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Posts posted by AidiAU

  1. 4 hours ago, au701948 said:

    Is it just me or do all of these announcements seem to be very orchestrated. All appear to be AU Digital work and setup very nicely. Would be dynamite to see OP in the next one.

    They should be. 

    I thought OP said a while ago that he was coming back. 

  2. I was a Bo fan (and still am), but did not love the posts from his family. It is cringeworthy, especially with some of the “behind the scenes” stories coming out.  

    However, I would also have an extremely hard time watching my family member be scrutinized all the time playing a sport they loved for a school they adored so I’d probably be a bit momma bear, too. 

    Wishing them all success for whatever the future holds.  

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  3. 12 minutes ago, jw 4 au said:

    You must live in Georgia too. Most annoying fan base ever!  I HATE bama, but those folks are mostly just trashy. UGA fans are the worst. Hard to put a specific point on it, but I would say pathetic confidence of bama without the naty’s.  

    YUP. Grew up about an hour away from Athens…even cheered for them UNTIL my freshman year at AU. In college, my friends would have to take the battery out of my cell phone because I would straight up get harassed by uga fans on game days. No love lost. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, jw 4 au said:

    Two UGA observations.

    Bower is a freaking stud. How did he go from Napa Vally CA to UGA? And Why???

    UGAy screwed the pooch by playing Bennett all season. Of course he was going to look good against the week east teams, but I bet they wish now they had JT Daniels prepared with 10 games under his belt to face bama and the playoffs. 

    And a third point, if OSU had won today, UGA is not in the playoffs. If bama scored one more or held UGA from scoring in the fourth, ND may have made the playoffs and UGA would have been left out. As a Georgia resident, that would have been funny. 

    It would have been AMAZING.

  5. 1 hour ago, AUght2win said:

    It's not speculation. I saw it happen.

    I saw it, too. Kind of forgot it happened until you posted this. I sit in section 43 closer to the Auburn sideline. I thought it was very strange and may have been yelling for Smoke to shut up and get back to work. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But yes, he was so animated and it was clear they were going back and forth. 

    It was after this I asked my sister if she thought Tank ran his mouth or is a bad a** and does his talking with his legs on the field. 

    • Like 2
  6. 1 minute ago, Tigerbelle said:

    Sometimes a sprain takes longer to heal than a break and it can become a nagging injury....

    Truth. When I was in high school I severely sprained my ankle and damaged ligaments. The doctors said it would have been better if I broke it. 

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  7. 7 minutes ago, JuscAUse! said:

    I was at an early Thanksgiving at the in laws, so I had no alcohol nor ability to watch the game. I recorded the game and will watch it tomorrow, but I know now why my better half looks at me sideways during games sometimes. After reading 3 different threads, AU doesn't need any of the coaches we have, nor doctors or nurses on the sidelines. We only need this the people at AU family to recruit, coach, and diagnose injuries!! 😄😅

    I'm sure after I watch the replay, I'll be one of the assistant coaches!


    You are definitely going to need alcohol for the replay. 

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  8. 4 hours ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

    I’m enjoying seeing Bo become a well rounded, intelligent QB. Bobo has done a great job with him, imo. These guys have no limits if they play smart football and they know it. Harsin was the right man at the right time to prevent this team from imploding on itself when Gus got canned. 

    P.S. I’m still getting used to our offense not stalling for whole a** halves of football games.

    YES to the PS. In the stadium last night I was just standing there thinking about how it was almost strange to witness us move the ball.

    And I am a Gus girl! Sad he had to leave, but knew it was for the best. 

    The locker room videos and post game student section videos bring tears to my eyes. Love watching the chemistry unfold!  

    • Like 2
  9. 10 hours ago, Tigerpro2a said:

    ME TOO!!!!!! Makes me laugh. I am and have been hard on Bo as anyone, but I get the thrills watching him walk it back. Mike G is a really good dude. I used to stay active in the chat during their livestream, I posted in there one night something about losing my mom and Dad with in 6 months of each other and he reached and said some very nice things. Meant a lot. He was in tears on the livestream. They all seem like great guys.

    Mike G and I were friends in college. GREAT guy!!!

    • Like 5
  10. 1 hour ago, AUght2win said:

    Hey, I appreciate it Cole, takes guts to publicly say that. I wish our guys were catching the ball so you didn't have to, though. Been really disappointed in the whole bunch. The only upside I see is Kobe seems to be getting better each week.

    Kobe has been one of my fav players this year. Yes, I know he had a WTH moment during Penn State. 

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