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Everything posted by boisnumber1

  1. UK has played awful for the most part & Oakland has shot out of their minds, yet somehow it's just a 2 point game.
  2. That's all he ever does. That's their problem. He's so overrated.
  3. I just couldn't understand how SCar managed the record they had during the season. They were a head scratcher for me. They just were not that good but kept winning. I expected a quick exit from them. Was the game at Neville? 🤣
  4. He takes some of the strangest & most awkward shots, but somehow still makes them. It seems he would rather become a contortionist to shoot with his left hand, than lay it up with his right. He made that layup with his right against UF, and I thought I was hallucinating.
  5. Exactly. If we play like we should, it will not matter what they do.
  6. So many idiots these days make "predictions" just for clicks and attention. Yale has guards better than bama and uf I guess.
  7. I like the names on back spelling Auburn, but man, that's some fugly apparel right there. Looks like the athletic dept threw up the basketball team all over a tshirt.
  8. It's obvious he's speaking up for his team, not belittling their accomplishment. Not hard at all to figure that out.
  9. Well, you're a moron if that's what you got out of his statement.
  10. Tbh, it's par for the course. The committee totally screws teams every year and it's accepted because it is what it is. And this year a bammer is on the committee, so we know at least one member is a total moron 🤣
  11. Can we see them cut down the nets anywhere on TV??
  12. Their guards are leaving everything short now. That's a good sign
  13. Our D is up a notch when Denver & Tre are in at the same time.
  14. I mean how blind you gotta be not to see that???
  15. I think that's the first over the back foul I've seen in a month.
  16. Refs to UF at half: Just drive the goal. We got you.
  17. If Richard starts the 2nd half for UF, we need to go straight at him to get his 4th. The worse their numbers are, the better.
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