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Ryan Sanders

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Posts posted by Ryan Sanders

  1. It will be the first road test for this new staff and team. And this will be a very hostile environment. Hopefully we see a continuation of play from this past Saturday. I'm speaking in terms of lack of penalties, discipline, and comfort.

    Penalties: We didn't see much in the way of holding, false starts, late hits, and illegal formation in our first game. I feel like we had a major issue with late hits under Malzahn (and company). Maybe it wasn't anymore than other teams, but we saw MANY drives extended because of stupid plays like that.

    Discipline: Already mentioned the discipline in terms of late hits. But you could clearly see a more disciplined team in game 1. Yes, it is Akron. But even looking back at similar games under Malzahn, we never looked as disciplined IMO. 

    Comfort: How do you develop comfort? By practicing over and over to the point of perfection. It becomes natural to you. You aren't having to think about every single thing. You know what to do on every play. That was apparent in game 1. These guys knew what the play call was and knew what they had to do. 

    The way I look at Harsin vs Malzahn. And I'm probably wrong, just like my entire assessment is probably wrong. 

    Harsin strikes me as the type who expects the play to be ran to perfection every time. Block the right guy. Run the right routes. All of that. 

    Malzahn strikes me as the type who accepts 6/10 perfection. 6 plays out of 10 were executed perfectly, the other 4 had mistakes.. "good enough."

    I'm sure I am wrong about that.. but that's just the perception I get. I also feel like Malzahn's deal was that he wanted to hurry to the line, don't substitute, etc.. to get the defense out of position to make the play. And I feel like Harsin would rather execute the play properly no matter if the defense is in or out of position. And by out of position, I mean anything from the defense doesn't have time to call the right play or they aren't able to line up properly because of the offensive tempo. The whole no huddle thing was great 10 years ago, but defenses know how to get the plays called in now. 

    So I say all that to say... if we can stay disciplined and are prepared.. no reason we can't win the game. But I don't think we have much room for mistakes being in their house.

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