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Posts posted by AURex

  1. 16 hours ago, creed said:

    Enough already about the LGBT folks, how about the people who are singled out in Matthew 5:31-32. There's a lot more of these folks sinning in society, and they flaunt it everyday.

    That passage is about divorce. Yep, people sinning. Got lots of pastors and other religious leaders "sinning" with minors, married women, children and teens and little boys.

    You got anything specifically about Gay/Lesbian -- anything at all?


  2. Back to the original topic (I know, yep, this is AUF and we never want to actually discuss the OP)

    I lived in SF for 6 years working at UCSF (yeah, look it up). For most people. SF is "gay city" right?

    I also lived in Houston for 4 years. That was the #2 gay city in the U.S. at the time.

    Did I ever feel oppressed or offended by gay guys or lesbians? As a hetero, did I ever feel ill at ease around gay/lesbian folks, I worked with gay/lesbian folks. Was that ever an issue? Wifey and I had friends who were gay/lesbian. Was that ever uncomfortable for us?

    When I moved to NY to take a top administrative job, I recruited a gay guy as my #2. Did I have a single second thoughts or regret?  Nope! He went on to become a #2 at a major university and I went on to become a top university administrator. We've remained friends.

    I just don't get this hate aimed at who people love and want ti spend their lives with. Especially when promulgated by fanatical religious zealots who are themselves going deep with underage girls, multiple congregational wives, choir boys, etc.






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  3. Milo's and Yellawood. I know this will be amazing motivation for our players and a gazillion dollars of purchases by Auburn fans who see those field ads. I know I'll want some of that Yellawood flavored Milo's tea! Yum!

    Some of you old timers (I'm one) may remember the ancient days when Golden Flakes potato chips sponsored the coaches each week talking about the win/loss on TV. Maybe Auburn could litter the entire field with Golden Flake Potato Chips! The OL and DL could munch throughout the entire game!

    Okay. Fun time is now over. Return to your serious discussion of logos on the field.


    • Haha 1
  4. I am encouraged by CHF and his offensive coordinators pulling in OL players. We have not seen this for quite awhile and our coaches deserve huge credit for building up the OL and WR ranks.

    That said. it is really hard to predict how well OL recruits will develop, whether they will become really competitive on game day. Which is why it is so important to build depth -- as CHF is trying to do.

    I just hope, out of the recent recruiting crops of OL players (HS and portal) that Auburn can build a great OL that can be sustained year after year.


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  5. I am no fan of Urban Meyer, but really?

    Worse than Joe Paterno who covered up sexual abuse of children for decades? Worse than Art Briles who covered up the sexual assaults by his players?  Worse than Les Miles who covered up (and maybe promoted) sexual assault at LSU, and Will Wade who was caught buying basketball players? Rick Pitino who was caught screwing a waitress and endless NCAA violations? That maniac Woody Hayes?

    The list could go on and on. Meyer is no gem and I certainly would not want him at Auburn, but there are many who have been much worse.


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  6. Actually, Trump is NOT treated like a criminal. He's not treated like any other person charged with a federal or civil crime. He is treated like a very wealthy, very powerful, very entitled white billionaire. It is "white glove" service for Mr Trump in every case..

    He is being given extraordinary leniency in EVERY case, in EVERY ruling, that 99.9999999999% or Americans would never receive.


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  7. On 6/8/2024 at 11:37 PM, Cardin Drake said:

    thousands of evolutionary soldiers killed by the Brits, smh.  It's like they never even heard of Darwin.

    Sorry about the typo. Sorry that you are incapable of interpreting my text. Fact is, according to lots and lots of research, MOST Americans are capable of reading text that includes typos. Apparently you are not.


    • Haha 2
  8. CBP has pulled together IMO his best all around team ever. No, this is not a team loaded with the kind of star-luster talent of Kansas or Duke or UConn. But in terms of quality players 1 to 5, and depth, Auburn looks to be competitive.

    That said, there are teams nationally and even in the SEC that have rosters loaded with much higher rated players. How does that work out? Do our guys take it as a challenge and play above their ratings and levels? Or does the talent advantage of other teams overwhelm Auburn?

    I'm eager to see our Tigers in preseason OOC play. I'm hoping CBP can pull together an outstanding team. And hey, come tournament time, can CBP get past the first weekend? I hope so! WDE!


  9. A recent report of focus groups interviewing "average" Americans found that a sizable majority had no clue about American history, civics, or current politics. Most thought the Revolutionary War occurred after the Civil War or after the War of 1812. Most thought the founding fathers created a Christian country. Most did not know that European countries provides military aid and supplies to the revolutionaries, fought alongside our revolutionary soldiers. Almost no one knew that the British had "prison ships" on which they starved, tortured and killed thousands of evolutionary soldiers, and in fact more American revolutionaries died on British prison ships than died in combat with British troops.

    The terrible level of American education is embarrassing and stunning. And when you consider the idiotic wingnut takeover of education, teaching that slavery was a *good* thing for slaves, book banning, with American students falling way behind other countries in maths, geography, history, reading literacy -- it's only gonna get worse. Most students today can't even name US states or their capitals.

    It is sad and criminally disgusting. And it has reached the point that American teachers are leaving the US to teach in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK countries, because the politicization of US schools has made life/work impossible.



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    • Facepalm 2
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  10. Well, CBP is a great coach, so there is no doubt he would be on a list. And UConn is definitely an attractive position for any coach.


    Even though CBP was born in Boston, his coaching experience and his reputation is grounded in the Midwest and Southeast. It was expected that he would be in the conversation for Indiana. Maybe even UKY.


    CBP is really locked in at Auburn. He has free rein to recruit and build and coach BB however he wants, as long as he wants, here at Auburn. He receives a good paycheck, he loves Auburn University and the community, and he is living his best life now -- although I'm sure he would love to have more NIL to buy some of those 5 star kids.

    I doubt he would really be in the conversation among the PTB at UConn, and even if offered, I doubt he would accept it.

    Just my opinion, of course.



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  11. 9 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

    how many of you that think biden has declined so bad he should step down when mr raygun could not tell you his own name and nancy had to answer all the questions. so tell me what the difference? i have yet to hear a repub say a word about poor ol ronnie. why is that?

    You want opinions? Here's my opinion.

    My opinion -- and yes, I was there during the Reagan administration -- the guy was governing in dementia. Nancy would give him a jelly bean and whisper the answers in his ear, and he would say "Welp blah blah blah"

    I know Republicans (many of whom were not there during his administration) look back on his administration as some sort of foundational magic. But the reality is --

    1. Reaganomics trickle down economics is spectacularly sh*tophonic
    2. Invading Granada was some sort of WW2.5?
    3. Pumping aid to Afghanistan Taliban
    4. His immigration policy resulted in the greatest increase in illegal immigration in history|
    5. He supported a total national ban on abortions
    6. And ya know, this could go on and on.

    The man was a disaster as president. Which is why, I guess, Republicans revere Rayguns.

    As for Biden, well, he has made some decisions I don't go along with, but ya know, he has not yet asked for a jelly bean.



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  12. 14 hours ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

    I’m guessing you actually only read that first sentence of that post and skimmed past the rest? 
    It’s a projection about where their roster ranks right now based on recent past and present factors. It’s not a “I know Auburn will have the best SEC roster in March” 

    No. I looked at the projected rosters. Arkansas loaded with 5 star players and quality transfers. Texas ranked as a top 25 team. Bama and Tennessee both ranked higher than Auburn in the way too early NCAA ranking.

    Personally, I think Auburn has a really solid team and can potentially be one of the best teams in the SEC. But is it a slam dunk? NO!

    I think you misunderstood my post.


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