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Posts posted by arein0

  1. 15 minutes ago, creed said:

    Not mine. Well just a little. I requested middle of the road strategy like I suppose most people would choose and expected Merrill Lynch to execute. Middle of the road portfolios are not unique and I bet most professional financial advisors have the same companies in their various investment choices. I’m getting close to breaking even, but it’s taken close to 24 months. 

    The difference between "safe", middle of the road, and risky isn't what companies you're invested in, it's the bond to market ratio. Most will be 2 or 3 fund portfolio and really the difference you need to watch out for is the expense ratio on the funds used, as well as the fees for a financial advisor if you use one.

  2. 1 hour ago, aubaseball said:

    Take for example the conversation one had with a reporter and he was talking locker room conversation, the media and everyone has spun that into a sexual predator.

    His "locker room" talk occurred in his 50s. It speaks of his character that he is still participating in those conversations. And what he said isn't okay to say regardless of the situation or age. I don't understand why you all continue to make excuses for this child.

  3. 5 hours ago, keeperoftheplains said:

    I don't like players "taking their talents to South Beach" when they encounter adversity.  Call me old school.  Call me out of touch.  Call me a cab.  I'll own any of those labels and more.

    I get what you are saying, but I don't see how Pegues fits into the "taking their talents to South Beach" when they encounter adversity.

    I think his situation and lot of other players in the portal from small schools trying to make a name for themselves with the big conferences is one of the benefits of the transfer portal. Instead of being stuck in a league he is dominating, he now has a chance to prove himself that he can play with anyone.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 3
  4. 8 hours ago, Shoney'sPonyBoy said:

    Imagine the government coming up with some other program designed to improve society—say, an exercise program—and MANDATING by force of law that citizens participate in it.  


    You know, the more I think about this, the more good it will do for our society if we enacted an adult recess hour for say 2pm for the 8-5 workers and not sure about the night shifters. 

    1. It will lower obesity levels for obvious reasons

    2. Decrease depression as there is a strong correlation between happiness levels and working out.

    3. Even though they lose an hour, employees will become more productive since they will be reenergized for the normal lull parts of the day.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Shoney'sPonyBoy said:

    It's a huge coincidence that "there's (always) so much wrong there, I couldn't even begin to tell you what."

    If there was really something so wrong, you'd tell me what.  But logical appeals to ridicule shield you from having to actually defend whatever nonsense you might say, so...


    Well the biggest flaw in your logic is that you want to fix our literacy rate by making school optional after elementary school. Making school optional will only lower our educational standards even more. You say that the bad students hold back the good students. Well most schools have gifted programs specifically for those individuals and once they get to middle school, the good but not gifted students will rarely if ever be in classes with the bad students. 

    While I can see your point for online only classes, because as an introvert I would've thrived in that environment, there is more to going to school than just learning how to read/write. I think the biggest advantage for going to school is learning how to interact with people of different backgrounds, cultures, etc. Historically, most people met their spouses at school.

    Another thing, they already have and use standardized tests regularly. That's how we are able to see which school districts are over/under performing.

    I actually think the biggest problem with our education system is that it is drastically underfunded. My reasoning is that generally the best public school systems are in the wealthier counties because the parents put additional funding into their schools. They are able to get the best teachers because the teachers know that they will not have to pay out of pocket for any recourses they need for their class. Increase teachers salary so it is a competitive career path.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    An RFKjr campaign official for New York State  says that her #1 priority for this election is making sure that Biden loses the election in Nov. She says Trump and RFKjr supporters will all be on the same side regardless of which one wins, but that the important part is to get rid of Biden. 






    • Haha 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, e808 said:

    My point is UConn has taken more threes and shot more free throws and only put by 4. All the pressure is on UConn. Alabama shouldn’t be there with such a poor defense but here they are

    Like I've been saying, it's because Bama has been shooting 70+% from 3. It's not a sustainable shooting percentage. To me, it's more telling that the team that is winning is having a less than average shooting night, at the same time the team that is losing is having a ridiculously good shooting half.

    In order for Bama to win, they are going to have to stop giving points in the paint. Whether that is baiting uconn into shooting more 3s, forcing more 3s, or get Clingan to pick up an early 3rd foul

  8. 7 minutes ago, e808 said:

    On the flip side UConn has a decisive advantage from the line and only up by 4. Something is going to give 

    The free throw discrepancy is based on how the teams play. Uconn plays inside out, meaning lots of paint touches and more chances for fouls. Bama plays outside in trying to pull everyone out of the lane when they drive.

  9. 8 minutes ago, AUDub said:

    He’s a crackpot and a quack. Hell if

    "Wi-Fi radiation opens up your blood-brain barrier, so all these toxins that are in your body can now go into your brain.”


    ”Covid was engineered not to affect Asian and Jewish people”

    aren’t immediately disqualifying, nothing is. 

    In the age where Trump can be president of the US, I would unfortunately say essentially nothing is immediately disqualifying at this point

    • Like 3
    • Facepalm 1
  10. 3 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

    it depends on the defense the opposing team plays on Bama.   Bruce learned this after our loss to Bama.  You play them straight man to man & don't ever leave your man to doubleteam unless you are guarding Pringle.  Every player on their team is looking to slip outside the arc on a double teamed player for an open 3.

    Making 3"s is like their Rocket Fuel.  It ignites them & amps up every other aspect of their game;   so you limit the number of wide open 3 point looks & make them work for 2 point field goals & it keeps them held down.   Clemson did not employ this strategy in the second half & it was game over for them.

    We limited their 3 point shooters getting open in our game in the jungle, and Tennessee did the same their game with Bama.

    It's really not that hard to figure out.

    The other thing is their interior defense is incredibly bad. So to counter that, they dare teams to shoot early 3s and try to turn the game into a 3 point contest with lots of quick shots. 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, WillMunny said:

    Bitcoin is currently valued at $70K per coin.  That's a fact.

    It is a success, and can be part of a sensible investment plan.

    It has rebounded very well from the damage caused by SBF.

    I have several friends who invest in Bitcoin, but they are wise investors and never invest more than they can afford to lose, and have done very well with Bitcoin.

    The only danger is investing more than you can afford to lose, and that can be very dangerous.  And when people do that, they have no one to blame except themselves.  As crooked as SBF was, he didn't twist anyone's arm and force them to violate that hard and fast rule.

    This will be my final post on this subject, as our back-and-forth seems to be heading from a discussion toward an argument.

    They also recently released bitcoin etfs, making it more accessible.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

    It’s the unvetted info from social media that’s the real whacky stuff.

    Careful with that statement. Some on here believe that the unvetted info from social media is the only truth

    • Like 1
  13. 32 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:


    Conservative pundit says retirement 'is a stupid idea.' I agree. Let us work until we die.

    Whether it’s a conservative pundit saying retirement “is a stupid idea” or GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump talking about cutting Medicare and Social Security, one thing is clear: Republicans rightly recognize that all us Americans would be better off if we worked until we’re dead.

    I strongly support this stance and have long planned to continue working until my last breath, collapsing face-first onto a laptop as my ancient carcass succumbs to the ravages of time.

    Noted podcaster and conservative thought leader Ben Shapiro said on his show Tuesday, “It's insane that we haven't raised the retirement age in the United States.”

    He continued: “No one in the United States should be retiring at 65 years old. Frankly, I think retirement itself is a stupid idea unless you have some sort of health problem. Everybody that I know who is elderly, who has retired, is dead within five years.”

    I applaud the GOP's new 'work until you're dead' platform

    This is true. Nobody who has ever retired has lasted more than five years, and anyone who claims they have is clearly a zombie. Frankly, I feel almost dead by the end of most weekends, thirsting for the sweet, life-giving invigoration of sweat and toil.

    I’m glad to see the Republican Party lean into my long-standing work-till-death philosophy, and I hope they campaign hard on it heading into the November elections. That will help them reckon with Trump’s recent statement on CNBC about Social Security and Medicare: “So first of all, there is a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting.”

    A Trump campaign spokesman told NBC News the former president was talking about “cutting waste and fraud,” but (WINK!) wouldn’t provide any additional information on how that cutting (WINK!) would be done or how much it might save (WINK!).


    Republicans have their eyes on raising retirement age and cutting Social Security

    During her failed presidential campaign, Nikki Haley proposed raising the retirement age for younger Americans: “What you would do is, for those in their 20s coming into the system, we would change the retirement age so that it matches life expectancy.”

    And House Speaker Mike Johnson, when he was chair of the Republican Study Committee in 2020, created a budget that would raise eligibility ages for the two programs while cutting $750 billion from Social Security and $2 trillion from Medicare.


    Only lackadaisical liberals need things like 'retirement' or 'breaks'

    I think we can all see where this is heading, and I’m here to tell you it’s a good place. The whole concept of retiring so you can actually enjoy part of your life is lazy liberal nonsense, no different than catering-to-the-weak work entitlements like lunch breaks or sick days. 

    Look at President Joe Biden, whom I do not like because he's a liberal who supports the idea of Americans being able to comfortably retire. He's 81 and clearly wants to stay at his job and keep working until past his mid-80s. That's the kind of stick-to-it fortitude all American workers should have, and Republicans should embrace Biden's desire to push his career to the limits rather than encouraging him to retire.

    We Americans are meant to work endlessly and tirelessly, as dictated by people like Trump, Johnson and Shapiro, inspirational leaders with smooth hands who’ve never been inconvenienced by perspiration.

    That’s probably why so many Republicans across the country have been pushing to loosen child labor laws. If infants weren’t meant to work in coal mines, it wouldn’t be so easy to plop them in buckets and lower them down. That’s just science.


    Work to live and live to work – it's the Republican way

    I believe every American child, teenager, adult and nonagenarian should be working at all times, without rest, until they expire, and I’m delighted to see the Republican Party agrees.

    I left the womb and went straight to work as a day care security guard, and, God willing, I’ll enter the ground wrapping up a few remaining work tasks.

    Entitlements are for ne’er-do-wells and retirement is for snowflakes. Vote Republican, people. Then proudly work your way to the grave.

    If all continues to go according to plan, we will retire before 45 :-X

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