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Posts posted by Tivo48

  1. 7 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

    Can’t complain about that game. If we had continued our Payton from 20-20 and Robbie redzone offense, we would have put up 80 on those guys. 

    I will say this. I’m all for getting point and a win is a win. But taking Payton out in the redzone isn’t going to ultimately help anything. It’s a nice cheat code to let Robbie run, but PT could probably use those back corner of the end zone reps with the receivers. 

    But what do I know. I’m no High Freeze. 


    Totally agreed. I think early on was a balance of making sure we put the game away (and give the offense the confidence boost of finishing the drive with a TD), but Payton has some polishing out to do in the red zone for sure. Hopefully keeps Robbie in a good headspace in the meantime, imagine won’t have quite as easy of a go next week.

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  2. 18 hours ago, passthebiscuits said:

    Exactly. Thank you for this. It doesn’t diminish how insanely incredible their story is, but I guess I got a little defensive (pardon the pun) at the notion that this team of multiple specialists would just “give up” on him. It is more likely that they appropriately conveyed how unlikely it was…and thus highlights the miracle. 

    all praise to God. And War Eagle!

    I've been in the NICU the past few years and relatively routinely have this sort of conversation with families. A lot of them can phrase things this way and it's a lot of gentle redirection for what they're saying, but it's super common that they take this "we're either trying to save him or we're giving up on him" despite hours of conversations trying to fill in the gaps of "grey" between what seems like black and white sometimes.

    There's a lot of trauma, the medical info is overwhelming and families are being hit with 9,000 things all at once, usually with both mom and baby's health on the line. And so a lot of it is the same coping mechanisms you'd see after car wrecks, deaths, military things, etc.

    Survival today is ~50/50 for 23 weekers so, back 20 years ago it was more 25/75 chance of survival, so most died. Along with that, making it out (both then and now) without problems with your brain, eyes, lungs, intestines, etc can be even tougher, and at least half of the 23 weekers go home with relatively significant problems they have to deal with long term. There's a calculator we often use to ballpark (https://www.nichd.nih.gov/research/supported/EPBO/use) for anyone who wants to play around with it.

    The chance of death and major morbidities is high enough that we usually have discussions with family and offer them options of all the life saving heroic measures, vs comfort care and letting baby pass away in their arms and not putting them/family through the invasiveness of attempting to keep the littles ones alive if the situation is particularly grim. For the ones who want to pursue everything, we usually do up until the point that it looks like things are so severe there's no way to recover, which I assume is roughly the convo they had with mom. "We'll try everything as long as we can as long as he's responding to it, but if his body is failing with everything we have then we'll move to letting you hold him as he moves on from this life."

    The NICU journey and beyond is a wild one, and so with you and everyone on all of this. He and his mom are both absolute warriors. I had no idea he was a premie until recently, and so it's so fantastic to see him doing so well. All glory to God, weagle weagle


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  3. 10 hours ago, AUBwins said:

    Agreed I think 3 of the teams being 5 seed or lower adds an excitement level.  I just wish Miami or UConn was on the other side of bracket to give a little more excitement to the first game.  Obviously can't discredit FAU or SDS since they have mastered every challenge so far, but Miami and UConn looks like the true title game.

    Completely agreed. I like the final 4 and am excited about it. Sure last year had Duke/UNC, but outside of that I don't really have a lot invested watching Kansas vs Duke or what have you. This is a lot of fun. But if we could get Miami v FAU on one side (obvious Florida reasons) and Uconn vs SDSU on the other (offense lighting up everyone vs what might be the best defense in the entire field) it'd be perfect.

  4. 40 minutes ago, Son of A Tiger said:

    I hope not after his performance and attitude at Clemson.

    Attitude? Have you heard something I haven't? He's definitely had his issues as a player, but most of the Clemson people I know have felt bad for him as much of anything and said character has never been in question.

  5. 16 minutes ago, NWALA Tiger said:

    Can someone explain this please..

    Calzada transfered to AU from A@M.

    Now he is transferring again. I thought u could only transfer 1 time without having to sit out? He has 3 yrs of eligibility... I'm assuming he isn't a grad transfer... Is it cause we have a new coach he has another shot to transfer? This mess is too confusing 

    Very well might be the blind leading the blind here so someone correct me if I'm wrong, but since he was hurt all year I thought that basically already counted as sitting out and he in theory could play next year

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  6. With Westry and khari harding and mackenroe alexander all not coming or transfering out of AU can any one explain how or if it will affect our recruiting #s left for this year? Westry brought us down to 20 spots filled with 8 left in this year, but do the two transfers affect on this year or what???

    You're right about Westry bringing us down to 20 this year which allows us to sign 8 more in this class (7 more now with Irvin committed), but the other two transfers have no impact over the number of recruits we can bring in this year (which won't exceed 28).

    Those two leaving does help us get down to our limit of 85 we can have come August, though

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