it was nowhere near close enough to get the call. 

  6. 3 hours ago, NWALA Tiger said:

    I hear what your saying, now understand what Im saying.... I said in SOME cases the booster and the business is one in the same. There are exceptions of course.

    My guess is booster being the business makes up the vast majority of NIL cases.

    Like our O linemen got free steaks from Mike's steakhouse which would be NIL through business. Probably about as weak an NIL offer as you could get but I guess it something. 

    Texas linemen got a guarantee of $50,000 per year for every lineman that signs with them. That is coming from a non-profit charity organization which is an organization created for boosters to pay players. That is what most of NIL will end up being. There was also another group paying them so each O linemen was getting a guaranteed $150,000 per year. 

  7. 2 hours ago, W.E.D said:

    Think everyone has familiarity bias with TJ. He wasn't good last year. But if we're being honest with ourselves, Calzada was pretty bad too outside a single game.

    I think that is why a lot of people, myself included, are hoping Ashford can pull ahead of the pack. We know what we are getting from Finley and Calzada. Sure they can improve, but the chances of either elevating to a top tier SEC QB are slim.


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    2020 Record 6-5(This is after Gus has had 8 years to build the program)

    Yes, we went 6-5. And sure, if the refs accurately call Nix's backwards pass  a fumble, we finish 5-6 and have a losing season. But on paper it as a winning season if the on field results said different. 

    And just because the QB room consisted of Bo Nix and Grant Loy when Harsin took over, I still fail to see how that isn't Harsin's fault for not recruiting the position better before he was hired as coach.




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  9. 1 hour ago, Mikey said:

    I realize that facts are unpopular right now, but the first losing season in eight years is a fact. It's not some narrative. "Improved culture in the locker room" is a narrative.

    It is a fact we had a losing season last year but pretending it was somehow different than 2015 is a bit silly. The big difference was a 12 win top 20 ranked Houston team in last year's bowl game vs a 9 win Memphis team with no head coach in the 2015 bowl game. 

    Having a losing season last year is not a narrative. Pretending it was different than 2015, that is a narrative.  

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  10. 2 hours ago, GunsmithAU said:

    Ummm, he only had 3 conference championships and 1 2nd place. 

    At least get your numbers right. Any idiot should have won with the situation he inherited. He didn't tear it down, but he definitely left if stagnant. 


    If you're going to judge on Auburn, it gets a hell of a lot worse for him. 

    For one, 3 conference championships in 7 years is good no matter who or where you are. And he had 5 conference championship appearances in 7 years which is also really good. No argument, he did inherit a good situation at Boise. But maintaining a program isn't easy. Sometimes it works like at OSU with Day and with Riley while he was at OU but many times coaches have taken over dynasties and led them into mediocrity.  Look at the current state of FSU, Nebraska, Miami, and USC and there are many more. You don't just bumble through 7 years of success on accident.   

    If you want to say he is not meeting expectations here, that is perfectly fair but I don't see the point in diminishing what he did at Boise. He did a good job there. Maybe that eventually translates here, maybe it doesn't but his history indicates he is a good coach. 

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  11. 14 minutes ago, SumterAubie said:

    Auburn has a 1/2 game lead over LSU. An Auburn win or an LSU loss and Auburn is the 4 seed.

    This annoys me because we would likely be sitting at 17 wins and have that 4th spot locked up if not for the weather last Sunday. I don't understand how the SEC doesn't have a plan for that besides just call it no contest.

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  12. 8 minutes ago, Mikey said:

    Anybody that was there or had TV access: What happened to Gonzalez? I had come to expect a low scoring game when he was on the mound for AU, but he got blasted! Thoughts?

    Listening to a little of the post game interview with Thompson, sounded like he just had an off game. Thompson was talking about how he struggled even in the first inning. I think Thompson said location was an issue and he kept getting behind on batters. I didn't get a chance to listen until later in the game so I missed the innings he was pitching.  

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  13. That was such a big win. Win they retook the lead and it was 5-4, I thought for sure we were about to get a repeat of last night. Pitching held up and the bats came alive right when we needed it. It isn't a series win but it feels like one and we still have a chance to get the series win tomorrow. 

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  14. On 2/11/2022 at 1:37 PM, AU North said:

    Zeek - This wouldn't happen, but why does my gut tell me that if Saban retired and UA called Harsin to be their HC, he would not even hesitate in his acceptance? Other perceived high-profile schools might apply here also. But I just don't get the impression that AU is his dream job. If it is, I stand corrected. JMO wde

    Dream job or not, if he somehow turns things around he will almost certainly leave when other offers start coming in. After everything that has occurred the past few weeks, why would he stay? I think Harsin will be gone in a year or two regardless of whether he succeeds or fails.

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