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  • Birthday March 16

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  1. Thomas is now 22 years old. His live-in girlfriend is now 17. Let's do some basic math. She said they lived together in Alabama. So while he was in high school, she was like 13-14 years old. Alabama state law prohibits sex between minors when one is more than 2 years older than the other. Was this a platonic relationship? Where were the parents? She said they lived together when he was at Mississippi State. By this time he was an adult, but she was still a minor. I'm assuming they were not just buddies living together. I'm also assuming that she just dropped out of school to be with him. This was an illegal sexual relationship because she had not yet reached the age of consent. Why wasn't he in jail? Even now at 17 she is still a minor and probably had not reached the legal age of consent when they arrived in Athens. So, what am I missing here? Why was this child sexual molester and abuser still walking free in Mississippi, and why isn't he behind bars in Georgia? Or have the university athletic departments or boosters been paying the authorities to look the other way? Absolutely disgusting.
  2. Does not matter one bit. Biden has dropped out. She's the Democratic frontrunner. That's it,
  3. UM okay. Thing is I never ever gamble. Never! But I hope you are right that AU doesn't lose to OM,
  4. Back in the day (and I'm referring to MY day of the late 60s into late 70s because I'm old), Auburn was noted for having some of the most beautiful coeds in the country. Princeton University, back then, published an annual review of universities, including campus life. I remember a comment about Auburn that was basically, "Drop in at the student union on a Friday or Saturday night. Even the leftovers are the best you'll ever find." And I remember watching an Auburn football game on national TV, and the famous announcer said, "Auburn coeds are the most beautiful anywhere. If you have a son, send him to Auburn." Well, coeds like the ones pictured (and other beauty queen sorority types) were never my interest. For me, this was the time of hippie girls and free love. As a very popular singer/songwriter/guitarist in the late 60s to late 70s, I had my pick of hippie coeds. I eventually ran off with my favorite and have been married to her for 45 years. Still, I'm glad Auburn has some real beauties on campus.
  5. I also think Oklahoma will be the swing game. It is a home game for us against a newcomer to the SEC with a history of success. Venebles has been building a good team. This is a must-win for Auburn IMO.
  6. More lies from the Trump rambling and other wingnuts at the RNC. They kept accusing immigrants of hauling in illegal drugs. This is FALSE. Once again, time to fact check. Just because Trump and his wingnut allies spew words does not make them true.
  7. Those quotes are FACT. Do your fact checking before just regurgitating wingnut rhetoric. They said it.
  8. SEC media reporters rank Auburn at #10 for the upcoming year in the SEC. You can easily guess their #1. Yep UGA. And based on the media rankings, we should expect Auburn to definitely lose to UGA, Bama, Oklahoma, and Ole Miss. Other games? I'm sure hoping CHF and his staff have got our players ready, because it ain't gonna be easy.
  9. FACT Trump did in fact say "Hitler did some good things" Vance did in fact say "Trump is America's Hitler" Trump sucked the toes of dictators throughout his previous reign. Putin, North Korea, Xi, Orban, etc, cut off the limits on Iranian nuclear development, worked out a "deal" with the Taliban for the U.S. exit from Afghanistan, created a scam wall between the U.S. and Mexico, and did his best to cut us off from our true allies in Europe. Now he has vowed to cut off Ukraine because HAHAHAHA he can automatically end the war on day one of his next presidency. Even his buddy Puting laughed at that.
  10. So, yeah, this is bulletin board material for Freeze. But the fact is, Auburn has not beat thUGA in awhile. If we want respect, it's up to Auburn to EARN that respect. Let me know when Auburn actually beats UGA. (And no, close don't count in football.) I'm hoping this will give CHF and his staff and the Auburn players incentive to go in there and beat UGA.
  11. I really do not care who the Democrats run as their candidate. I will never, ever vote for Trump. I would vote for corpse Biden in a coffin rather than Trump. As Vance has proclaimed, Trump is America's Hitler. I will NEVER vote for a wannabe dictator. Pick ANY Democrat as a candidate or just stick with Biden. I really don't care. Biden has assembles a great team around him. All of those people would move to any other Democrat candidate. The Democrats are all about policy. Republicans/Trump are all about repression and control of American citizens. 1984 on steroids. NOPE!
  12. I'm not sure I understand why it requires an ACT OF CONGRESS to appoint a Special Investigator/Special Prosecutor for ANY case. DOJ is invested with the power to -- well -- INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE cases in which FEDERAL laws have been violated. Where does this become a *Constitutional* issue? I guess I'm just legally deficient. I don't get this reasoning. That said, the FACT is that Trump illegally took/showed off U.S. Classified documents that BY LAW belong to the Federal government, and did everything he could to prevent the U.S. Government from retrieving those documents. Even if the court rules that Smith was inappropriately appointed, it does not change the FACTS of the case. A different prosecutor can be assigned and Trump CONVICTED of stealing U.S. federal documents and obstructing recovery of those documents for the U.S. government.
  13. I am glad that the shooter did not succeed in seriously injuring or killing Trump. With that out of the way ..... I admit, I haven't read this entire thread. I'll just mention -- Mark Robinson, GOP Lt Governor and candidate for Governor of NC, proclaimed to a church congregation, "Some folks just need killing." That's just saying out loud what Trump has been urging his cult followers to do. And they've certainly tried. Arrests for intent to kill judges is the most common. Mass shootings and assaults to "save us" from blacks, Asians, Latinos. Like most Trumpist Republicans, he is marching to destroy LGBTQ folks, empower the censorship brigade in every community, demonize Jews, ban abortion and contaception, and make his notion of pornography totally illegal in the U.S. In other words, he's eager to turn NC into a mini-Iran/Taliban regime. Just another right-wingnut. Does he approve of killing judges and prosecutors and witnesses? Well, only if they are prosecuting Republicans.
  14. I've been here on AUF for 12 years. This is among the top 3 most HILARIOUS posts I've ever come across on our forum. Truly, among the most hilarious anywhere, any year, here at AUF. Thank you for the huge belly laugh! I don't need emoji. Tears were running, body was hurting, it was that funny.
  15. Colorado? Okay. hahaha Indiana? Okay. hahaha If it is all about the $$$$, is he really going to prove his NFL cred here? Nope. And USC, headed to the B1G where they will be even more insignificant than in the PAC12. Does he think he will transform them into a playoff team? Really? Frankly, I don't care if he comes to Auburn or goes elsewhere. I'm really just tired of this whole NIL bidding war crap.
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